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At what point will you believe in Gibbs again?


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People need to get out of the past,was he a good coach back in the day? YES,is he still one? that has yet to be decided......to many people are hung up on his past success,do I miss the glory days? hell of course I do...... I don't hate Gibbs in anyway but if I don't see some type of improvement within 2 years then I think its time to cut him loose......

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Surprised at some of the blind homerism on display in this thread.

Don't get me wrong, I worship Gibbs the human being. I've always viewed him as a wonderful human being and role model. Hard not to. But he hasn't shown me all that much as a coach since his return. Sorry - but he has not proven the ability to adjust to today's games. The first season or two, yeah, you get a pass. But this season is make or break time. We don't make the playoffs this year, you have to lay that squarely on Joe Gibbs doorstep. Will I still think he's a wonderful example of a human being, and inspirational leader? Yep. But I'll also say he's been mediocre in his NFL return.

I hope he shows he's 'still got it' this year. And you know what? If we have another crappy year, he'll tell you what I've just said himself - that he hasn't been able to get it done and that he's stepping aside to give someone else a chance to take us back to glory.

Well put Tarhog.

We'll always love Gibbs for his leadership during the great run from 1981-1992. And the excitement of his return was certainly justified......heck, at least we knew he was going to put in the strong work ethic, a healthy departure from the "9 to 5" attitude we had from the guy in the same shoes two years prior. But Gibbs' past success in the NFL also had a lot to do with a more competent front office and an owner that was able to spend money without the constraints of today's league. You have to give him credit for leading us on the five-game streak and into the playoffs in 2005, but so far I think his second tenure has been a failure.

Who knows, perhaps Joe is building a solid foundation that will leave a mark on the team for a while. But you have to realize that the man more than likely isn't going to be coach after 2008. When will the fans of this team start looking toward the future of this team rather than its past?

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Hahaha people always find a way to hate on Brunell.


Originally Posted by SoCalSkins

As soon as he cuts Brunell

I was going to post the same thing as SoCalSkins. and how is that hating on Brunell? Just because a player gets cut dont mean he is hated.

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never stopped believing...I still fully believe that if Joe can't win under Snyder, there isn't another human being on this Earth that can...So for the sake of this franchise, you have to believe that Gibbs will get it done and I firmly believe that he will...

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Gibbs' character and knowledge of the game is incredible. He's an amazing guy and I love having him as the face of the Redskins franchise.

Sometimes I do have some reservations about his ability to succeed in the salary cap era, which is also becoming the QB era with the "illegal contact" and roughing the passer rules. The new NFL rules seem antithetical to Gibbs' natural power running style. Some other folks have touched on the fact that he may have some trouble managing personnel and being an administrative presence of the team. I think he does better simply as a coach and offensive mind than 'head of football operations' but who am I?

At some point, we've gotta draw the line, but I'd trust Gibbs to know when he can't do it anymore.

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never stopped believing...I still fully believe that if Joe can't win under Snyder, there isn't another human being on this Earth that can...So for the sake of this franchise, you have to believe that Gibbs will get it done and I firmly believe that he will...

Uh......no. For the sake of this franchise, you have to hope that Snyder at some point learns to take a longer-term approach to this team instead of always going for the big splash.......either that or sell the team.

Joe Gibbs is not going to be the coach of the Redskins a whole lot longer. Dan Snyder, on the other hand, is likely going to be the face of this franchise for a long time.

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when we actually win games and look like a good team. i know 90% of you would find justification in gibbs taking us to 0-16 glory, but until he proves in his SECOND GO ROUND that he can win consistently, he isnt the gibbs of old. so far he has 2 of 3 losing seasons, and sure you can say the first season was rebuilding and getting it back together, so then you have the great 05 season where we eeked into the playoffs and we have the abomination season of 06 where we set nfl records in suckage. 07 will tell a lot of about the new gibbs era, so we'll have to wait and see.

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Surprised at some of the blind homerism on display in this thread.
I can't tell you how much I hate that term (homerism). I think you make some good points in your post, but here's where I'm coming from: We're fans. We're supposed to have rose colored glasses. This is not science or religion, where we need to take evidences to support our conclusions.

The Redskins are the BEST team in the NFL! What proof do I have? I'm a FAN! That's all I've got right now... After next year, it'll be a different story (again, I'm a fan, so I'm ALLOWED to say things like that).

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I didn't think I'd ever say this to another Skins fan, but with a comment like that I doubt your loyalty to the team. You need to shut your mouth and check yourself, stop bringing your negative attitude here.

My loyalty is to the TEAM. Not to any particular player, coach, owner, etc... I look at what I believe is best for the TEAM. Right now the negative attitude is the only one I have regarding this team because it's a reflection of what this team has been for the last fifteen years. If you don't like it, I'd suggest putting me on ignore because it isn't likely to change any time soon.

Dan Marino never won a Superbowl, he should be kicked out right?

Marino never should have been elected in the first place so far as I am concerned. To me there are two things that need to be present for admission to the Hall of Fame. The first is SUCCESS. That means if you don't have a Super Bowl ring, you will never even get on the ballot. The second is GREATNESS. Marino was a great player with no success. He shouldn't be in the HOF any more than Doug Williams who had SUCCESS but no GREATNESS.

He has THREE RINGS, how many coaches have 3? Not many. He is one of the best coaches of all time, who was an offensive genius, many of the plays you see now, he drew up 20 + years ago with his own hands.

He has three rings FROM THE PAST. From a day and age when this league was very different than it is now. In his time he was a coaching GOD. Unfortunately this isn't his time anymore. I thought he decided to retire at exactly the right time. Then he went and made the foolish mistake of thinking he could come back. That mistake is really costing him a large part of his reputation so far as I am concerned. A truly great person knows when they're outmatched and the game has passed them by. Apparently Joe isn't capable of seein ghtese things.

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I still believe but if the Redskins don't win 10-11 games this year something is wrong. In all actuality I figured Gibbs would be dominating by now but personnel decisions have doomed the team. My 13-3 prediction is obviously out of the window.

Everybody here notes that we always beat the cap but we haven't had a winning team anyway. I could see that being a point if we were the Patriots of 2001-2005 but we aren't. Smart decisions werent made. Letting Pierce go was a big mistake but we really wanted to deal Coles so he became expendable. These things shouldn't happen.

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Joe Gibbs set the bar for what should be expected of him in his first time around. If he cannot bring this team back to a Super Bowl, I think his inclusion in the Yellow Jacket Club of Canton, Ohio needs to be revisited.


yeah, and Michael Jordan isnt as good as he seemed because when he returned he didnt win a championship

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He has nothing to prove to me ever...


basically....i have been sayin the same thing on this board since i found out he was coming back. I DONT CARE HOW BAD THIS TEAM DOES when he's here, he's a proven coach. He's got all the credentials, the rings, the dominance, and the parody (3 superbowl, 3 QBs). I cant believe people that will linch him up for not bringin us a superbowl in the matter of a couple seasons. The man IS the Redskins. Almost every positive thing in Redskins history had Joe Gibbs written all over it. The man doesnt need to prove anything to anyone. If you think different then you've forgot what being a Redskins fan is all about.

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Gibbs himself once said that "you are measured in this league by wins" or words to that effect. He's 22-28 in 3 seasons of his return. To paraphrase Steve Spurrier, "22 and 28.....not very good".

His past accomplishments will never be deminished for me and he will always remain an icon and one of the finest head coaches in the history of the sport.

But I must admit, 2006 has indeed shaken my confidence in Joe Gibbs turning this franchise around. I was sure of it when his return was announced in 2004 but now after 3 years and a major regression taking place in his 3rd season, I don't know (think) it will happen. :(

And like others have said, I take no joy in feeling like this.

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My loyalty is to the TEAM. Not to any particular player, coach, owner, etc... I look at what I believe is best for the TEAM. Right now the negative attitude is the only one I have regarding this team because it's a reflection of what this team has been for the last fifteen years. If you don't like it, I'd suggest putting me on ignore because it isn't likely to change any time soon.
I have noticed a trend of people on this board who claim to be for the "team" but never support anybody on it.
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If you did a search of my prior posts, you'd find that up until recently Ive always been completely loyal to Gibbs.

I dont think JG has forgotten how to coach. All that talk about 'the game has passed him by', is a bunch of crap! Football is X's and O's, a chess match...if you will. After the '05 season, I think JG thought we were just a player or two away from what we needed to get to the big show. I dont believe for a second that JG has forgotten how to play the game.

I do, however, believe that JG has 1) Lost confidence in himself, to a degree. Hence the hiring/turning over playcalling duties over to Al Saunders. 2) I also believe JG knows his time is swiftly coming to an end. Not saying that he's in jeopardy of being fired, but I think we can all agree that the past three seasons have taken a toll on on our beloved coach. He's not exactly a spring chicken, ya know. So, what I mean by that is, he feels that he needs to win NOW! The fact that we even considered the Briggs trade proves that point. We're set at linebacker. There are other, more obvious needs on this team, and we're trying to go after that sexy, high priced FA, again!

This team has pissed away our immediate future, trying to win yesterday. It didnt work. Now we have a early first rounder that Im scared to death we're going to somehow figure a way to muck up, and a few picks in the later rounds. I wont sit here and pass 100% blame onto Gibbs, but I am willing to give him atleast 90%. He's said all along that Snyder has given him the green light on most, if not all of our major hirings. Lets not blame Snyder either, atleast not for the failure of this franchise for the last several years. He's definately a money whore though, so say all you want about that. And the whole GM thing, but theres nothing left of that horse.

So to conclude, do I believe in Gibbs as a coach? Absolutley. He doesnt need to prove a damn thing to anyone as far as coaching. But I certainly dont believe he has what it takes to build a team that can win on a consistant basis, I think he and Cerrato have proven that as well.

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My problem is that I think Gibbs the President is interfering with Gibbs the Coach. I know that sounds impossible, but Gibbs was much better when he had someone else picking the players. I almost think now Gibbs feels like he has so much talent, he doesn't need to coach. In the past, he was a master at game planning and got the most out of everyone. Now, he hand picks (along with Vinny and The Danny) the players, but these players (in general, there are exceptions of course) don't fit the Joe Gibbs mold (hungry, out to prove something, winning above money, fight for each other, team over individual, etc.).

I think if Gibbs just stuck to coaching and did it his way (not Al Saunders' way), we would be fine. When we went back to the Gibbs style football at the end of the season last year, we started playing well.

Gibbs the coach hasn't lost anything to me. But Gibbs the personnel guy leaves a lot to be desired, so it seems. Or maybe he just got caught up in the new way of doing things and went a little overboard and lost sight of what chemistry means.



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