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Wow Washington Post a fine example .....(link)


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....of gutter press.

Its in the news section but I wanted to post a link....


I know the hordes and hordes of "fans" who Boo Mark Brunell when he does his weekly shop will lap this crap up but as an outsider looking in from accross the pond this is possibly one of the ugliest articles I have read more in common with the worst tendancies of our red tops than a supposed marque paper like the Washington Post.

Leonard you have those feelings about a guy you sign on to the internet and find a message board and spout your fealings probably IN CAPS stating how you think Dan Snyder is the DEVIL!!! and you will find people who totally agree with your opinion but thats what it is an opinion. You do not put it in a "Newspaper" and try and pass it off as journalism .

Okay Dan is not doing press because when he did he got raked over the coals as a medaling owner . So has made the concerted effort to avoid the press and has for years but now Dan is "socially inept" damned if you do damned if you don't.

Leonard also rattles on

"....ripping off the football fans of Washington with a product hardly befitting the second highest ticket prices in the NFL....."

Doesn't mention they are $10 less than NE and $1 more than KC and the Giants at $68 on average hell it costs on average $64 for a ticket to see San Fran.

The worst part of this putrid pile is it is published on the wednesday of Dallas week .

I almost belived things that were written in the Post articles but it appears the paper still has an axe to grind and with that all thier work (redskins related) becomes tarnished.

Michael Wilbon, Leonard Shapiro, Jason La (I-have-no-actual-sources-so-I will-keep-them-unamed-to-make-myself-seem-important) Canfora and Sally (I-love-NY) Jenkins I cannot think of the words to use to describe you all but Journalists isn't one of them.

:soapbox: :rant:

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its the truth.. the redskins don't talk to the media besides gibbs.. ernie grunfeld, a real gm comes on to the JT show every week to discuss the wizards. jim bowden comes on nbc 4 to talk about the nationals.. stan kasten as well.

dan synder needs to talk to the media, as well as vinny.

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Yea I read that crap and honestly right or wrong I could care less if Daniel Snyder talks to the media or not. He could be a cross dressing tranny for all I care. I like the Redskins, not the owner. Who could blame him for not talking to the mediots anyway? They take everything that's said and twist it to meet their agenda anyway. Journalism has become gimmick filled drama. It's like the mediots have a persona they have to maintain and reporting outside of that will make them lose street cred. Why can't they just report the truth? Why twist it all up with high school drama? Why, because that's what sells. As long as it sells they'll write it. Quit buying that crap and maybe they'll get the hint. :2cents:

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Speaking of terrible media...anyone see Sports Reporters Sunday? 3 of the 4 "sports reporters" used their parting shots to spout political diatribes. John Saunders went as far as insulting America's Constitution. As a Canadian he should shut the hell up. It's pretty bad when the "drive-by media" has extended to the sports world with liberal bias. Please ESPN, go back to sports.

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Care to enlighten?

The poster said that if you stop buying the post maybe they will get the hint and put out a better product instead of what is published now. If we stopped buying jerseys and tickets maybe our management would see that we are unhappy and also put out a better product. Of course this will NEVER happen – I would die before I ever gave up my tickets/jerseys for even one Sunday. My point was that both the Washington Post and the Redskins have put out pure crap for sometime now.

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its the truth.. the redskins don't talk to the media besides gibbs.. ernie grunfeld, a real gm comes on to the JT show every week to discuss the wizards. jim bowden comes on nbc 4 to talk about the nationals.. stan kasten as well.

dan synder needs to talk to the media, as well as vinny.

Does Abe Pollin come on every week to discuss the Wizards? Does any member of the Lerner Family come on every week to discuss the Nationals? I mean if you are going to compare, compare the right thing. You can't have it both ways...people complain about Snyder being the GM at the same time they complain he isn't coming to the media to talk like a GM...which is it?

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The poster said that if you stop buying the post maybe they will get the hint and put out a better product instead of what is published now. If we stopped buying jerseys and tickets maybe our management would see that we are unhappy and also put out a better product. Of course this will NEVER happen – I would die before I ever gave up my tickets/jerseys for even one Sunday. My point was that both the Washington Post and the Redskins have put out pure crap for sometime now.

I'm the poster by the way, that's why I was asking the question.

I am as frustrated as the next guy with our team losing for over a decade now. It disheartening and at times makes you want to give up hope. That's where being a die-hard fan kicks in. Comparing the Redskins org. to the press is a bit unfair. The press intentionally bashes the skins to push their agenda and to get back at Danny for not being mediot friendly. You say not buying jersey's and tickets will send a message to the management. What message? Build a better team? Hire better coaches? Start the people we want them to start? Your post implies the management is purposely putting a team on the field that can't win football games. Do you honestly believe that?

I think Danny, Gibbs and everyone else in management thinks they're are going about things the right way or they wouldn't be doing it. Even though we as armchair QB's think they're screwing up I seriously doubt they feel the same way. Danny is a Redskin fan. Joe Gibbs would never coach a team to lose. He's fallible, skins fans have put him on a pedistle thinking he's the great saviour. He's tried to do the right things and so far they haven't worked. They are trying to give us a product worth buying, they just haven't found the right mixture to make that happen yet. It's too soon to give up hope yet. Gibbs II is far from over, we as fans have endured worse.

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Yeah Michael Wilbon is not a journalist :rolleyes:

Nevermind that he's one of the brightest stars in the business at the moment. Him and Korny are everywhere these days, but forget all that. Wilbon sometimes says not nice things about the skins - and anyone that dare speak ill of a team that has been bad for the vast majority of 15 years can't possibly be considered a journalist.

I can do little more then laugh at fans on here trying to blame the media for negative press. You know what gets negative press? Being a terrible team. Constantly making crappy FO moves. An owner that takes on a local paper. Those things generate negative press. It isn't that every writer employed in the DC area just happens to be anti-redskin, it's that most people that try to be objective see little to be positive about when they look at a consistent loser.

I love my team but I'm not going to play along with this blame the press BS.

I remember when all press about the Wizards was bad. Really bad. They would flat out laugh at the team. Why? Because they were all anti-wizard? No. It's because the Wizards were terrible. They would trade away young talent (see Detroit championship team) for over paid ****ty past their prime athletes (sound familiar). Suddenly their press isn't so bad. People are giving them credit and singing the praise of their stars. Why? Because they aren't bad anymore. They are consistent winners.

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Yeah Michael Wilbon is not a journalist :rolleyes:

Nevermind that he's one of the brightest stars in the business at the moment. Him and Korny are everywhere these days, but forget all that. Wilbon sometimes says not nice things about the skins - and anyone that dare speak ill of a team that has been bad for the vast majority of 15 years can't possibly be considered a journalist.

I can do little more then laugh at fans on here trying to blame the media for negative press. You know what gets negative press? Being a terrible team. Constantly making crappy FO moves. An owner that takes on a local paper. Those things generate negative press. It isn't that every writer employed in the DC area just happens to be anti-redskin, it's that most people that try to be objective see little to be positive about when they look at a consistent loser.

I love my team but I'm not going to play along with this blame the press BS.

I remember when all press about the Wizards was bad. Really bad. They would flat out laugh at the team. Why? Because they were all anti-wizard? No. It's because the Wizards were terrible. They would trade away young talent (see Detroit championship team) for over paid ****ty past their prime athletes (sound familiar). Suddenly their press isn't so bad. People are giving them credit and singing the praise of their stars. Why? Because they aren't bad anymore. They are consistent winners.

:applause: Well said. You get negative press as a sports team when you do poorly.

The skins have been doing poorly for 13 of the last 15 years. The negative articles might have firm ground to stand on.

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Yep, you get negative press when you do poorly and good press when you do well. But it's not that simple. It's not: "Oh my god just because the skins are losing the orgainization is getting ripped!!" The reason the skins are chronic losers is because they are chronically mismanaged. The organization IS the problem. We had one fluke year last year that even they managed to not botch up, and we also had a super quiet free agency last year. The redskins management deserves ALL of the criticism it gets, because, quite frankly, it is INCOMPETENT. You can draw a stark contrast between how they run things, and how the past superbowl winners, and organizations that consistently win, run things. It's not magic.

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Yeah Michael Wilbon is not a journalist :rolleyes:

Nevermind that he's one of the brightest stars in the business at the moment. Him and Korny are everywhere these days, but forget all that. Wilbon sometimes says not nice things about the skins - and anyone that dare speak ill of a team that has been bad for the vast majority of 15 years can't possibly be considered a journalist.

I can do little more then laugh at fans on here trying to blame the media for negative press. You know what gets negative press? Being a terrible team. Constantly making crappy FO moves. An owner that takes on a local paper. Those things generate negative press. It isn't that every writer employed in the DC area just happens to be anti-redskin, it's that most people that try to be objective see little to be positive about when they look at a consistent loser.

I love my team but I'm not going to play along with this blame the press BS.

I remember when all press about the Wizards was bad. Really bad. They would flat out laugh at the team. Why? Because they were all anti-wizard? No. It's because the Wizards were terrible. They would trade away young talent (see Detroit championship team) for over paid ****ty past their prime athletes (sound familiar). Suddenly their press isn't so bad. People are giving them credit and singing the praise of their stars. Why? Because they aren't bad anymore. They are consistent winners.


And I think if it were up to Danny we wouldn't get any press at all....outside of Redskins.com updates about what AA's favorite tv show is

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They are wrong.

And I still can't find the article.

It appears that way but they're the ones that have been coaching for years not us. It's our right to question them but I'm sure they have more expert experience to draw upon to make the tough decisions than we the fans do.

It's frustrating as hell to see Brunell play football with no apparent desire to win. However, I'm not the coach with three Super Bowl wins. If he says he gives us the best chance to win I have to believe he knows more about the QB situation than I do, no matter how stupid I think the decision is. A lot of people insinuate the FO doesn't care about winning, I think the FA signinings prove otherwise. It makes sense to me to assume a player that's had success in the league is a better risk than a rookie out of college. Super Bowl winning teams have proved otherwise but to completely discount the FA theory because hind sight is 20/20 is a bit too hasty if you ask me.

I agree the current formula for winning isn't working but there are a bunch of teams doing the draft VS FA thing that are losing as well. I think it's more of a combination of players, coaches, philosophy, ego's, lack of heart, $$$$, and whatever else you want to throw in the mix. I don't think you can single out one thing as the problem; including blaming the FO for all of our woes.

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I have now fixed the link and I have nothing against negative press as such and there have been well thought out articles critising the team but this was an all out attack on the owner who signs the cheques but has no day to influence over the running of the team and isn't like Jerry Jones who is the self apointed GM of the Cowboys.

The reason I included Wilborn in my sumation is because while he does put together some nice articles he still works for the Post which taints anything he says

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Spot on really...

The guy's a reclusive owner. He gouges my eyes out, and I keep comin' back for more. Its not Snyder, its Gibbs for me. I didn't get season tickets until Gibbs came back. Would I have gotten them regardless of the coach? Maybe. But when Gibbs leaves, if the orgs' philosophies don't change I'm not handing this dude anymore of the hard earned cashe. The artical was a bit obtuse in spots, but other than that I think the overall thesis is that Snyder overcharges his fans and isn't very accountable as an owner. Thats a fair assessment and there are a lot of things that he has done/not done to deserve this type of critical journalism. On the positive, he cheers pretty hard for his team. He's a fan first, and then a crook :laugh: :jk:


P.S. Wilbon is a great journalist. His articles are usually great reads.

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back in '99, his first season as owner, his team wins the NFC east and a playoff game and almost makes it to the NFC championship game. he was all over the TV, local and national media, imitating his idol, jerry jones. in 2000, when they were the media favorite to win the superbowl, he was all over the media. a young, brash, ****y owner who had it all figured out. ill never forget that 2000 draft when they drafted lavar arrington and chris samuels #2 and #3. the camera caught him in the "war room" celebrating. he leans back in his chair, puts his feet on the desk and lights a cigar like he just won the superbowl. he had it all figured out. this was too easy....or was it. now joe gibbs, who worked with a great owner, has to work with this guy and his yes man. i wish gibbs wouldve called marty before he took the job. marty knew the deal. he fired cerrato and hired his own personnel guy and kept snyder out of the loop. that is exactly what gibbs shouldve done but snyder wouldnt allow it. unless this jerry jones wannabe is willing to make changes, he will drive joe gibbs to another retirement.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Post sports crew (sans Sally Jenkins, of course). They get bashed b/c they're not afraid to CHALLENGE or criticize the same things the rest of us have seen for the past, oh....15 odd years or so.

Under Snyder's reign they have been ostracized, which is unfortunate. However, before you bash them, you may want to realize that if Snyder has his way he will completely control all things Redskins media related. The man is a marketing guru...he realizes that bad press hurts his product and his reaction thus far has been to try to control the press as much as possible.

And yes, the fans do deserve an apology.

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