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Here is what I just dont understand about GIBBS....When asked about taking Brunell out in the 4th with 9:00 minutes left, he said it was going to be Collins, Now what exactly could JC have done to where GIBBS has sooo little confidence in him? I dont get it. EVERY report or sound byte I hear on JC is that he is as close to being ready as he can be without any real game time.. Translation means that he isnt going to get any better sitting on the bench...Put him in and let the Kid play..NO intelligent NFL fan can tell me that JC could do any worse then MB is doing right now.. So Tell me JC, Why wont GIbbs give you your fair chance??????? :logo: :gaintsuck

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A new low...

I've seen Brunell play pretty bad week in and week out. I've seen him throw 3- yard dump-offs of 3rd-and-17, throw the ball away when his receivers are streaking down the sideline wide-open, I've seen him take sacks instead of throw it 5 yards to an open player, I've seen him horribly underthrow his receivers who then get pummelled while trying to make a play, I've seen him throw the ball horribly late so it either gets picked off or batted away, I've seen him basically close his eyes and throw the ball into the air into double and triple coverage when the game is on the line...

But this week has to be the worst play I've seen from a starting NFL QB.

This game was lost because of one person - Brunell. I don't think I can really say that he alone cost us a game before, because he's been careful to protect his job - but today was different.

On his pass that was picked off and returned for an INT - Brunell looked at Moss for about 3 seconds, padded the ball about twice, and hardly put any speed into his throw - which was lobbed right at where Moss was standing still, all while the corner was right there watching the whole thing.

I've never seen a more predicable pass in an NFL game. He didn't look off the defender, he didn't pump fake, he didn't try to gun it in there - it was an absolutely terrible, horrendous throw. It absolutely should have been picked off - and was probably the easiest pick that a corner has ever had to make.

Gibbs needs to take notice - Brunell's terrible play cost this team when it was still "possible" to mount a comeback. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - for the sake of the fans, for the sake of the team, even for the sake of our overpriced players - PLEASE put in a QB who will at least TRY to be competitive.

I feel ashamed to be a Redskins fan right now.

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  • 2 years later...
Brunell has played the same for 3 years. What more do you expect? It's the coaching. When the player is consistently worthless, yet he stays in the game, the blame has to be put on the coaches for not having the guts to even see another qb play when we have virtually no chance of winning after being down big in the second half.

I can't believe that Gibbs has let his legacy get this tarnished over Brunell. If Gibbs wasn't already in the HOF, I doubt he would get inducted if he retired this year, particularly given the anti-skins bias.

You said it 3 years ago for Brunell and 100% of it now holds true for Campbell except Gibbs would never be fired. Zorn is throwing away any chance he has of holding a NFL job by continuing to start a QB that the team has quit on.

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You said it 3 years ago for Brunell and 100% of it now holds true for Campbell except Gibbs would never be fired. Zorn is throwing away any chance he has of holding a NFL job by continuing to start a QB that the team has quit on.

The team has quit on him? Really!?!

Who told you?

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I don't think Brunnel is the problem so much as O line protection and picking up blitz and such. I mean at this point Brunnel has a higher completion percentage than McNabb and is playing under alot more pressure than McNabb.

If you think about it, Brunnel is actually doing a good job so far.

The Redskins are running the ball better, dominating on TOP and diong all the right things, but that one mistake by Taylor on D and that unbelieveable freak play lead to 2 Philly TD's.

All things considered, the Skins are doing well, have stopped the Philly offense cold since the mistake by Taylor, and are on the way back.

Have a little faith!


Never thought I'd see one of these in here.

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He has absolutely no time. Our entire offensive line looks confused. Too many missed blocks. As much as I would think a mid-game switch to Collins might be in order, I don't think it will help much in this game. Need to stick with max protect, hope defense or teams can score and cross our fingers. Not quite ready to call this one over just yet.

Collins was never the answer for Brunell either.

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Wow, this ones even better:


His pass yards: 1465. MORE than Carson Palmer. MORE than Rex Grossman. MORE than Tom Brady, Matt Hasselbeck, and Phillip Rivers.

His Completion Percentage: 64.1. BETTER than Peyton and Eli Manning. BETTER than Marc Bulger, Donovan Mcnabb, Tom Brady, Matt Hasselbeck, and Carson Palmer.

His Interceptions: 3. Tied for Lowest in the NFL.

Amount of times sacked: 11. Lowest in the NFC East.

His QBRating: 90.4. Better than Rex Grossman, Tom Brady, Brad Johnson, and Brett Farve.

My Points:

The QB ALWAYS gets blamed first when a team loses. The Backup is always popular when he's the backup. Be paitent. All the new pieces need time to gel, and its obvious that Gibbs doesn't want to put Campbell in until he has had a full offseason to work with the first team, so let's stop screaming like babies and maybe value the QB we have. Week eight last year we were "out of it" too. If any fans should know that things can turn around quickly, it should be skins fans.

Alright, that's the first time i've spoken on the QB situation and it'll be the last. My voice is heard.

Just so you Campbell lovers know about Socalskins:

Brunell has led our offense to an average of 3 points a game against the NFC east and just over 7 per game against the NFC as a whole. What prolific output against teams that matter the most.

He has led us to a 1-3 record against winless teams. He played well against his former team and a winless team that was the worst in the NFL last year as well.

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Lol. Nice bump. It's crazy how ****ty QB's elicit almost the exact same responses from fans. I bet if you go over to the Bills board they're saying the same stuff about Trent Edwards that we're saying about Campbell (and Brunell back then.)

I think Edwards nickname since the 1st or 2nd week is Captain Dumpoff or something like that.

More LOL Brunell threads, http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?t=177436

Ghost doing his hater thing:


How often are people going to have to point out to chaps like you how BAD Brunell is at using the pocket, sidestepping to avoid pressure and stepping up?

He has created at least 2 or 3 sacks by actually RUNNING INTO a blocked defensive lineman. ANd that's this year. You also seemed to NOT READ THE POST article which talked about the problem's Brunell is creating in the offense (none of them related to the O-line.) I also had a thread where I showed that not only is the Skins O-line pretty decent in pass protection but that the run game's YPC average, first downs and # of TDs is pretty good also.

We haven't heard anything like that about our QB lately, have we? LOL

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They're not saying anything like that in Seattle. Instead, the talk there is about how long it's going to take for a QB-starved team to make a trade for Seneca Wallace. The Redskins are one of the teams that comes up in the speculation.

So I may as well get some of your opinions about that...

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They're not saying anything like that in Seattle. Instead, the talk there is about how long it's going to take for a QB-starved team to make a trade for Seneca Wallace. The Redskins are one of the teams that comes up in the speculation.

So I may as well get some of your opinions about that...

Is he any good? They weren't winning games with him. How about Campbell for Hasselbeck? JC is a lot younger and has all kinds of "potential". ;)

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I consider myself something of a pioneer with this thread (I was not the only one against the trade for Brunell, but I was probably the most prominent voice on this board and others):


Ouch, I ran into a post by you SkinsFTW:

If you sit an infinate amount of monkeys at an infinite amount of typewriters, one of them will type out Hamlet. It doesn't mean he's Shakespeare, just really lucky.

Your posts in that thread were definitely anti-Ghost opinion. Good to see you've come around and I doubt you still hold the opinion that I was a lucky monkey (though I do like monkeys and apes!)

Here's a thread of note:


It details how the Titans said, "Thank you, mark Brunell!" in their locker room.

It is similar to things you've heard lavarleap say that defensive players think about Campbell and that Rodney Harrison gave voice to. These are players that literally kill their own team. Everyone underestimates the talent on the team, and has, because the QB has been so awful except for a couple of brief stretches and every excuse is made for them.

As this CPND poster asks, if Brunell was benched in both his really bad years (don't forget, the great stats he had in 2006 lol) then how is it Campbell avoided getting benched last year, other than to avoid a controversy heading into this year? Now, here we sit and there's a controversy anyway! Why are we wasting prime years of our players' lives with these city (think South Park City Wok lol) QBs?! Though he took WAAAAAAAAYY too long and then needed Jason to get hurt in 2007, at least Joe showed the ability to open up his eyes.

I noticed Pasizzle was anti-Brunell in there. I wonder if people hitched their wagons to JC and then stuck there or if some, like S0crates, are just consistent QB-homers.

And just to show that I don't just pick the times where I'm right, here is this head-slapper of a thread made by yours truly. I do want to note that as the draft approached, I didn't want Udeze at #5 but as part of a trade down to acquire someone like Wilfork also. But, uh, wow---the Taylor supporters were not wrong about Sean and I and D-line people looked like idiots.


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So I really have trouble believing that Brunell is effecting our offense as detrimentally as you believe.

But hey, maybe you're right and I'm just talking out of my moon.gif

Guess old submit has been doing that for three years now.

Look at what I said later in that 2004 thread after the Tampa game:

You want to know why Tampa was able to stack up against the run? I'm not talking about the very end either. The fact is, there was no vertical threat. That's why Gardner got yards because his routes were shorter(or screens.)

If you want our WRs to get open deep and to get hit on deep routes, you'll want Ramsey. If you want checkdowns that won't get us anywhere but in defensive struggles, your man is Brunell.

I realize that Jason is better than Mark in this regard, he doesn't do 3 yard ABSOLUTELY USELESS checkdowns like old Scott but that's because he has the cannon to get the ball to the middle of the field, something that Mark usually didn't and Mark was infamous for not using the middle of the field (it requires using the pocket.)

But still sounds familiar eh?

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They're not saying anything like that in Seattle. Instead, the talk there is about how long it's going to take for a QB-starved team to make a trade for Seneca Wallace. The Redskins are one of the teams that comes up in the speculation.

So I may as well get some of your opinions about that...

No thanks to Wallace. I don't think I've heard anyone speculate that we should pick him up either way. I don't think any team is going to make a play for Seneca anyways.

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I consider myself something of a pioneer with this thread (I was not the only one against the trade for Brunell, but I was probably the most prominent voice on this board and others):


Ouch, I ran into a post by you SkinsFTW:

Your posts in that thread were definitely anti-Ghost opinion. Good to see you've come around and I doubt you still hold the opinion that I was a lucky monkey (though I do like monkeys and apes!)

LOL, actually at the beginning of 2004 I was just backing up Gibbs I think since I thought that he MUST have known what he was doing. A few weeks later and I was a hater as well. Nothing like these Campbell supporters that are still dangling after 5 years. I think I just remembered how ugly it was with Rypien there for a while but then Brunell started on his >100 passing yard streak and I was done believing in that.

My original thought on the Brunell trade was that it was a bad idea for the price. He had only played 16 games 1 time in his entire career and 2004 proved why Jax knew he couldn't hold up for a full season and went with Leftwich instead even though he was an inferior QB at the time. By game 4-5 in 04 until the 2005 playoffs I believed that Ramsey was the better option and thought it was stupid to play Brunell at all when he was obviously still injured from the Giants game that Ramsey won in the end. Ramsey would have taken us further in the playoffs IMO.

BTW, this thread is hilarious: http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?t=177830

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Here's another one. http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?t=177565

And in that thread I brought up why Brunell was losing games for us while still putting up decent stats, just like Campbell is now:

Basically the difference between Gibbs passing offense of last year and Saunders this year is that Brunell has the option on every single pass play to throw 2 yards to a back. In Gibbs offense that guy was blocking a lot of the time. Brunell threw to the real receivers more in Gibbs offense but then he also threw it out of bounds more too.

I think that 2 yard guy would do more by staying back and blocking. Brunell proved this in the 2nd half of the Colt game by passing to the 2 yard guy on consecutive series when it was 3rd and 8+. The Colts were scoring, and we were completing 2-3 yard passes and punting. Way to go Super Smart guy.

Up until that point I didn't think Brunell was having a bad game at all but he did need to start getting the ball to the other guys like he did in the 1st Qtr. It seems like the playcalling changed for no reason after the first couple drives. It's like they decided that we could stay with the Colts and get conservative and in the 2nd half they didn't notice that the Colts were getting 6 points every time they got the ball.

This is why you can't really blame the OL at all.

If the blocking was so bad Cooley wouldn't have been running routes the entire first 4 games until Samuels went down and Heyer became obviously inept, the RB would be blocking too but he's still there for the dumpoff.

This is the reason why QB's in Gibbs offense put up lesser #s but have a lot better protection to go down field and is also why Campbell's stats became much worse the last 8 games of 08 even though they never were that good to begin with.

While it was dumb to keep playing Campbell after the Giants game when Zorn obviously did not trust him, playing him now with the OL injuries is beyond moronic and he will lose us games by doing nothing positive until he's pulled. He's a net 0 in our complete offense when he doesn't turn the ball over, right now he's probably -7 to 14 points a game which is why we score from 3-14 points on offense every week when an average team gets 21-24.

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