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The Merged x115 Adventures Of The Fashion Police Weekly aka THE Uniform Thread


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UnWise Mike has posted pictures of potential unis if the name is changed.  Check these out.

Screw UnWise Mike and all those ideas. There's a poster that has an avatar/sig combo that says something like, "Change the emblem, and not the name." The picture was a red devil (with red skin). I'm not in favor of changing anything, but I'd take a devil emblem before changing the name of the team. At least there's a precedent of not having an Indian as the logo.

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I personally couldn't stand the throwbacks from last year. All I want this year is to wear burgundy/gold, white/burgundy and white/gold.

If we do that I'll be fine.

Come on, man, those were nice. I think part of the reason you feel that way is because the Panthers embarrassed us that day. Those helmets were sick. I wouldn't mind seeing us break those out again.
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As others here have said, screw UnWise Mike, a charter member of the P.C. Jagoff Brigade.  He's no friend of the team, and those utterly speculative uniform and logo changes he posted online are proof of that.  And who the heck are Ed McVey and Brittain Peck?  (Hey, that rhymes! :P )  Probably loyal readers of Wise's stupid column who agree with his crusade to force the team to change it's nickname and uniform.  So screw them too. :angry:


If the team is to ultimately make a change (and I emphasize IF, as I want the team to keep the current nickname forever), I'd favor keeping the uniform the same and going with Warriors as the new nickname -- for two reasons.  One, as far as I know, the team still has the rights to the "Washington Warriors" nickname as a Plan B, in case any of the various stupid lawsuits against the team (such as Suzan Shown Harjo's from about 15 years ago or the current one from some Harjo wannabe) are successful.  Two, if the nickname is changed to Warriors, it sounds cool (in my opinion) and gives the team the fallback option of later changing the logo, should the caterwauling P.C. crowd remain unpacified.  And the logo could be changed in a way that wouldn't make it look radically different from how it currently looks, in general graphical-design terms.  For example, the Indian head image could be replaced with a profile picture of George Washington (who is the namesake of the city, after all, meaning that we'd become "George Washington's Revolutionary Warriors" B) ) and the feathers on the side of the dreamcatcher could be replaced with an 18th-century-style sabre.  Other than that, keep the current uniforms exactly as they are.  I've long thought about trying to incorporate the George Washington family flag (which is now the D.C. city flag) into a new uniform, but the inclusion of the flag's stars could make us kinda look like "Dallas Cowboys East."  :angry: So forget that.


By the way, if anyone from the Redskins' front office is reading this thread (yeah, riiiight :lol: ) and likes what I've come up with here, feel free to use it.  I, Glenn X (if you want my real name on a real legal document, just private-message me), being of sound mind and body, freely give up any and all legal rights to the potential new team logo I've described, to be used by the owners of the Washington Redskins as they see fit, without any renumeration owed to me.  I wouldn't want this to turn into one of those situations like the one from all those years ago involving that fan of the Baltimore Ravens who claimed he sent Art Modell a drawing of a helmet logo in exchange for Ravens season tickets for life; the team allegedly used said logo, disputed they got the idea from the fan in question, and a lawsuit resulted.  There have been too many damned lawsuits against the Redskins lately.

Edited by Glenn X
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This really blows, only able to go to one game this year and I was going to make it the Chargers game to see the throwbacks. I assume that Nike will continue to make the throwback gear even if the team cannot wear the uniforms again. Wish they would wear  them for the rest of the season now because of these rules.

God I hate the No Fun League....


Wait, the Bears wore their throwbacks this past weekend.  What gives??

They just removed the decals and reused the regular helmet.

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Good. Every time we wear throwbacks we lose.


And while we're at it, the gold pants have obviously lost their mojo, just like the all-white unis did in 2006. Time to change it up.

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Come on, man, those were nice. I think part of the reason you feel that way is because the Panthers embarrassed us that day. Those helmets were sick. I wouldn't mind seeing us break those out again.


No way, I hated them from the moment they were revealed. I didn't like the darker muddier colors. The only semi cool thing about them was how they tried to make the helmet look leather but even that didn't turn out as well as I think they hoped it would. 

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UnWise Mike has posted pictures of potential unis if the name is changed.  Check these out.

skinfan2k, Thanks for sharing. If we had to modernize our a team look, that's the way to go. Maybe replace the black with a type of dark red and use a spear as our logo. However, if political correctness wins, I don't think I could ever get use to calling them Warriors and using a letter "W" for our logo.

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I don't really mind a "W" logo. I used to have a shirt from Britches Great Outdoors in the early-1990s that had a burgundy and gold W with feathers on it. It just said "Washington Football" as I'm assuming it wasn't licensed. I always thought it looked pretty cool.


If they could incorporate something like that on a "W" logo I would be fine with it (assuming we're called the Warriors). I also wouldn't mind a spear or feathers being used.

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In general, I hate the NFL's narrow rules on throwbacks, and this latest episode is no exception.  The NCAA allows football teams to have a million different helmet and uniform combos, and I've never heard that it violates any safety protocols.  If the alternate helmets are built to the same specifications as the regular ones, why can't a player be allowed to wear two or three different helmets over the course of a season, a la the Oregon Ducks?


No Fun League, indeed.


However, we could make this NFL edict work for us by adopting a kind of "composite" throwback uniform that utilizes the current team colors and helmets.  One, for throwback uniform games, replace the normal insignias on our regular helmets with the 1960s-era spear decal, adjusting the gold on it to our current shade of said color.  Two, use the same gold pants that we've worn for the last two years.  Three, take the 1930s-inspired jerseys from last year and alter the burgundy & gold on them to match the rest of the aforementioned uniform.  Done.

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If I'm not mistaken, the throwback helmets were made with a sort of leatherhead-esque applique that envelops the crown of the helmet.    It may have been done by a third-party company, but If the equipment staff is going to do any sort of helmet modifications, I guess it's possible they could still get the throwback look ready with the players' regular helmets on Sunday night into Monday.  Makes the logistics kind of daunting, sure, but I wouldn't rule it out.

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What I think is interesting is how so many other leagues are embracing throwback uniforms, while the NFL is going in the complete opposite direction. How many people do you see walking around with throwback NBA jerseys or throwback MLB hats? The NFL seems to be passing up a HUGE merchandising area but limiting the number of times a team can wear throwbacks. And now, basically every team is screwed when it comes to throwbacks. Are the Cowboys still going to wear theirs on Thanksgiving? They used to always wear those white helmets, but now they can't.

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  • 1 month later...

This week is the "Homecoming game"


I wonder if we will wear throwbacks like we did for Homecoming last year. 


Nope, the NFL has banned alternate helmets, so the only way we'd wear them is if we wore them with our regular hats.  Wouldn't be a good look.

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