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How would the most famous singers in history do on American Idol?

E-Dog Night

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I realize there's another AI thread, but this question doesn't really belong there.

I've watched about 2,000% more AI this year than ever before, for various reasons, and one thing kept coming to mind. Which is, namely, that they are looking for one particular type of singer - the R&B heart throb/diva. Anyone else need not apply.

Which got me wondering; how would Mick Jagger fare on that show? Personally, I don't think he would have made it past the auditions (even 60's & 70's Mick, back when he could still sing), and yet, he is arguably the most famous singer to have ever lived. But then, what about Janis Joplin? Steven Tyler? Frank Sinatra? Van Morrison? Robert Plant? Roger Daltry? Maybe Plant would have made it.

Personally, I think Simon, Randy & the Paula would have dismissed the rest of them them at the first stage.

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I think you are right, although if Taylor Hicks can win it, or Carrie Underwood (a country singer), then anyone can in theory.

What about people like Rosemary Clooney, Danny Kaye, or Franky Vallii? They could probably make it.

Or maybe even further? Billie Holiday.

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I think you are right, although if Taylor Hicks can win it, or Carrie Underwood (a country singer), then anyone can in theory.

What about people like Rosemary Clooney, Danny Kaye, or Franky Vallii? They could probably make it.

Or maybe even further? Billie Holiday.

Frankie Valli & Billie Holiday would do just fine. And I'm showing my ignorance a bit - didn't know that Carrie Underwood was country. Shows you how much I've been paying attention to past winners. I was judging my opinion on what I've seen recently, and there doesn't seem to be anyone outside of the R&B mold this time around.

I would still love to see a young Mick Jagger out there. Simon: "Mick, you don't have much range and you're a bit pitchy. I think you're out of your depth here. Don't quit your day job".

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I've wondered this same thing many times myself.

I've come to the conclusion that many of the famous, although not as vocally talented, singers like Mick Jagger, Neil Young, certainly Bob Dylan are famous more for what they are singing than for how.

With Mick Jagger, you had to consider the whole package. His attitude, look, stage act, and the fact that he was singing his own lyrics (for the most part) made him work. Additionally, he was a great screamer (which helps.)

Famous rock stars that WOULD have done well on AI:

1) Steve Perry

2) Bono (probably not so much now)

3) Dio (come on, the man can sing)

4) Robert Plant

5) Paul McCartney

Famous rock stars that WOULDN'T have done well on AI

1) John Lennon

2) Bruce Springsteen

3) Tom Petty

4) Kurt Cobain

5) Mick Jagger

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IMO, that's where American Idol misses the point. Its basically just a Karaoke contest. The real great singers created songs and style.

You can compare it to guitar playing. Steve Vai is awesome, technically better than Jimmy Page, but who was "better"...

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certainly Bob Dylan are famous more for what they are singing than for how.

LOL on Bob Dylan. I didn't even think of him. He'd probably get interrupted in the middle of his audition. Although he'd probably use his "Lay Lady Lay" voice, which might help.

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Roy Orbison and Elvis Presley both had perfect pitch, and both had near-perfect voices.

(and I'm not a fan of either one, but they could certainly sing)

So I think they would have done well.

Johnny Cash would've failed though. :(
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1. Sinatra would do well because he covered different styles.

2. Nat King Cole would also do well.

3. Striesand woul not do well IMHO.

4. Aretha would be booed off the stage.

5. Dean Martian would do well.

6. Sam Cooke would not get past round two.

7. Dianah Washington would have not even made the first round.

8. Otis Redding would have been voted off early.

9. Sammy Davis would have done well.

10. Judy Garland would have been crying at the auditions.

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I realize there's another AI thread, but this question doesn't really belong there.

I've watched about 2,000% more AI this year than ever before, for various reasons, and one thing kept coming to mind. Which is, namely, that they are looking for one particular type of singer - the R&B heart throb/diva. Anyone else need not apply.

Which got me wondering; how would Mick Jagger fare on that show? Personally, I don't think he would have made it past the auditions (even 60's & 70's Mick, back when he could still sing), and yet, he is arguably the most famous singer to have ever lived. But then, what about Janis Joplin? Steven Tyler? Frank Sinatra? Van Morrison? Robert Plant? Roger Daltry? Maybe Plant would have made it.

Personally, I think Simon, Randy & the Paula would have dismissed the rest of them them at the first stage.

Well, you must not have watched last year. Is Taylor Hicks a R&B heart throb or diva? Further, I think one thing you fail to realize about the show is that even if you aren't the one that is actually voted American Idol, it still doesn't mean you can't make it. Heck, the best Idol isn't always the eventual winner. Remember Simon, Paula and Randy don't have the final say, the people do. Just look at last year. Most who watched the show know that Hicks should have never won. Chris Daughtry was head and shoulders a better singer than Hicks. I would even go as far to say that Katharine McPhee should have been runner up. Getting back to my point, though. Just because you are voted off doesn't mean it's the end of the road. Look at Jennifer Hudson. She won an Oscar just last weekend. That show gets your name out there. I disagree with you. Those you mentioned above would have likely been discovered simply from being on that show.

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IMO, that's where American Idol misses the point. Its basically just a Karaoke contest. The real great singers created songs and style.

You can compare it to guitar playing. Steve Vai is awesome, technically better than Jimmy Page, but who was "better"...

You guys obviously don't follow the show very much. One of the things Simon repeatedly brings up when critiquing someone is that they sound like someone in a karaoke bar or one of those people that sings on a cruise ship. They are actually looking for uniqueness. And, again, the judges on the show don't have the final say on who wins American Idol.

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1. Sinatra would do well because he covered different styles.

2. Nat King Cole would also do well.

3. Striesand woul not do well IMHO.

4. Aretha would be booed off the stage.

5. Dean Martian would do well. LOL

6. Sam Cooke would not get past round two.

7. Dianah Washington would have not even made the first round.

8. Otis Redding would have been voted off early.

9. Sammy Davis would have done well.

10. Judy Garland would have been crying at the auditions.

I don't know, I think Streisand would do very well.

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