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Breaking! KWTX:FBI Releases New Footage of 9/11 Pentagon Attack


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Interesting silence regarding the "where are the passengers then?" question.

You conspiracy nuts do realize that you are insulting these poor people's families too, when you spout this utter garbage and their loved ones still haven't come home.

Answer the question and maybe some more people will come over to your side. If you can't answer it, then keep your trap shut.

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So for arguments sake let's hear an explanation for the missing plane and people.

Where they'd go, where'd the plane go?

Here's the thing. The whereabouts of the people and the plane, the conflicting eyewitness reports, the lightpoles, etc. are wholly and completely secondary to the simple fact that there is no compelling physical evidence to lead anyone to the conclusion that a 757 hit the Pentagon.

No Video.

No Pictures.

No Black Box.

No wreckage.


I have no alternative theory, no anti-american/anti-government agenda, and no answers regarding the "passengers" or their fate and I don't need it. What I need, is for a real comprehensive investigation to be performed and for those responsible for the "security lapses" to face the consequences.

Re-Open the F***king Investigation!

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Interesting silence regarding the "where are the passengers then?" question.

You conspiracy nuts do realize that you are insulting these poor people's families too, when you spout this utter garbage and their loved ones still haven't come home.

Answer the question and maybe some more people will come over to your side. If you can't answer it, then keep your trap shut.

You are a sheep.

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Here's the thing. The whereabouts of the people and the plane, the conflicting eyewitness reports, the lightpoles, etc. are wholly and completely secondary to the simple fact that there is no compelling physical evidence to lead anyone to the conclusion that a 757 hit the Pentagon.

No Video.

No Pictures.

No Black Box.

No wreckage.


I have no alternative theory, no anti-american/anti-government agenda, and no answers regarding the "passengers" or their fate and I don't need it. What I need, is for a real comprehensive investigation to be performed and for those responsible for the "security lapses" to face the consequences.

Re-Open the F***king Investigation!

It's not secondary at all. It's not like people were waiting on hand anticipating this to happen.

If you have some theory that the plane never hit the building than what happened to the plane and the people?

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It's not secondary at all. It's not like people were waiting on hand anticipating this to happen.

If you have some theory that the plane never hit the building than what happened to the plane and the people?

The plane and the people are still with us. We just made them invisible.


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Here's the thing. The whereabouts of the people and the plane, the conflicting eyewitness reports, the lightpoles, etc. are wholly and completely secondary to the simple fact that there is no compelling physical evidence to lead anyone to the conclusion that a 757 hit the Pentagon.

No Video.

No Pictures.

No Black Box.

No wreckage.


I have no alternative theory, no anti-american/anti-government agenda, and no answers regarding the "passengers" or their fate and I don't need it. What I need, is for a real comprehensive investigation to be performed and for those responsible for the "security lapses" to face the consequences.

Re-Open the F***king Investigation!

You notice the missing videos/pictures and question the government. I see the missing passengers/plane and question the conspirasists. Two different ways of looking at it - personally, I'd like the answers to both questions.

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So you're saying it was an airplane, just one hijacked by US citizens? If not, please answer the following:

Did you read the document???

What that government document shows, is that YES our government wants, has the means to, and will do FALSE FLAG operations. War is BIG business.

I never once said anything about it being a missle, being aliens, being lizard people from mars, or whatever other strawman arguments and other B.S that you guys say that whoever doesn't believe the offical story believes.

If you would have read that government document, you would have read about mock victims, mock funerals, painting military planes to look like commercial planes and shooting them down and blaming it on Cuba, and so on....

My question is, which none of YOU have answered... is why out of the 80 plus tapes taken by the Feds that day, why can't they show us what happened? What are they hidding?

Why haven't they release this tape yet?

“A security camera atop a hotel close to the Pentagon may have captured dramatic footage of the hijacked Boeing 757 airliner as it slammed into the western wall of the Pentagon. Hotel employees sat watching the film in shock and horror several times before the FBI confiscated the video as part of its investigation. It may be the only video available of the attack. The Pentagon has told broadcast news reporters that its security cameras did not capture the crash. The attack occurred close to the Pentagon’s heliport, an area that normally would be under 24-hour security surveillance, including video monitoring.”

This was also suspicious...

"On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 in Pentagon funds could not be accounted for. Rumsfeld stated: "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions."


"Decent is the highest form of patriotism" -Thomas Jefferson

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Did you read the document???

What that government document shows, is that YES our government wants, has the means to, and will do FALSE FLAG operations. War is BIG business.

I never once said anything about it being a missle, being aliens, being lizard people from mars, or whatever other strawman arguments and other B.S that you guys say that whoever doesn't believe the offical story believes.

If you would have read that government document, you would have read about mock victims, mock funerals, painting military planes to look like commercial planes and shooting them down and blaming it on Cuba, and so on....

My question is, which none of YOU have answered... is why out of the 80 plus tapes taken by the Feds that day, why can't they show us what happened? What are they hidding?

Why haven't they release this tape yet?

“A security camera atop a hotel close to the Pentagon may have captured dramatic footage of the hijacked Boeing 757 airliner as it slammed into the western wall of the Pentagon. Hotel employees sat watching the film in shock and horror several times before the FBI confiscated the video as part of its investigation. It may be the only video available of the attack. The Pentagon has told broadcast news reporters that its security cameras did not capture the crash. The attack occurred close to the Pentagon’s heliport, an area that normally would be under 24-hour security surveillance, including video monitoring.”

This was also suspicious...

"On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 in Pentagon funds could not be accounted for. Rumsfeld stated: "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions."


"Decent is the highest form of patriotism" -Thomas Jefferson

O.k, so your theorizing it was a mock plane, passengers etc..

You're aware that Mary Olson a well know t.v. commentator was on the plane?

As well, all the family of the victims are either really good actors or their loved one's don't mind hiding somewhere and never seeing their family again.

Or the government killed all of them.

Also, it was an American airlines flight so they are either part of the conspiracy or the government had put a pilot on board to fly the plane somewhere else.

As well, air traffic controllers would have seen the plane if it went somewhere else.

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O.k, so your theorizing it was a mock plane, passengers etc..

You're aware that Mary Olson a well know t.v. commentator was on the plane?

As well, all the family of the victims are either really good actors or their loved one's don't mind hiding somewhere and never seeing their family again.

Or the government killed all of them.

Also, it was an American airlines flight so they are either part of the conspiracy or the government had put a pilot on board to fly the plane somewhere else.

As well, air traffic controllers would have seen the plane if it went somewhere else.

I've never claimed to have all the answers. But if you're so brainwashed that you can't see that something is not right with the offical story of what happened that day, I feel sorry for you.

You guys think it is anti-american to not believe the offical story, while at the same time the founding fathers of this country warned about the government, and are probably rolling in their graves.

I guess it's more believable that this guy flew a plane into the Pentagram without leaving a single mark on the lawn?

[Flight Academy] Staff members characterized Mr. Hanjour as polite, meek and very quiet. But most of all, the former employee said, they considered him a very bad pilot. "I'm still to this day amazed that he could have flown into the Pentagon," the former employee said. "He could not fly at all."

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

George Orwell

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I love how guys like MBoyd make declaratory statements.


then when I post pictures- it becomes

"well that still isn't definitive proof"!!

what a genius :laugh:

"That didn't hurt!! It is just a flesh wound!!"

Other than pieces of a 757 jet scattered in front of the Pentagon, other than hundreds of witnesses, other than numerous studies, other than passenger manifests, other than empirical studies showing it was a plane crash..

what exact "proof" are you holding out for?

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Now was posting this picture so hard to do? And could this have been accomplished without all of the patronizing and name calling? I think so. This is the first time I've ever seen a photo like this.

Everything there was small enough to be carried by hand. I'm not implying anything, it's a FACT.

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I'm wondering if I was just ignored or the tin-foil hat crowd is just in denial? :doh:

I work with people who saw it happen for Pete's sake. It was an AA 757. An employee from my building was on it. He died. We have a memorial in our lobby in honor of him, a retired Navy Captain.

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