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Arch for a 6 rd pick (super mega-merged)


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It just bothers me that Gibbs said that he will be back, and then he was not back.

Yes, I'm glad that he's gone, but it's hard to trust Gibbs when it comes to personnel anymore.

Gibbs said that "the plan" was for AA to come back. Plans change.

I'm pretty happy with the deal. I wanted to see if AA had more to offer with a healthier defensive backfield, but unloading his contract was worth avoiding the uncertainty. This opens up the team's options quite a bit.

Gibbs has made the best of a bad situation, as he's done all this offseason. Maybe he'll be able to turn it around, and the team will be in a good situation by this time next year.

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what do you want to bet it will be a wasted, worthless pick?

Maybe, but we unloaded him for something (at least in theory) and avoided having to pay him that extra $5M we would have owed him tomorrow.

As it's been said already, the FO did the best with the bad situation they created. At least let's be happy about that. They didn't stay stubborn like some FOs might have and just kept him.

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Personally, I'm not sure how anyone can look at the AA moves in their entirety and NOT feel like the Skins' FO just screwed it up completely. Don't get me wrong, the FO has had their share of hits, definitely...but this wasn't one of them. That said, they do get points for at least cleaning up their own mess quickly. I personally wished Arch were staying--and succeeding--with the Skins. In no way do I think he's an overrated bust...Lovie Smith will most likely prove me right.

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yea. right.

his product last year - or lack thereof - was it AA or was it a team that totally screwed up its scouting?

I'd say a little of both. When Lovie Smith was with the Rams, he would build his defense to play to Archuleta's strengths. Gregg Williams believes in getting players that fit his scheme or can at least adapt to it.

Arch's failure to adapt and Williams' inability or unwillingness to adjust to his strengths caused this project to fail.

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The move itself is a good one. But it doesn't make up for the horrible decision to sign him in the first place.

But hopefully the FO is learning from its mistakes. I just worry with Vinny and the Danny (via Vinny) in the front office, the next huge mistake is always right around the corner.

Exactly how I feel

Terrible signing at first and basically the team made something out of nothing by getting a pick for him

He never should have came to DC

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If we got rid of him without taking a cap hit the deal is huge for us. The biggest problem with the Arculetta deal wasn't that he stank -- stuff happens -- teams have FA busts. It was that he stank and we were saddled with a HUGE bad contract for years that affected our salary cap. Heck I'd have been happy just getting rid of the contract, getting a pick too is a nice bonus. Yeah we screwed up by signing him but I think we are doing good damage control here. Wonder if we can pull that off with Lloyd, maybe SF takes him back, LOL

As to those that think that the Bears should have swallowed his huge contract for us, Archuletta restructure his deal for both teams, AND we should get a high draft pick too -- 3rd or 4th -- well I wish -- but doesn't that seem a bit unrealistic?

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sorry...but you're both wrong.

it doesn't matter how this played out. it was a huge mistake right from the beginning. and no amount of rationalizing on your parts will change that fact. we'll all survive and move on. this is just a reminder of how bassackwards the FO has been at times....and folks are getting in some final grousing before turning their attention to the draft and whatever it is we have next season.

ok, i hear your point and its valid. And i won't deny that they screwed up big time last season. Actually i was one of their biggest critics. But all i'm saying is to give credit where credit is due.

Again, i still hold to the opinion that they should cut Vinny, the dude is useless. But, just concentrating on the moves this offseason and specifically the AA move was very good. Now if they happen to screw up the draft, then i will be on them for screwing up. But for fairness sake, i won't prejudge any decisions until they happen. I'm going to take a wait-and-see attitude for here on out.

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ain't that the truth.

Couldn't we get a 4th or 5th rounder for this guy?

That's what I was thinking but I guess we shopped him more than the Bears shopped for him. Either way a small cap hit (right?) and a 6th round draft pick isn't too bad. At least we got something for him. Look at it this way...would any other team actually give up a 6th rounder for him?

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