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Another reason to hate Marty ?


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Marty got a raw deal here, and those that hate him for whatever reason need to pull your head out of your asses. I have a lot of respect for Marty, if you pay attention, his teams always hate him the first year because he is the defination of the word hard ass but his teams start liking him when they start winning. I have no doubt if Marty would of been coaching the last 5 years we'd of had more play off appearances and wouldn't be considered the joke of the league FO wise. The man truely managed this team and coached it.

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BS, Grimm wanted to leave to go back to Pittsburgh where he is from. I got news for you, Marty got our giant payrool from 100 Million to 55 million in less than a year. Snyder hated him and Marty got a raw deal. Look who is laughing now. Snyder is the problem here as we all know.
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Marty went 8-8, got the cap under control, and most importantly, fired idiotboy Vinny Cerrato.

And since Danny wasn't "having fun" anymore, he got forced out.

Marty made plenty of mistakes, but he deserved better. A lot better.

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I liked Marty here. He brought a no nonsense approach. He got rid of the country club atmosphere at camp instilled by Norv. He slashed our payroll, may have alienated some "stars", but in the end we were headed in the right direction before Snyder wanted to play with his toy again.

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BS, Grimm wanted to leave to go back to Pittsburgh where he is from. I got news for you, Marty got our giant payrool from 100 Million to 55 million in less than a year. Snyder hated him and Marty got a raw deal. Look who is laughing now. Snyder is the problem here as we all know.

thats the truth...good point

and u know what...i know most of us regret letting marty go...that was BS on our part all becasue of our lovely owner....

i swear, i wanna go back in time and just make Jack Kent Cooke write on paper to leave his team/ownership to his son....if he would, then i think we would be a team that everyone would look up to like the patriots....

but noooooooo we gotta be the laughing stock and even looked at it like a circus with no GM and a legendary coach whos been reduced to a coach who ppl think shoudlnt be back...jeez...

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thats the truth...good point

and u know what...i know most of us regret letting marty go...that was BS on our part all becasue of our lovely owner....

i swear, i wanna go back in time and just make Jack Kent Cooke write on paper to leave his team/ownership to his son....if he would, then i think we would be a team that everyone would look up to like the patriots....

but noooooooo we gotta be the laughing stock and even looked at it like a circus with no GM and a legendary coach whos been reduced to a coach who ppl think shoudlnt be back...jeez...

Thank you for a wise post, we are a joke to everyone but the blind ones. I still would love to know why JKK did not leave the team to his son.

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Thank you for a wise post, we are a joke to everyone but the blind ones. I still would love to know why JKK did not leave the team to his son.

my dad told me a while back, JKK didn't like kids, and he never really liked his son.... but thats my dad, and he said he felt sorry for tomo Romo sits to pee after he dropped that ball (without attaching something like he's ugly and he killed their season)

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Leave it to his son? WOW - You all have a short memory. JKC didn't leave it to his son because he new his son didn't care about Football and wouldn't care about the team. In the years his son did run the team is where disaster struck. He almost never went to the games, Bought a house in Bermuda, and no matter how bad Norv did would say "They are trying really hard" or "Well, Norv's a great guy. He'll figure it out"

John even withdrawl his offer because he didn't want to put "That much money" into a team.

If John still owned the team, Norv would still be coach and we would not have been in the playoffs in 1999 or 2005.

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Joe gibbs went 8-8 his first year in Washington. Marty went 8-8 his first year in Washington. Joe won the SB the next year and Marty got axed. Marty has won pretty much everywhere he's been, he should have been given a chance. However, I'll take Gibbs any day over anybody. Other than the 36-0 Giant game last year we should have won every game, including the Seattle playoff game. No lie.

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I've always hated the guy - big time!!! I was furious that we hired him, and relieved when we let him go. He easily had enough talent to go 10-6 with the cakewalk schedule we had that year, but he waited until we went 0-5 before he agreed to start running the ball...

Oh yeah, he had LOADS of talent. Like Tony Banks and that cast off from the Giants (Kent Graham? Didn't he start a game or two?) as QBs. He was biding his time to improve at that position and *bam*, gone. Which is why I don't understand...

First of all - This whole "Marty vs Snyder" thing is stupid. They booth have repeativly said that they are still friends to this day. They talk many times a year....

Well, the Skins are suckers when it comes to trades. Perhaps Marty wants to leverage Snyder a bit... Regardless, even if we pretend Marty had an option to stay when Spurrier was available, why would he leave and take a few players with him? Cory Raymer left, Stephen Alexander -- were there more?

2. He treated Darrell Green shabbily.

3. He drafted Rod Gardner in the first round.

Okay, you've got me on those two. But only those two!

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Just Some Reasons to Dislike Marty

1. He's never won anything. His teams have a history of choking in the playoffs. Those teams are often thought of as tired out by the time the playoffs rolls around' date=' and Marty's play-calling is often considered overly conservative. Redskins fans like to think that we could win the Super Bowl. We would never have done so with Marty.

2. He treated Darrell Green shabbily.

3. He drafted Rod Gardner in the first round.

4. He brought in Tony Banks as QB.

5. He started out 0-5 and kept saying that "our system works." John Riggins called him Coronel Kurtz at the time.

6. After he got the team to 5-5 (by some miracle) and the playoffs were a possibility, the team lost at home to a Dallas team that was something like 2-8 at the time. The team finished 8-8 and out of the playoffs.[/quote']

2. green was starting to fall off and was starting to become a target whenever he stepped on the field. and in spurrier regime i was scared to see him out there as a NICKLE!

3. gardner showed some promise under marty

BUT that 0-5 football was the worst offense i had ever seen. it was even worse than the beginning of the gibbs regime.

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I certainly didn't HATE Marty but I agreed with our FO that he had too much power. He was not a great judge of talent, otherwise we never would have had Tony Banks and Kent Graham as our QB's. Had he been willing to give up his GM duties, he'd probably still be here. He operates much better with a GM watching over him.

Perhaps Mr. Gibbs would as well.

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Marty won 8 out of 11 with slingin tony banks as his QB.

That won me over

1 out of 8 against a team with a winning record. - won by a Darrell Green (who wouldn't have even been in the game had Donovon Greer not been hurt) interception.

2 out of 8 were 8-8

the other 5 out of 8 were teams that finished with losing records, yet we were unable to beat the Dave Campo coached 5 -11 Dallas Cowboys in 2 tries.

- He insisted all through the off-season and training camp that Jeff George was his guy to run his west coast offense. 2 weeks into the season "Jeff George can't run this offense, he's cut" - enter Tony Banks - "Well, Tony Banks isn't too good at the West Coast offense. Let's try a vertical attack."

Uh Marty, Jeff George was pretty freaking good at throwing the ball down the field, and we're already paying him. - Yeah, that's excellent GM skills right there.

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For those who think that Snyder was justified in firing Marty over the GM issue......when you consider who Snyder was probably insisting on bringing back (hint: his initials are VC), I wouldn't blame Marty for wanting to veto that.

I still remember the day after I went to one of the 2001 preseason games. I went into a Rite-Aid to pick up a prescription and I noticed they had a replay of the game on TV. I exclaimed "Hey, its the Skins!" to which the pharmacist (an older gent) in a fatherly tone said to me "Son, I hate to tell you this......but they're gonna blow!!" :D

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Marty is following in the long line of ex-Redskins we see lead other teams to the playoffs and in some cases the Super Bowl. Brad Johnson in 2002. Stephen Davis in 2003. Bailey and the Broncos went to the AFC title game last year and he lead the AFC in interceptions this year.

I don't necessarily have a problem with the departure of any one player or coach, but the fact the team replaced them with bums goes back on Snyder and Cerrato:

We replaced Marty with Steve Spurrier. 'Nuff Said here.

We replaced Brad Johnson with the tin-headed Jeff George who was out of the NFL effectively after 2001.

We replaced Stephen Davis with Trung Canidate who also is no longer in the NFL and who never rushed for more than 600 yards.

We replaced Bailey with a good corner in Springs, but Shawn was 29 when the team acquired him and he was already in and then passing his prime. The Redskins didn't find a way to win while he was healthy and at the top of his game. Now the law of diminishing returns seems to have kicked in with his age/injuries.

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Marty is following in the long line of ex-Redskins we see lead other teams to the playoffs and in some cases the Super Bowl. Brad Johnson in 2002. Stephen Davis in 2003. Bailey and the Broncos went to the AFC title game last year and he lead the AFC in interceptions this year.

I wouldn't count Marty in that bunch for two reasons: 1) he's a coach and was only here for one year...not quite deserving of "Former Redskin" status...and 2) Marty was making the playoffs over a decade before joining the Skins, so it's not like he only went on to the postseason after the Skins dropped him.

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well, my main point was not that the team let any one player or coach go but failed so miserably in replacing them with comparable talent.

what Cerrato did in pushing the envelope to sign Jeff George and to trade for Trung Canidate were moves that showed this front office had no substance.

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By the way, for those who are on the "Marty had us headed in the right direction" bandwagon, consider this:

Last six games of 2001, the Skins had:

3 passing TDs

8 Rushing TDs

That's not exactly what I'd call headed in the right direction.

Then again, maybe it only seemed that way because of how ridiculously putrid the Skins were during those first five weeks:

First five games of 2001, the Skins had:

3 passing TDs

0 Rushing TDs


Almost the entire 2001 season sucked...as someone else already mentioned, the offensive futility was even worse than what we experienced in Gibbs' first year back. The season started out in a horrendous fashion, and ended in a run of six mediocre games.

Marty did very little while here to warrant such optimism when imagining what would have happened had he stayed. And two years after he left the Skins, almost everyone in the media was saying the Chargers were the worst team in the league and that Marty deserved to be fired. I sincerely believe that if Marty had not relinquished his GM and offensive coordinator duties, he definitely would have been.

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