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Hate to say it but........


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I dont want to control your posting "rights." I want you to :stfu: when you say dumb stuff like "disregard so and so's post, because i dont agree with it."

I havent seen any logic to support your position either, and seeing other posters' thoughts, seem like most agree with me.

I bet at some point in your life, some parent asked you: "If everybody else jumped off a bridge, would you do it?"

10,000 people making a bad decision does not make it a good decision. Just as people agreeing with you that it's ok to limit discussion on a message board because you don't like the content doesn't make it right.

My logic is supported by accepted common decency. I hope you're not lacking that.

And Waterwagen, I agree that this thread should never have been started. I said as much in my first post. But if people in general don't have any thoughtful discussion to add to the thread, why waste time posting? There must be some basis for discussion, as this thread approaches its third page.

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And Waterwagen, I agree that this thread should never have been started. I said as much in my first post. But if people in general don't have any thoughtful discussion to add to the thread, why waste time posting? There must be some basis for discussion, as this thread approaches its third page.
Sure there is. We've found it.
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I told you guy's back before the regular season started that we would struggle to make .500 this year w/Boonell under center.

Still think I'm crazy?

What's your point? That you have ESP or that the Redskins should have started Collins/Campbell?

We'd be right where we are or worse if we'd started the other guys. Our TEAM ins't playing well and our COACHES are still trying to mold a TEAM. Don't give yourself so much credit.

And BTW- you didn't tell ME anything at all.

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I bet at some point in your life, some parent asked you: "If everybody else jumped off a bridge, would you do it?"

Thats what people say when everyone is telling them they are wrong, but they refuse to see it. You've probably said that an awful lot. :laugh:

10,000 people making a bad decision does not make it a good decision. Just as people agreeing with you that it's ok to limit discussion on a message board because you don't like the content doesn't make it right.

My logic is supported by accepted common decency. I hope you're not lacking that.

And Waterwagen, I agree that this thread should never have been started. I said as much in my first post. But if people in general don't have any thoughtful discussion to add to the thread, why waste time posting? There must be some basis for discussion, as this thread approaches its third page.

What logic? I dont see any in any of your posts in this thread. No logic, no point, nuthin'.

And you blame me for hijacking? WTF? You just took a thread about someone saying "i told you the Redskins would suck" and are trying to turn it into a thread about posters "rights." :doh:

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I told you guy's back before the regular season started that we would struggle to make .500 this year w/Boonell under center.

Still think I'm crazy?

Ooh, you're special. You made a prediction about football and it came true. Well, I picked Detroit to beat Buffalo last week. What do you think about that?

Thanks for the laugh. :applause: That's the funniest thing I have heard since "We are gonna whip the Giants"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

Is it any fun for you to watch football when you already know the outcomes to the games?

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I got bashed relentlessly when I stated the obvious situation this team was in- statements like "wait and you will see a different team come regular season"

Well, we are six games into the season and not much has changed. I am so dissapointed in Gibbs and Co. and really have no hope of ever seeing the Redskins come back to glory.

I am venting and anyone that has hopes of us turning this season around is frankly delusional.

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What logic? I dont see any in any of your posts in this thread. No logic, no point, nuthin'.

The logic is inherent in the rules and guidance of the forum.


5. Please be respectful of your fellow members. ...Personal attacks or threats will not be tolerated. Go after the idea, not the poster. Free debate within the parameters outlined herein is welcome on these forums, and diversity of opinion lies at the heart of a good debate. Toward that end, every member is free to have their own opinion so long as it is expressed in a civil manner, is within the subject matter topic of the forum and does not otherwise violate forum rules.

Maybe you don't see the logic because you don't understand the rules you agreed to when you signed on here? Just a though, and only my opinion.

The original poster expressed his opinion, and you told him to turn in his fan card. That's not indicitive of somebody following the rules. We've already addressed the fact that the original poster probably should have put this post in an already-existing Brunell related thread. But to tell somebody they're not a fan, or that they should turn in their card is a clear statement that you're not willing to allow any opinion on the subject different than yours. If you can't follow that logic, PM me and I will try to explain it differently.

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I got bashed relentlessly when I stated the obvious situation this team was in- statements like "wait and you will see a different team come regular season"

Well, we are six games into the season and not much has changed. I am so dissapointed in Gibbs and Co. and really have no hope of ever seeing the Redskins come back to glory.

I am venting and anyone that has hopes of us turning this season around is frankly delusional.

how can you cry about folks disagreeing with you before the season and call everyone that simply hopes the Skins turn it around delusional?

hello, this is the pot, calling the kettle........

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I am far from the biggest 8 supporter in here. Having said that, anyone who looks at this season's game film up to this point (as I have repeatedly) and comes to the conclusion that Brunell is to blame..........well, thay are frankly not bright.

Grab yourself a copy of the Minny, NYG, or *gulp* Tenn games and take an honest look at the defense. I don't mean just against the run either (that is too obvious)....I mean across the board. And if your argument is "they are on the field too long", look at how they respond coming out after resting at half time. Look at how they responded after our TD drive to tie the Tenn game (and that time they even let Tenn drive it from their own goal line).

Dude, give it a rest. If the Redskins offense can't keep up with the Titans Juggernaut offense then we are a loser. Not to mention the Giants game where we scored 3 and only needed 20 to win, same with Minnesota but we couldn't get a TD even though we were down there countless times. Against dallas our offense did nothing, I mean absolutely NOTHING but it was 17-10 in the 3rd with our defense stopping Dallas on several series in a row even though we were 3 and out repeatedly.

Who's not so bright? Tenn scored 1 TD in the 1st half and 1 TD in the 2nd half. They had the worst ranked run defense in the league and we had home field advantage and we couldn't control the clock or score on them until it was almost over. Pathetic man, totally pathetic. Good teams just don't lose those kind of games. Stupid penalties killed us more than the defense that was on the field for almost 2/3s of the game while several injured starters were out. Penalties cost us on 2 of Tennessee's drives and several of our own.

Also we were very lucky that those fumbles were recovered and we still lost because Brunell looked like that guy you play against in Madden who always throws the ball to the same receiver and can't figure out that you are covering his receiver with 2-3 defenders every play while leaving the other receivers virtually uncovered. I love playing against guys like that.

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I got bashed relentlessly when I stated the obvious situation this team was in- statements like "wait and you will see a different team come regular season"

Well, we are six games into the season and not much has changed. I am so dissapointed in Gibbs and Co. and really have no hope of ever seeing the Redskins come back to glory.

I am venting and anyone that has hopes of us turning this season around is frankly delusional.

So what are you doing here? Since the season is already over, you should be off somewhere doing something less depressing.

Congratulations, you got your attention.


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The original poster expressed his opinion, and you told him to turn in his fan card. That's not indicitive of somebody following the rules. We've already addressed the fact that the original poster probably should have put this post in an already-existing Brunell related thread. But to tell somebody they're not a fan, or that they should turn in their card is a clear statement that you're not willing to allow any opinion on the subject different than yours. If you can't follow that logic, PM me and I will try to explain it differently.

The OP didn't follow the rules, but thanks for posting them. You should now read them because it's clear you're having a tough time with them.

Telling someone to turn in their fan card after an absolute waste of board space is NOT breaking any rules. The less the Mods have to police us, the better this community will be.

This thread SUCKS, the idea SUCKS, and the notion that pleaseblitz was not following the rules SUCKS.

Another thing, this thread is borderline 'call out' to the other board members who probably clowned this guy before when he called for the team to be .500.

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Dude, give it a rest. If the Redskins offense can't keep up with the Titans Juggernaut offense then we are a loser. Not to mention the Giants game where we scored 3 and only needed 20 to win, same with Minnesota but we couldn't get a TD even though we were down there countless times. Against dallas our offense did nothing, I mean absolutely NOTHING but it was 17-10 in the 3rd with our defense stopping Dallas on several series in a row even though we were 3 and out repeatedly.

Dude, YOU give it a rest. Your post shows just how much it is a team effort, whether it be a win or loss. Diesel22 is totally on point.

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The OP didn't follow the rules, but thanks for posting them. You should now read them because it's clear you're having a tough time with them.

Actually, no, I'm not.

Dividing Redskins fans into two camps, as with many of the other issues that seem to cause splits here, is a form of bashing another group / poster. You're putting somebody into some fictional group, then, with nothing but your opinion to build upon, you're telling they are less of a fan than you are. Telling somebody to turn in their fan card is probably the ultimate insult that can be leveled on this board.

Treatment of people classified as fairweather or non-fans is harsher than that of most Dallas and Philly posters who frequent the board. This doesn't raise any alarm bells for you? This doesn't indicate to you that you're breaking the rules?

Reference the same link I provided before:

5. Please be respectful of your fellow members. Every registered member agrees, upon registration, not use these forums to post material or topics which are knowingly false, defamatory, deceptive, inaccurate, racist, insulting, abusive, inflammatory, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually graphic, physically threatening, invasive of another's privacy or otherwise in violation of any law, including stalking or otherwise harassing individual members.

Calling a fan who has been following this team, regardless of length of time, fairweather or telling them to turn in their fan card breaks each of these points. If they were not a fan, they wouldn't be here following the team. You all know this, as their reason for being here is the same as yours. Stating different is knowingly endorsing false information. Using such a title to classify a person is defamitory and insulting. The same group are quite often harassed for their difference of opinion, rather than debated with. I know I've seen people in other threads call for "witch hunts" and to lynch other fans classifed into this group from a Redskins tree. That's not hateful?

Sorry you don't agree with me. Hopefully, you can agree with the rules you agreed to follow when you signed on.

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I told you guy's back before the regular season started that we would struggle to make .500 this year w/Boonell under center.

Still think I'm crazy?

You feel all the warm and fuzzy vindication now?? Lets not get ahead of ourself.. Your're basically the otherside of a coin.. Your gripe was based on a 50/50 chance. So don't break your arm to hard patting yourself on the back.

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I told you guy's back before the regular season started that we would struggle to make .500 this year w/Boonell under center.

Still think I'm crazy?

You sound proud of this. Where you hoping we would start badly, just so you could start this thread? So what if 'Boonell' wasn't under center. Undefeated then i guess. Your probably right too, cos Jason Campbell is one hell of pass rusher and run stopper. Plus his down field coverage on receivers is legendary. It wouldn't matter if we had Peyton Manning right now. We would still be struggling with this Defense.

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Sorry you don't agree with me. Hopefully, you can agree with the rules you agreed to follow when you signed on.

This entire thread is a waste of board space. How much do you want to bet it gets closed down or merged with another thread?

You can't call someone out for breaking the rules when they say something as innocent as 'turn in your fan card.'

Thin skin, eh?

The point I was making is that you have absolutely no room to talk about rules when the thread is a call out. Did you read that portion of the rules?

You're latching on to one section and running with it without applying common sense. Try that and get back to me.

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I told you guy's back before the regular season started that we would struggle to make .500 this year w/Boonell under center.

Still think I'm crazy?

NO not crazy, just a whining baby.. that knows very little about football...

STFU please....

quit gloating.... i can promise we would be 0-6 if cambell was forced to start the season.

So what was your suggestion... play without a qb? put randel el there?

lol in your mind.. that probably sounds like a good idea... your an idiot

kill yourself

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Dude, give it a rest. If the Redskins offense can't keep up with the Titans Juggernaut offense then we are a loser. Not to mention the Giants game where we scored 3 and only needed 20 to win, same with Minnesota but we couldn't get a TD even though we were down there countless times. Against dallas our offense did nothing, I mean absolutely NOTHING but it was 17-10 in the 3rd with our defense stopping Dallas on several series in a row even though we were 3 and out repeatedly.

Who's not so bright? Tenn scored 1 TD in the 1st half and 1 TD in the 2nd half. They had the worst ranked run defense in the league and we had home field advantage and we couldn't control the clock or score on them until it was almost over. Pathetic man, totally pathetic. Good teams just don't lose those kind of games. Stupid penalties killed us more than the defense that was on the field for almost 2/3s of the game while several injured starters were out. Penalties cost us on 2 of Tennessee's drives and several of our own.

Also we were very lucky that those fumbles were recovered and we still lost because Brunell looked like that guy you play against in Madden who always throws the ball to the same receiver and can't figure out that you are covering his receiver with 2-3 defenders every play while leaving the other receivers virtually uncovered. I love playing against guys like that.

Look at the Titans last drive (where they ran the ball at will and marched it from their own goal line all the way into range for the game winner. This scenario is almost exactly like the one vs Minny. We were in a position where we KNEW what was coming and could do nothing about it. We allowed those teams to take our will by ramming it down our throat, eating up the clock, and putting our offense in a position of desperation.

As for the Giants game, the way our "tired" defense looked on the opening drive of the second half........well, it was quite possibly the worst showing in a single drive that I have seen from a team this yr.

And as for the lack of offensive production being the key to the defense's demise......

Cue up film during the '04 season. Definately GW's best defense since he arrived here. Funny thing is, this year's offense looks like a juggernaut compared to the one in '04.

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Thin skin, eh?

The point I was making is that you have absolutely no room to talk about rules when the thread is a call out. Did you read that portion of the rules?

You're latching on to one section and running with it without applying common sense. Try that and get back to me.

No, I actually have very thick skin. I doubt you know me well enough to comment on that intelligently.

I have read that portion of the rules, and I agree with you. Have you read my first post, in which I already stated the thread shouldn't exist? You found one rule to apply which may be correct, and I found a different one which may be correct. What's the issue?

I don't understand your last two sentances. Because I want to see the rules enforced fairly between two people, and only one of them is complaining about the application, I've spent a greater deal of time with one of them. Common sense applies because both posters were breaking separate rules. I'm not sure how you don't see that, but do see some reason I shouldn't talk about the rules in this thread when I wasn't the one that created it. Are you trying to say that I should be responsible for the original poster's actions, or that I somehow endorse them, and that's why I shouldn't reference the rules of the board?

Maybe you should go back and read what I've written and see if you have any questions about what I've stated. From what you've written above, it looks like you don't understand something, and I'm sure we can clear it up if we can identify it.

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