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Megamerge of comments on the Defense


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Nevermind that he came all the way across the field to NOT EVEN GET CLOSE TO JACKSON!

He didn't make the play, unless you want to call laying down the red carpet a play. Jackson went in untouched!

Wow, please learn to WATCH the game.

You have no point whatsoever.

He didn't make a play on Jackson, from across field, so we should trade him? Is that what you're saying?

To quote a terrible series of commercials:


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Defense lost us this game. I mean, come on! The offense put up 30 points!!

I dunno, I mean I know its a gut reaction, but after watching this game, I'd inclined to trade Taylor. He just got beat like a drum all day.


Trade a guy who has played very well for us for a bad game that meant exactly nothing...

Is this what we as 'Skins fans have come to?


I'm beginning to worry about society.

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You have no point whatsoever.

He didn't make a play on Jackson, from across field, so we should trade him? Is that what you're saying?

To quote a terrible series of commercials:


Last time I checked, free safety is basically playing center field. Jackson run up the middle untouched for 64 yds. Instead of attacking the ball carrier, Mr freak of nature decided instead to back-peddle and let Jackson go by him.

That is my point. That and the other TD he was burned for. 14 points.

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Sean Taylor needs to stop the **** talking and show boating and just play!He has not prooved anything in this league yet.Has the ability to to change the game but he still has that Miami Hurricane attitude which doesn't work in the NFL.He gets paid to Tackle and defend so start doing it SEAN!!!!

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Last time I checked, free safety is basically playing center field. Jackson run up the middle untouched for 64 yds. Instead of attacking the ball carrier, Mr freak of nature decided instead to back-peddle and let Jackson go by him.

That is my point. That and the other TD he was burned for. 14 points.

Well with you logic, we should get rid of the whole defense then.If he ran UNTOUCHED before he got to Taylor, which shouldnt happen,then they are all guilty of playing bad.Taylor has had only one bad game so far this year.He should be on the pro bowl team.

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Last time I checked, free safety is basically playing center field. Jackson run up the middle untouched for 64 yds. Instead of attacking the ball carrier, Mr freak of nature decided instead to back-peddle and let Jackson go by him.

That is my point. That and the other TD he was burned for. 14 points.

Incorrect. A free safety does not play "center field". That is a term that is overused. You want a center fielder, sign someone from the MLB.

A free afety has coverage responsibilities. His first read is pass, followed by the run in most defenses. If he was in a zone type coverage, he'd probably take a single step backwards prior to making his read. In man, he's looking at the guy he's supposed to cover and blanketing him.

Sometimes, a FS DOES play in the center of the field. Other times he's instructed to shade to the left or right, or play a hook/curl, curl/flat, or just the hook zone, or a flat zone. There is no such thing as a center fielder. Safeties have many responsibilites. Pardon him for not running all the way across field and making a tackle when there were other players in position during the play.

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Sean Taylor needs to stop the **** talking and show boating and just play!He has not prooved anything in this league yet.Has the ability to to change the game but he still has that Miami Hurricane attitude which doesn't work in the NFL.He gets paid to Tackle and defend so start doing it SEAN!!!!

when was Sean talking ****?

and if you're trying to say Sean Taylor is all talk and no action, you obviously haven't seen him play football.

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Not only that but Duckett actually stopped running and never lowered his shoulder on at must 3rd and 1.

Well, he knows he won't be here next year and he was pretty much forced to be a cheerleader for most of this season. I wouldn't have too much motivation to help this organization either. I think that's pretty much what it seems to come down to. The Redskins corporation sucks the heart out of their players.

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Taylor is a young guy who has been playing like he's not going to the playoffs. dosent seem to care too much on certain plays. I think what troubles me is that Greg keeps some leashes short on players and some waaaaay long on others. Not having someone back there to help him this year hurt his play. Now I dont know what goes on behind closed doors but I know what I see on the field.

On a side note you could of let Adam play against his old team. he might of gave them some insight on how to stop them. Hell you see what they did: putting Davis out there and letting him go and get some redemption on his old team.

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Can some one please explain to me why we are using Duckett.Gibbs and Saunders are f-ing stupid.Lets let Betts run over 100 yds and then have Duckett run it on 3rd and 1.He is gone after this year why are we using a playing thats not going to be here next year.:doh: :doh: :doh:

I had the EXACT same thought.

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Taylor had a bad game, yes.

But trade him? Sheesh.

You know, there are so many people calling for trades on here it's crazy.

I agree, but in the same woulda coulda shoulda vein, the Jackson long TD reception and many of the long runs wouldn't have happen with Archuleta in the game. Fox might be ok in coverage, but he sure can't tackle. Rocky was the only LB in the game today that can tackle. - Archuleta needs to be let out of the dog house so we can actually stop somebody's RB.

we need to get a REAL MLB next year and start Rocky from here on out.

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Ok..excuse me, but ,I have to rant!!! I like Sean Taylor ,I hope he's never traded.. but face it ,Sean Taylor couldn't carry Kenny Houston's jock strap... It makes me sick how these young kids worship ST...Houston was an all-star 12 seasons in a row, once scored 5 TD's in 1 season , is a hall of famer and never spit in anyone's face...Taylor ain't squat compared to Kenny Houston...and never will be!!

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Every week I keep wishing I didn't feel the need to bring this up. I keep thinking, yeah you know, Williams is a bright guy. He will see that 10-15 yard cushion our corners are giving receivers almost every play and say to himself - wow, that is horrible, let's stop THAT!

But no, every week it is still there and every week the opponents receivers run full speed unimpeded off the line and blow past our defenders for easy gains.

I watch other teams play - NO ONE ELSE IN THE NFL PROVIDES THESE CUSHIONS - NO ONE. Our secondary just keeps getting killed and we keep doing the same dumb ass thing.

Williams, please explain to us what your rationale for doing something that always fails over and over and over again?


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The second we get rid of the cushion and one of our "Pro Bowl" corners gets burned for a long touchdown, everyone will be complaning, "Bring it back! Bring it back!" No happy medium there, eh?

BTW, does it look like Gregg has gained some weight to anyone else? Stressful season?

A number of people have mentioned that.

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