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You'd have to understand the Hebrew understanding of Sheol.


Many people, like myself, believe that the idea of Sheol; the place of the dead, commonly translated as Hell or Hades; is still the the same today as it was then. Think of it like a place where all go until the end times when the final judgment will come. But, not all hold this view. Many today believe that Heaven is the end place for those in Christ, and that heaven is a spiritual realm only. However, if one takes the message of Revelation seriously and understands that there is a very real resurrection and a very real "new heaven and a new earth" then heaven cannot be the final place, but instead must then be the intermediary place for all the dead until the final judgment. There will however, be those who disagree, and that's fine they are free to do so, but if they do then they have to explain how Christians are promised a very real resurrection with a body like the resurrected Jesus which was very real and physical.[/edit]

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according to one priest that Iasked this question, the people of the book (ie jews and muslims) went to heaven because until Jesus came and made beliefe in him a requiremnt for heaven as long as you followed Yahweh you were good to go. however another priest I asked said "no non christians ever went to heaven" and when I asked about moses and john the baptist (who died before Jesus) he made me go sit in a corner.

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hey asbury thanks for the edit i defintely get where you are coming from and i respect that idea but like the guy stated before me it is just weird that a guy like moses who is so important or a guy like abraham would not go to heaven guess that my jewish bias lol.

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according to one priest that Iasked this question, the people of the book (ie jews and muslims) went to heaven because until Jesus came and made beliefe in him a requiremnt for heaven as long as you followed Yahweh you were good to go. however another priest I asked said "no non christians ever went to heaven" and when I asked about moses and john the baptist (who died before Jesus) he made me go sit in a corner.

Thats some pretty lacking priests you got that info from

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hey asbury thanks for the edit i defintely get where you are coming from and i respect that idea but like the guy stated before me it is just weird that a guy like moses who is so important or a guy like abraham would not go to heaven guess that my jewish bias lol.

Oh they are there! I'm looking for something now that will explain it pretty well.

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according to one priest that Iasked this question, the people of the book (ie jews and muslims) went to heaven because until Jesus came and made beliefe in him a requiremnt for heaven as long as you followed Yahweh you were good to go. however another priest I asked said "no non christians ever went to heaven" and when I asked about moses and john the baptist (who died before Jesus) he made me go sit in a corner.

Both of these priests are working with the Augustinian understanding of Heaven and Hell which is understandable if they are Catholic, the problem is that the Hebrew understanding of Sheol predates Augustine and the Hellenistic influences, and thus reflects more of a Jewish understanding which is what the 1st century Christians considered themselves, thus why would they abandon their beliefs about the after-life and re-create entirely different cosmology? To me it makes no sense, therefore it seems much more sensible to understand how the 1st century Jews understood things in order to get a clearer picture of the reality that is being handed to us through the New Testament.

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hey asbury thanks for the edit i defintely get where you are coming from and i respect that idea but like the guy stated before me it is just weird that a guy like moses who is so important or a guy like abraham would not go to heaven guess that my jewish bias lol.

But, you see Abraham and Moses and all those who predate Christ are going to be judged according to the Abrahamic Covenant. Abraham was reckoned as righteous according to his faithfulness not his works, the same goes for Moses, Christ is simply the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant and the keystone event in the redemption of humanity through faith. Abraham and Moses will be judged upon their faith in God as God had revealed Himself to them, those after Christ will be judged according to their faith in Christ as Christ has been revealed to them in the same manner.

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AHHHHHH ok i get what you mean now thanks alot.....on another note this may seem like the stupidest question ever but i always wanted to know why is christmas not they new year? see january 1st is the new year and our calendar is the christian calendar therfore the new year should start when christ was born but it starts 7 days after....why?

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wow asbury you know your stuff lol i am reform so i don't know as much as i should but there are so many things left to be interpreted that you could just sit there all day and go crazy trying to understand.

LOL, I've been in the pastorate for 10 years, my Bachelor's degree is in Christian Pastoral studies, and I am in my 3rd year of Seminary. After that much exposure some stuff tends to stick. ;) And, yes you can sit for a very long time trying to understand, in fact the church has been wrestling with these same things for since the dawn of the church and throughout the history of humanity.

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AHHHHHH ok i get what you mean now thanks alot.....on another note this may seem like the stupidest question ever but i always wanted to know why is christmas not they new year? see january 1st is the new year and our calendar is the christian calendar therfore the new year should start when christ was born but it starts 7 days after....why?

From my understanding when the Gregorian calendar was developed it was done with the lunar cycle in mind, why it wasn't done with the religious cycle in mind I'm not sure. I'm actually clueless as to why January 1st isn't on Christmas, Easter or Rosh Hashanah. I guess we'd have to check on the history of the development of the calendar.

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but then why would his birthday and the new year be a different day if the calendar starts on his birthday and we use terms such as BEFORE CHRIST, sorry if i am being stubborn i was just always curious.

Because people back then were not to bright? :laugh:

I have no idea

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