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How would the most famous singers in history do on American Idol?

E-Dog Night

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Tom Waits would be killed by Simon.

Dylan would too.

:laugh: Can you imagine Tom on AI singing Kommienezuspadt or Cemetary Polka?

Early Tom would do well, though. He had a nice smooth voice in his lounge days.

Dylan seems to be the classic example in discussions like this. I think he would do well. I think the nasally voice became a trademark early in his career so he just stuck with it throughout, but he really developed some pipes. You can hear a trained singer trying to break through on Blood On The Tracks. Listen to Tangled Up in Blue or Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts.

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How would Morrissey do?

I don't think he'd do well, have you seen some of the live Smiths shows on youtube?

I was thinking about this the other night on the way home from dinner when the Smiths came on the radio... I have NEVER, I repeat NEVER, understood their appeal.

Morrissey has to have the most annoying, whiney, groaning voice in the history of music. It's like nails on a chalkboard.

Not picking on you or anything, just wanted to vent. :)


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In my best Simon Voice - " It's a singing competition."

Just because someone of years past was a famous front man, or famous as a singer doesnt mean they are great singers. Sometimes it is completely the opposite.

They critique more than singing of course, because they are looking for a big star, the total package if you will. But guys like Dylan and Jagger certainly dont fit that mold. Eminem is one of the most successful Rap artists of all time, he certainly doesnt fit into a mold of typical/former rap artists either.

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It would be funny to see James Hetfield circa 1985 go on there.

How about Brian Johnson from ACDC? He wouldn't have made the 1st cuts...

Lemmy Kilmeister from Motorhead...whoa, the scariest nightmare for those judges.

Hmm how about Ozzy? I could see it now: Pretentious **** british guy: "I'm sorry, are you retarded or something? I can't tell if you have a full brain there...what? No you can't have a teleprompter, who the hell needs a teleprompter to remember the words to a song???"

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I think what is funny is that they do rock star nights and sometimes for rock stars that they would have booted. For example, I like Billy Joel, but I don't think he'd have gone that far in this competition. Pretty limited voice.

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