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A new attitude for a new generation......


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I'm having a difficult time coming to terms with the concept that it's been a "decade" of losing for the Redskins. I've been a devoted follower for too long to be able to accept that. To me, it's just been a little while between Super Bowls.

I know that there are many things to find fault with Dan Snyder...from his meddling early on, to his de-forestation issues in Potomac, to his marketing structures....but, in the end, I tend to believe that he's a lot like me....that he's just a kid that grew up in Bethesda who wants....REALLY WANTS....the Redskins to win it all again.

I started with this team when they were just coming out of a long period of losing...when they were just discovering what it was to be a winner again. Even then, it was many years before they got to the pinnacle. When they did win that first Super Bowl...it was unbelievable......and who could imagine that we'd win two more in the next ten years? Just a remarkable run...and I was lucky enough to go along for that ride.

So, here we are, fifteen years later or so...and we've had a bit of a drought. But still, these are the Redskins we're talking about...not the Cardinals or the Lions...or the Falcons or the Eagles...or the Giants...or the freaking Cowboys........and we'll have to put up with the ebb and flow of 'Skins fans as we make our journey......

Those that fall off during the lean times will miss out on all the fun....and, though I have no idea when it'll come......we'll get to the top again...and those that hung in there during all the days between will be rewarded with a feeling that is hard to match.

I'm sure of it.


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You mean the team that is 10th against the run after we played them? Let's not confuse them for scrubs. They have a competent run defense, and we did a good job against them.

I do not trust the NFL's rankings based on yards, its easily skewed. Football Outsiders has Atlanta's rushing defense ranked 27th in the league. Even when look at their front seven, you can see it can't stop the run.

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I've always been a Redskins fan but I never actually followed the Redskins until around 93 or 94 in the early years of Turner. I loved the team and the players on it, even though at the time I didn't know much about them. Darrell Green was and is my favorite player of all time, even to this day I remember his interception against the Lions, in the only playoffs we had with Turner, that gave us the win. I have not been a part of a winning franchise really, I've become very familiar with losing. I want to say I got used to it, but you never really get used to it.

So I started attaching myself to players like, Westbrook (now that I read about him I'm ashamed), Darrell Green, Stephen Davis, Champ Bailey, Fred Smoot, Lavar Arrington. I had a hard time wanting to follow this team after so many of my favorite players just started leaving. Even a few times I started screaming at the TV that this will be the last time I'll watch the Redskins, but every Sunday I was right in front of the TV watching the Redskins. Even when theres no chance at the playoffs, and with the rest of my family, who barely watches football, bashing the Redskins every week, I still watch every minute of every game, it just gets harder when "core Redskins" leave every year.

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I'll be honest, I cringe a little anytime someone suggests that only those still optimistic and positive are 'good fans' who will ultimately be rewarded some day. I think its great that some can continue to think we've got everything in place and just a few puzzle pieces or a little more time away from returning to glory. The truth is though, we've made the playoffs just twice in 15 years now, and at least based on this season, are hardly just a few steps away or a player away from being a perennial contender. Thats just how I see it - and I am ultimately a believer - I want to believe, I've previously poured my guts out describing the depths of my belief and hope for this team, and I immerse myself in each and every game just like those who are still optimistic.

I could make the case that its those that continue to be upset and bewildered by this team that care the most. I don't happen to believe that though - what I believe is that we all hunger for success and process our pain and disappointment in different ways.

I do appreciate some positive energy around here Loyal, so thank you for sharing some of yours. We need all we can get!

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When I see someone like Tarhog expressing those views here I know two things...

A: He's dead serious, and B: Something's got to change. All anyone can have is faith that it will.

We're all somewhat wounded by this, you can cry if it hurts, it's ok, no one will think any less of you. It does hurt to see our team flounder this way.

I do not in any way feel that anyone who just cannot hang in there is something less than a fan, some bandwagoner looking for a different ride. I KNOW how hard it's been. You see in this thread sentiments from both sides of the generation gulf how hard it is and for different reasons. I accept that, and I sincerely feel for the rest of the Skins fans that anguish every week the way I do, either because we remember what it once was like or we don't.

Tough times.

Today's another tough one.

I apologize if it sounds simplistic (I don't feel it is) but what are you going to do? Honestly, are you going to pull the plug on your support for this team and look for another, or even worse, give up altogether?

I've lived through hard times and I'll be honest, not all of them had some silver lining or great life lesson afterwards, a lot of them just sucked for no good reason or return. I don't wear all my scars with pride and I didn't deserve them all, but there they are. 4-9 and it ain't over yet. Ouch :cry:

But in the dog days of summer when we start longing for some autumn cool, I know this. I WILL get my hopes up, I WILL look forward to the next season, I WILL have expectations far beyond anything a sane man should admit to, and I will be cheering the Skins on, here and in the real world. I hope that some of you are here then to help me get over it.

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:cheers: Great post....


Yes.... touchdown saints... lol

When I see someone like Tarhog expressing those views here I know two things...

A: He's dead serious, and B: Something's got to change. All anyone can have is faith that it will.

We're all somewhat wounded by this, you can cry if it hurts, it's ok, no one will think any less of you. It does hurt to see our team flounder this way.

I do not in any way feel that anyone who just cannot hang in there is something less than a fan, some bandwagoner looking for a different ride. I KNOW how hard it's been. You see in this thread sentiments from both sides of the generation gulf how hard it is and for different reasons. I accept that, and I sincerely feel for the rest of the Skins fans that anguish every week the way I do, either because we remember what it once was like or we don't.

Tough times.

Today's another tough one.

I apologize if it sounds simplistic (I don't feel it is) but what are you going to do? Honestly, are you going to pull the plug on your support for this team and look for another, or even worse, give up altogether?

I've lived through hard times and I'll be honest, not all of them had some silver lining or great life lesson afterwards, a lot of them just sucked for no good reason or return. I don't wear all my scars with pride and I didn't deserve them all, but there they are. 4-9 and it ain't over yet. Ouch :cry:

But in the dog days of summer when we start longing for some autumn cool, I know this. I WILL get my hopes up, I WILL look forward to the next season, I WILL have expectations far beyond anything a sane man should admit to, and I will be cheering the Skins on, here and in the real world. I hope that some of you are here then to help me get over it.

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The thing we all need to remember is that whether we are optimistic or pessimistic in nature (I'm the latter)...is that all of us are die-hard fans based on the fact we are spending time on the internet talking / reading about our favorite football team. I think Gibbs is fine (I'm 28..so do remember the latter parts of Gibbs I)...however our personnel decisions have a lot to be desired so I feel we'll get it right eventually, but only once we have a change at the top. Most of us pesimistic types are just bitter...not really going to abondon the Skins.

We'll get it right eventually, and it will be sweet when we do!


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My Skins in the 80s were like my father hard working, no name, blue collared family members. Each Sunday and Monday night game was a small Holiday. Playoffs were like Mardi Gras and those 4 Superbowls were the same as 2 Christmas in the same month. RFK was like your own personal backyard, that stadium was a living being each home game.

The sights and sounds of those times. Herzog {the only voice of the Skins}taking you through each game like a narrative story, while Sonny & Sam was the two beloved Uncles who went at it in the back ground. Buges taking the Hogs through pre game reps, Riggo sauntering on the field like he own the joint, which he did. The trio of Monk, Clark & Sanders running sprints laughing and laughing some more. Dexter , well just being Dexter.

Then there was the quiet warriors that you thought never got there due. 81 Art Monk " The Quiet Man" my favorite Skin of all time. {note to the voters for the HOF " Piss on Yah if you cant see how Monk is everything that represents the Hall." 28 Darryl Green just thinking about what he meant to that team and to us fans, well there yah go, nough said. Coach Richie Petibone, should of known the bad run for my Skins was coming when they did Richie the way they did, if you dont know what I mean then good for you. you dont. Theres so many of them. "H-Back" Donny Warren, Diddier, Mann, Kaufman, Nelms, " The Beast" Wilbur Marshall, Wilburn, Mosely, "Monte" Coleman, " Oakie", A.Walton, C."TD" Brown, A. Garrett, Earnest Byner, and"The Two Towers" Butz & Grant. I didnt mention any of the "Hogs" because you know all there names, but during that special time they were who they were and the name Hogs said it all. The QBs well just ask them about the names of those guys on that line, they made guys like Schreoder, Williams,& Rypien. Dont misunderstand me Rip and Doug were Great Redskins and we will always love them for those great seasons and Super Bowl wins.

Now Joey Thiesman another story, hes Joe and to me, other than Sonny he is still one of the Redskins greatest play callers. I loved to hate Joe. Hes like that older brother that constantly annoying you just because he can, but hes also that guy that who would fight his guts out on gameday because he wanted to win more than I think anyone else on that feild. Just the thing with Joe it seems was Ill never know if he wanted those wins for us the fans or just for himself. Thats just my opinion, Im probaly wrong.

Runningbacks Gerald Riggs, George Rogers, and Earnest Byner are so important to why we were so successful in the 80s and there styles though unique to each one all had one common denominator . The Rule of the NFC east Ball control. Most of there runs were between the tackles. Hard hitting and well earned. They could each break one off too, but the majority of the time was spent saying Hello to the opposing teams Middle Linebacker and recieving a pat on there helmet from the Hole Givers , there O Line.

Riggo not forgotten, just a whole another story. John to me was everything that my memories of my 20s in the 80s was about. Hard working, easy going, enjoying life to the excess and in more relative terms Women, Football, Beer, Southern Rock and 4 wheel drive. Riggo will always be the Face of the Skins for me.

Now Coach Joe is why I wrote this blog. After watching todays loss to the Eagles and his post interview. I sat there feeling as bad for him as I would if it were my dad standing there. That’s the relationship most fans of that era have about Joe. Now he looks so much like a man in his 60s looks when hes maybe figuring this run isn’t going to be like the last one that is now over 20 years ago. This run is made for a Man in his 40s name Joe Gibbs . That Joe is what this team needs now. I liked what he stood for then and how after each loss he seem to take it so painfully personal just like me, my dad, and 5 brothers did . His post interviews after the game or on the local news networks would sometimes make you wince from the anguish this man was showing because in his way of thinking he was to blame personally for each one of his fans, players, coaches, and owners heart ache for loosing that game. But just beyond that pain if you looked you could also see that anger, and come Hell or High Potomac water the following week players, coaches and more than likely the next opponent was going to pay, Period. This was the Gospel of Joe. Now I just see the pain, and if the anger is still there then it isn’t getting through to this group that wears the Burgondy. Unfortunately though just like Joe, me, you and everyone else from that great memory filled era, we got older and the game of today does not have any memories of that time. :2cents:

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Look I think it is time we are realists. It is clear what the problem has been since day and you can not buy a championship team and it takes time. We need to build through the draft and do it slowly we can't think we are one player away or one coach which is what happened this year.

With the new NFL you also can't say since we made the playoffs last year if we do this we can make that next hurdle, that does not work anymore. If look last year many of those teams are not making the playoffs.

We also as fans can think we are going to the superbowl every year, it takes time to build and it looks like we need start again from day 1. Take it from a redsox fan, before you know it time just flies by, and we can look back to the 80's and 90's and that may never come again, so we must treasure it.

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