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Question for Christians


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But, you see Abraham and Moses and all those who predate Christ are going to be judged according to the Abrahamic Covenant. Abraham was reckoned as righteous according to his faithfulness not his works, the same goes for Moses, Christ is simply the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant and the keystone event in the redemption of humanity through faith. Abraham and Moses will be judged upon their faith in God as God had revealed Himself to them, those after Christ will be judged according to their faith in Christ as Christ has been revealed to them in the same manner.

What about people that lived before Abraham or Moses?

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saturnalia and some mithraic celebration as well as the solstice, what people forget is that christianity was not always the most powerful religion, for a long time it as no more than a struggling cult and had to be tricky and subvert other religions. The history of chirtsianity is facsinating, as I have stated in other threads I would love to get inside the vatican vaults but alas I am not a priest.

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No difference, because the covenant was made with Abraham after he was reckoned as righteous and not before. Abraham and Moses are representative, not causative people in God's history.

But people couldnt BELIEVE in God before God revealed Himself to them. If you dont believe in God, you dont go to heaven, right?

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But people couldnt BELIEVE in God before God revealed Himself to them. If you dont believe in God, you dont go to heaven, right?

It seems like you are trying to say that God didn't reveal Himself to anyone prior to Abraham, which simply isn't what the Old Testament records, because there were many who had faith in God prior to Abraham; Noah for instance.

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It seems like you are trying to say that God didn't reveal Himself to anyone prior to Abraham, which simply isn't what the Old Testament records, because there were many who had faith in God prior to Abraham; Noah for instance.

Native Americans pre-Columbus? Or anyone outside the middle east region?

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Polytheism in those regions?

That proves nothing, I'm hoping that you are not basing your statements off the fact that religions were polytheistic, because there were religions in the Middle East that were polytheistic does that mean that God did not reveal Himself there either? Heck, Baal worship was prevelant throughout the Middle East, not to mention the polytheism and idol worship in Babylon and Egypt.

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Since this question was geared towards Christians, as a geniune question... not as something to start a "peeing contest" lets keep it in good taste please... before this gets out of hand.

Now to anwser the questions above.

Since the Christian Faith believes mankind started by God creating two adults "Adam" & "Eve". Adam & Eve had children, and even possibly had children before "original sin" in the garden. According to Genisis; Adam & Eve had Cain & Abel. We know that Cain Killed Abel.

"Genesis 4:8

Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him."

then, the punishment

Gen 4:

12 When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth.”

13 And Cain said to the LORD, “My punishment is greater than I can bear! 14 Surely You have driven me out this day from the face of the ground; I shall be hidden from Your face; I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, and it will happen that anyone who finds me will kill me.”

(Notice already other cities, and people.)

Genesis 4:16

[ The Family of Cain ] Then Cain went out from the presence of the LORD and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden.


Then according to the bible:

Noah, and the Flood.

My whole point is Adam & Eve knew who God was, and relationship with God was either passed on or skiped depending on the person.

From Adam to Noah is was about 939 years, and by the time Noah & his family were alive they were the only ones who were followers of God. Adam lived 930 years. So just say each family had 5 kids each. I don't know how many people could have been on the earth after 1800 years, but I'm thinking enough to spread out, or enough for a few crazy enough to see what else was out there. Then you have to consider the Flood.

After the flood wiped everyone off the earth except Noah's family. Thus they had to repopulate the earth again.

So you have the same situation all over again, but same results. Some people kept the belief system, and others left it. People went off and started doing their own thing, and populated the earth.

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I'm Catholic, but I hate my religion. Don't worry...I hate yours too. I prefered the Romans who had hundreds of Gods for nearly every situation. I'm still Catholic though, I'm ashamed to admit. I don't respect preists or nuns anymore though. I'll talk to them like I talk my milkman or any other bod. If they want my respect they'll have to urn it :laugh: ...get it? urn...never mind. :doh:

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Alright I have three scenarios, that I have asked Christians before and gotten shaky answers at best:

1. What happens to the present day (hypothetical) Amazonian who has never seen or heard of Jesus Christ and no missonaries have ever visited?

2. What happens to a baby that is killed after baptism who never chose or rejected Jesus?

3. What happens to a baby that is killed before baptism? /aborted fetuses.

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Alright I have three scenarios, that I have asked Christians before and gotten shaky answers at best:

1. What happens to the present day (hypothetical) Amazonian who has never seen or heard of Jesus Christ and no missonaries have ever visited?

2. What happens to a baby that is killed after baptism who never chose or rejected Jesus?

3. What happens to a baby that is killed before baptism? /aborted fetuses.

1 It is my belief that you can come to know God w/o reading or hearing about him,simply through observing his creation and the Holy Spirit.

I differ from a lot of Christians in that I believe while Jesus is the means of our salvation a person can be saved by simply trusting God.

2+3 Age of accountability...Untill you reach the age you can divine right and wrong you have a free ride.

Baptism is not a requirement for salvation,simply a pictorial ordinance signifying your rebirth.(and the death,burial and resurrection of Christ.)

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