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Breaking! KWTX:FBI Releases New Footage of 9/11 Pentagon Attack


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it means if you want to believe and I can make you believe. Honestly at this point its really moot, if you want to believe that I cant stop you. If there was a series of tests of airliners crashing into pentagons I could point you to that for what should have happend, but Im not gonna latch onto any infomerical thats gonna take advantage of those who want to believe we are evil.

rock on with your bad self, its your USA right. Dont expect me to follow you though manson.

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:doh: oh jesus, you're one of them huh?.......conspiracies are for morons. don't believe it? take a good look at the people who believe them, it will speak volumes.

Visual evidence also speaks volumes. Please just provide a link from somewhere showing the tail section you saw on live TV and it'll disprove those videos. It has to be out there and I'm curious to see it myself.

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it means if you want to believe and I can make you believe. Honestly at this point its really moot, if you want to believe that I cant stop you. If there was a series of tests of airliners crashing into pentagons I could point you to that for what should have happend, but Im not gonna latch onto any infomerical thats gonna take advantage of those who want to believe we are evil.

rock on with your bad self, its your USA right. Dont expect me to follow you though manson.

:laugh: :laugh: OK, but c'mon man, Manson?

BTW, I never said I believed those videos, I'm just providing the links to better visual evidence. If you ACTUALLY would watch the first video, the narrator begins by saying he wanted to disprove the French-and so do I. Why again would I want to believe my government lies to me?

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It's tough to find video of something that didn't happen/doesn't exist.

I already proved it quite a while back with the pictures of the light posts that were sheared off, one in the hood of a taxi... Missiles don't cut through light poles... http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/F77penta05.html#p5

And yes, the 64 people that didnt book a flight on a cruise missle.

They are not in Aruba.

http://www.news.navy.mil/view_single.asp?id=2445 Heres a pic of the missile with no jet fuel..

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:doh: oh jesus, you're one of them huh? my father in law worked in the pentagon when it was hit. my wife and i had just left the area when the plane hit. the video that claims "no fuselage or tail section", is a total joke. there was no visible fuselage, because it was 350 feet deep into the building. the lack of a tail section in the video, was because it was angled so you couldn't see it. if you had seen the live footage on 9/11, you could clearly see the tail section right outside of the building. and for all the complete idiots with their "missile" theory, explain how a missile leaves 40 ft wide sliding marks of torn earth leading up to the building?

conspiracies are for morons. don't believe it? take a good look at the people who believe them, it will speak volumes.

You must live on Mars, this is about the pentagon here on Earth.

Capital letters are for morons.

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It's tough to find video of something that didn't happen/doesn't exist.

Yeah, it's a huge conspiracy. You realize if that were true than the airlines would have to be a part of the conspiracy since one of their planes all of a sudden disappeared.

All the passengers on board would either have had to be a part of the conspiracy or murdered by the government. If the passengers were part of the conspiracy than their family's would have to be a part of the conspiracy.


Don't be ridiculous

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I'm not a proponent for either side because quite truthfully, we're all out of our element, but I want to hear someone who is certain it was a 757 do a better job of convincing than this(approx 8 min.)


So for arguments sake let's hear an explanation for the missing plane and people.

Where they'd go, where'd the plane go?

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:doh: oh jesus, you're one of them huh? my father in law worked in the pentagon when it was hit. my wife and i had just left the area when the plane hit. the video that claims "no fuselage or tail section", is a total joke. there was no visible fuselage, because it was 350 feet deep into the building. the lack of a tail section in the video, was because it was angled so you couldn't see it. if you had seen the live footage on 9/11, you could clearly see the tail section right outside of the building. and for all the complete idiots with their "missile" theory, explain how a missile leaves 40 ft wide sliding marks of torn earth leading up to the building?

Dude, you are completely talking out your ass.

I'd like to see some pictures on the 40ft wide sliding marks.

These were the first fire fighters on the scene.

Please stop spreading lies.

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About the hole in the building - it's been reported by at least a dozen different sources (including conspiracy theory sites) to be a 16 to 20 foot hole. That is really interesting when you take into account the fact that the 757 body is 12 ft 4in wide and 13 ft 6in high. (Here is where most people are mistaken and are led astray by the HEIGHT of the aircraft, which is actually the measurement from the wheels-down to the tip of the tail. That measurement is for aircraft hangar clearance, not the SIZE of the aircraft.) The 757 is basically a cylinder that is 13 feet across. It then should not be surprising that it would create something around a thirteen foot hole in the side of the building.







a missile did not hit the pentagon, get over it.

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I've posted on this several times. I was just watching it with my friend whose Dad used to be my boss when it happened. He was the VP for Aeronautics for our company and a former Navy pilot to boot.

He saw the plane coming in. As a matter of fact he was quoted as saying "wow, that plane is coming in low...that's not good" in the instant before it happened. If he says its a airliner, I'm inclined to believe him.

Also we have people who work at the Pentagon who saw it coming in. Thankfully they were spared by the blast-proof glass. They say the same thing.

Taken together, that's gospel truth in my book.

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Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a 1962 plan to generate U.S. public support for military action against the Cuban government of Fidel Castro, as part of the U.S. government's Operation Mongoose anti-Castro initiative. The plan, which was not implemented, called for various FALSE FLAG actions, including simulated or real state-sponsored acts of terrorism (such as hijacked planes) on U.S. and Cuban soil. The plan was proposed by senior U.S. Department of Defense leaders, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Louis Lemnitzer.

The suggestions included:

- Destroying an unmanned drone masquerading as a commercial aircraft supposedly full of "college students off on a holiday". This proposal was the one supported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

...Yep, the government would never think of doing something like this. Trust your government, or you're a bad American! :rolleyes:

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OMG. I can't believe this crap is still going on

Even Chommie called BS on these "theories"

Although I did hear that there are beings among us that have certain powers. One of them is reputed to have the power to blow stuff up via a small nuclear explosions.

I'm pretty sure surveillance cameras caught him coming into the Pentagram a few minutes before the explosion:rolleyes:

The other heroes.....................er..........uh................people tried to stop him

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Although I did hear that there are beings among us that have certain powers. One of them is reputed to have the power to blow stuff up via a small nuclear explosions.

That's me, although it's more like a deadly methane blast that eats through lead.

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Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a 1962 plan to generate U.S. public support for military action against the Cuban government of Fidel Castro, as part of the U.S. government's Operation Mongoose anti-Castro initiative. The plan, which was not implemented, called for various FALSE FLAG actions, including simulated or real state-sponsored acts of terrorism (such as hijacked planes) on U.S. and Cuban soil. The plan was proposed by senior U.S. Department of Defense leaders, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Louis Lemnitzer.

The suggestions included:

- Destroying an unmanned drone masquerading as a commercial aircraft supposedly full of "college students off on a holiday". This proposal was the one supported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

...Yep, the government would never think of doing something like this. Trust your government, or you're a bad American! :rolleyes:

So you're saying it was an airplane, just one hijacked by US citizens? If not, please answer the following:

Yeah, it's a huge conspiracy. You realize if that were true than the airlines would have to be a part of the conspiracy since one of their planes all of a sudden disappeared.

All the passengers on board would either have had to be a part of the conspiracy or murdered by the government. If the passengers were part of the conspiracy than their family's would have to be a part of the conspiracy.


Don't be ridiculous

So for arguments sake let's hear an explanation for the missing plane and people.

Where they'd go, where'd the plane go?

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So you're saying it was an airplane, just one hijacked by US citizens? If not, please answer the following:

The thing about conspiracy theorists is they will never answer questions, they only ask questions.

Where did the missing American airlines plane go? Where did those passengers go?

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The thing about conspiracy theorists is they will never answer questions, they only ask questions.

Where did the missing American airlines plane go? Where did those passengers go?

They were taken to a decade long party in Atlantis (the country not the resort).

Elvis and Co perform their live every night.

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