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A new attitude for a new generation......


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My Die-Hard Story:

CM....I really enjoyed reading your post....

I grew up in the DC area watching the 'Skins from the time I was seven years old. My parents weren't that into it...just peripherally so. But still, I got to go to a fair number of games at RFK..going along with family friends and, later on, with my close friends. I moved to the LA area back in 1985 and after sitting on the season ticket waiting list for somewhere in the neighborhood of 22 years, I got a letter telling me that I was being offered two seats. I live four thousand miles away, but I've been carrying those seats ever since. I'll NEVER give them up.

Now, I'm not some wierdo with a pig nose and a painted face...I've got a family, a good job and a great deal of responsiblity. But, I'm a Redskin fan....always have been and always will be. After a while, it just becomes part of who you are. Before there was the internet, and before Directv made the games available to anyone, I spent many a Sunday in some bar or another, drinking WAY too much before noon (Pacific time), but I got to see the games. You do what you have to.

I, too, got to go to a bunch of Cowboy games...at RFK, at Fedex...even at Texas Stadium (once). There's nothing like it.

All I can say is that I appreciate your loyalty....don't ever be ashamed of it and don't ever let it slip. I had to wait thru about thirteen years of disappointment before Riggins broke free to win Super Bowl XVII......but I got there.

I'm sure, one day, you too will get to enjoy the fruits of all your labor. And believe me...it's labor.


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To you younger guys and gals ...The 1st quarter of the Falcons game, as stated, was exactly the way REDSKINS FOOTBALL, was played. Usually by half time the game was pretty much in hand. And if not, you knew that it would be fixed at halftime. We are not making this up!... It was truly amazing. Watching the game last Sunday gave me cold chills as how precise and methodical our team use to be. And it was that way week in and week out. If you want to see what the "old folks" are so adamant about with Gibbs, AGAIN, just replay the 1st 15 min of Sundays game. Nuf said!!!

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Being born in 83, some of my earliest memories are of watching Redskins games with my family. I was old enough to experience the 91 SB and remember that experience fairly well. So I have a little bit of both, even if the dark years are the dominant part of my experience.

However, I have and will continue to agree with you about Gibbs. Not for a second do I think that we should get rid of him. In fact, my biggest concern is, will Gibbs stick around longer than the original 5 years to see this thing through? I think Gibbs probably realizes now that some serious shifts need to occur in the way things are approached and done at Redskins' Park. I believe, between Campbell needing time and some serious work needed on the D and o-line, we're 2-3 years out from making real noise in the division again. My only hope is that we don't have to start over, once again, and that Gibbs will be here to see this thing through.

As much as it hurts even more to lose with Gibbs, given the memories and expectations, if we have to go through it, that's who I want to go through it with. He'll get it right sooner or later, he's not a man to bet against, that's for sure. Hopefully, this season will completely re-light that fire that he was known for the first time around.

I only highlighted the part I disagreed with.

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I am one of those "young fans" you speak of. For me, the "old days" are the Norv Turner days and the classic memory of that is Gus running into a wall. I vaguely remember the '99 playoff year, but last year was truly a treat, even though it was a taste of what it feels like. I will always savor the decembber of '05 and january of '06, cause right now, thats all the positive memories i got. Thats really the hieght of this franchise since '91, right there. The feeling of MY team being in the mix and goin up against the big dogs in a game that means something was awesome, and after the seattle game last year, even though we lost, I gave a standing ovation, because that was a hell of a ride for me. Hopefully I can experience something like that sooner rather than later, but I will always be loyal until then.

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To you younger guys and gals ...The 1st quarter of the Falcons game, as stated, was exactly the way REDSKINS FOOTBALL, was played. Usually by half time the game was pretty much in hand. And if not, you knew that it would be fixed at halftime. We are not making this up!... It was truly amazing. Watching the game last Sunday gave me cold chills as how precise and methodical our team use to be. And it was that way week in and week out. If you want to see what the "old folks" are so adamant about with Gibbs, AGAIN, just replay the 1st 15 min of Sundays game. Nuf said!!!

I'll vouch for this. It's true. I felt the same way. It was like watching a little of the old times again.

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Awesome. Just awesome. I have been spewing venom on this site for the past two days because I am just so dissappointed right now but ya know WHY I am so dissappointed? Because When I heard Joe was coming back I immediately remembered a 35 point second quarter against Denver, the hogs, Dick Butz, Manley, Charles Mann, Green vs. Dorsett, The smurfs, fun bunch, Riggo rolling over the dolphins, the bills destruction in 91. Would I feel this badly if it were still spurrier's team? Probably not. But anyway, your post really lifted my spirits because I do remember Gibbs I (as it now referred to) and I believe in him so much that this current situation is just incomprehensible to me especially after last year. Just seeing our defense carry us to a playoff win, the blowouts against the giants and cowgirls at the end of the season last year, Cooley looking like Clint Didier, and all of it with only one wide reciever!! I was so sure when I looked at the "upgrades" we were going this year. I really did. And that is why this hurts so damn bad. But your absolutely right to believe in Joe Jackson Gibbs. Because like you, its not something I read about in a history book, I actually remember it!!! HAIL! Wonderful post man!! :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :applause: :applause:

Love Cherry Hill and the mall and although no one knows about folks from Salem New Jersey, we Skins' fans DO know that it isn't Dick Butz, it's Dave.....now if you want to talk about Dick Butkus, okay.....your love for this team is appreciated....

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Love Cherry Hill and the mall and although no one knows about folks from Salem New Jersey, we Skins' fans DO know that it isn't Dick Butz, it's Dave.....now if you want to talk about Dick Butkus, okay.....your love for this team is appreciated....

Boy, wouldn't THAT be a nice guy to have anchoring our d-line right now?

Glad everyone's looking forward with anticipation.....old and young alike. This season has really been trying but, no matter what, it's better than a stick in the eye.

Let's just all stick together and maybe collectively, we can give the team the boost it needs to get this train rolling again.


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Ya know, it's funny, me and my buddy were discussing this the other day.

The first year that I started watching football was 1982. I was 8 years old, and my father told me not to expect much out of the Redskins, perennial losers and sporting a young, inexperienced HC who couldn't produce a winning record the year before. We all know what happened in '82 though.

We also know who happened 2 more times between then and '91 (the Skins won the SB that year in early '92, the year I graduated from high school).

So from my vantage point, the Redskins won it all my first year watching (age 8), went back the next year but lost, won it again in '87 when I was 13, and were perennial contenders every year until I became a "man" at the age of 18 when we won a 3rd Super Bowl.

All of this was great, and made for some super childhood memories. My father didn't make much money, but every year he'd stand in line to buy preseason tickets. A few times he was able to score regular season tickets and I will never forget how loud and shaky RFK was back then. And herein lies my problem.

I am very fortunate to make enough money that I can afford to buy tickets today. The ticket availability at FedEx Field is much different from the way it was at RFK as well. However, now that I'm an adult, pay thousand of dollars the past 2 seasons on season tickets (bought from fans upfront), I can see them live 10 times a year including preseason. Last year I saw every game at home PLUS traveled to away games in Philly and Arizona. I am a much more 'knowledgeable' fan about football x's and o's, schemes, contracts, 5 step drops, hot reads etc. There is a thing called the Internet now and I'm on Extremeskins almost every day, absorbing information and sharing the ups and downs of our Redskins with all of you. Now that I have the financial ability and knowledge to truly appreciate a Super Bowl run, our team just does not have it together. Which of course, is agonizing. In the fuzzy recesses of my brain, I can recall the glory years, the Lombardi trophies, the parades in DC, the sheer carnival-like atmosphere when the Redskins won the Super Bowl and the next day at school was damn near an homage to the football team that everybody loved. I remember how the area came together in support, and I remember the motivational messages on signs and overpasses on the DC Beltway. I can recall the feeling and it is so indelibly imprinted on my memory that I want to feel it again more than anything. If we can do it again I will be there as much as I possibly can, I will savor the moment even more because now I truly understand just how rare and special a Super Bowl team is. Is it too much to ask for? Is it unrealistic? To be frank, I don't give a damn. I want it, and I want it for Coach Gibbs before he retires for good. Back in training camp I remember a guy yelling to the coaches/players, "14-2! and home field throughout!" That's exactly what I want. I want a dominating season, with home field advantage throughout the playoffs, I want to be there for those games, and by God if there's a way, I want to be there when Joe Gibbs lifts up that gorgeous silver trophy, just one more time.

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Great post, glad I was born in 71!

Be thankful...I have a 7 year old that has "turned". Man I hope we stomp the eagles this week...I cant deal with being harassed by my son all week. Eh...I'll just lock him in a closet if we lose.;) :logo:

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Its nice to see that folks occasionally wander in here who can put a couple of coherent thoughts together. Glad you found your way to the door!

I can relate to your sentiments in almost every way. However, I think for some of us, our memories of past glory only make the current ineptitude tougher, rather than easier, to take. When I found out Gibbs was returning, I knew, thats knew, we would return to a winning tradition, perennial playoff appearances, and a Super Bowl.

I have doubts that Gibbs can turn it around, I have to confess it. I still believe in Gibbs the man, but I think there are real reasons we go through coaches like running shoes and haven't found consistent success. Our approach to building a winner is flawed, and although I think Dan Snyder wants to win and appreciate his willingness to spend whatever it takes to do so, I think his primary focus has always been and will always be marketing this team. That focus has done something to this franchise, and even to its fanbase.

My hope ultimately isn't that Joe Gibbs wins in spite of the dysfunction and misplaced priorities, its that he teaches Dan Snyder, the Redskin's front office, and even the fanbase what Redskin's football should be about, how you build a winner from the ground up, and sustain it. I hope he's not too old and demoralized to do it.

I hope.

Great thread and again, glad you found your way here. :cheers:

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Awesome post.

As another 32-yo who watched the first Super Bowl at age 8 and graduated high school with the last one after the '91 season, I have all my formative years cemented in the glory days. Because of that, nothing could ever keep me from being a Redskins fan. Rooting for another team would be like defecating all over my own childhood.

I have taken some comfort in the parallels between my life and the fortunes of my team. Childhood is meant to be a sheltered, idyllic time. When I was a kid, I knew nothing but success from my Redskins (with the exception of SB XVIII, which scarred me to this day...). As an adult, life is a little tougher, and so it is with the 'Skins. We have a salary cap to deal with, just as I have bills of my own to pay. Coaches, owners, and players come and go, just like jobs, homes, and relationships in my own life. And I deal with it. We all deal with it.

But in life, there are always moments of great triumph and glory. I've had those moments on the day I got married, and during the birth of my children. So will there be great moments ahead for our Redskins. Because despite the futility, nobody has given up. I haven't given up. And neither should anyone else. There's always next year.

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Awesome post.

As another 32-yo who watched the first Super Bowl at age 8 and graduated high school with the last one after the '91 season, I have all my formative years cemented in the glory days. Because of that, nothing could ever keep me from being a Redskins fan. Rooting for another team would be like defecating all over my own childhood.

I have taken some comfort in the parallels between my life and the fortunes of my team. Childhood is meant to be a sheltered, idyllic time. When I was a kid, I knew nothing but success from my Redskins (with the exception of SB XVIII, which scarred me to this day...). As an adult, life is a little tougher, and so it is with the 'Skins. We have a salary cap to deal with, just as I have bills of my own to pay. Coaches, owners, and players come and go, just like jobs, homes, and relationships in my own life. And I deal with it. We all deal with it.

But in life, there are always moments of great triumph and glory. I've had those moments on the day I got married, and during the birth of my children. So will there be great moments ahead for our Redskins. Because despite the futility, nobody has given up. I haven't given up. And neither should anyone else. There's always next year.

Another great post - thats a wonderful analogy, thanks....you guys are making me feel better :)

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It has been disheartening this season to read through the Stadium. The same passion and faith that seems to be lacking in our team also seems to be wanting in some of the fans.

And then this post.

You do a phenomenal job of clarifying that generational gap in perceptions LSF, thank you. Sometimes one grain of wheat like this can make up for an awful lot of chaff.

I sympathize with those that did not get to experience the glory years, and I understand how 92 on has colored your belief in what the Redskins are or aren't, but know this. As dark as the days seem now, as tough as it is to hang, it makes the victories that lie ahead all that much sweeter because you will have earned them too. Your loyalty to a team in desperate need of finding itself again, an organization that has lost something it once owned will be repaid. That's where the faith part comes in.

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Great post.

I was born in 78, early enough to remember our Redskins as a winning franchise. I was too young to be concerned with how and why the Skins won - they just did. They always fought, always battled, and always seemed to display more heart, passion, and determination than the opposition. I didn't know what I was wittnessing, other than the final score, but now, looking back, it's apparent.

Here's hoping that we can see flashes of the past these coming weeks, and build on some well founded hope for our franchise as a whole in coming years.

One things for sure - I'll be right here when it happens.



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As dark as the days seem now, as tough as it is to hang, it makes the victories that lie ahead all that much sweeter because you will have earned them too.

I put it this way once before in some thread or another.....I'll say it here again:

"These are the times that make the best of times the best."

It's true what you say, LD.....without these hard times you just don't appreciate the good ones nearly as much. When the 'Skins finally got over the top in Super Bowl XVII, I cried like a baby. It's disbelief mixed with sheer ecxtasy.....and THAT'S one hell of a ****tail.

Here's to all of us drinking that one together one day. Soon.


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As bad as this last loss was, for one quarter of play, we saw...all of us....what his offense could do when properly run. Even you young-uns have to admit...it wasn't just good....it was DOMINANT.

The only problem is, we played the FALCONS, who cannot stop the run. We were dominant because they are horrible.

I've listened to all the vets who have said to give Gibbs the benefit of the doubt, but I'm getting sick of whatever is going on.

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I put it this way once before in some thread or another.....I'll say it here again:

"These are the times that make the best of times the best."

It's true what you say, LD.....without these hard times you just don't appreciate the good ones nearly as much. When the 'Skins finally got over the top in Super Bowl XVII, I cried like a baby. It's disbelief mixed with sheer ecxtasy.....and THAT'S one hell of a ****tail.

Here's to all of us drinking that one together one day. Soon.


On the other hand, you could easily argue thats the tonic that all perennial losers toast each other with. Imagine how 'sweet' and 'glorious' it'll finally be when the Lions or Cardinals win the Super Bowl :) Only problem is, assuming it ever comes, it'll hardly compensate their fans for a lifetime of sucking.

I'm not saying we're even in that ballpark. But you could get directions from where we are.

And Joe Gibbs would be the first to agree with me. Where we are right now, given the coaching and player talent, is UNACCEPTABLE.

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I'm not even sure why kids today pick the Redskins as their team. We lose every year, the media hates us, and our owner is the biggest laughing stock in all of professional sports.

This is a new low for Washington Redskins Football. And don't get me wrong, I can handle losing. I really can.

But now, the legacy of Joe Gibbs is tarnished. The one 'pure' linen from the closet of Redskins history now has a big skid-mark on it.

Not to mention the soul of this franchise was sold to the highest bidder.

Honestly? I'm not sure winning cures everything here. Actually, I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

Don't mean to be so negative, but it's pretty much the state of things right now.

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A fan in limbo's perspective...

When the Redskins defeated the Broncos in the Super Bowl behind Doug Williams I was in first grade. I can hardly remember it, but I do. I remember my Dad being so excited and I remember riding around on his shoulders dancing to the record "Hail to the Redskins" every time we scored in that game...

When the Redskins defeated the Bills in the Super Bowl behind Mark Ryipen I was in fifth grade. I remember each game of that wonderful 14-2 season, and I remember the Redskins making fun of MC Hammer in the playoff game against the Falcons, who was a big supporter of his hometown Atlanta team. One Redskins player was caught on tape towards the end of the game changing Hammer's "2 Legit 2 Quit" into "2 Legit 2 Spit". It was great I loved every second of that year...

Since then it has been nothing but a string of disappointments. I remeber the last two Super Bowls, but admittedly, I was not old enough to TRULY appreciate them as much as I would now, being a die-hard fan. There are two things that keep me coming back every year, and will continue to do so for life:

1 - The memories of the past. Not only of the faint memories of the "glory days", but of the great memories I have with my family and friends growing up being Redskins fans.

2 - The thought of the day when my beloved team will win another Super Bowl, and I will be able to appreciate it to it's fullest extent.

It has been hard and frustrating being as Skins' fan for the last decade, but I truly believe that good times are waiting out there for those that will stick with the team.

Have faith, and HTTR

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It has been disheartening this season to read through the Stadium. The same passion and faith that seems to be lacking in our team also seems to be wanting in some of the fans.

To be honest, you are going to get that until we start winning. Then, everyone will have faith. Usually, it is times like these where you see who the real fans are. Not blind devotion, but being a fan through thick and thin.

The only problem is, we played the FALCONS, who cannot stop the run. We were dominant because they are horrible.

I've listened to all the vets who have said to give Gibbs the benefit of the doubt, but I'm getting sick of whatever is going on.

You mean the team that is 10th against the run after we played them? Let's not confuse them for scrubs. They have a competent run defense, and we did a good job against them.


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I've been a Skins fan since the Redskins won the Superbowl in 82. I was in 5th grade.

I was living in Atlanta when the Redskins won the Superbowl again in 87. I didn't really watch the season, but I remember Green hurdling a guy on his way for a Touchdown in the Bears game. That solidified me as a fan.

I was in college when the Redskins won in 92, and I still remember the feeling.

The years have been lean in recent years, but I'm still a fan. I still follow the team as strongly as ever. While it has been frustrating being a fan, I do know that the people running things right now are working hard to bringing a winner here. Whatever faults you can give them, you can't fault the desire to win. While the FO has that attitude, I will be a fan.


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