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Why is he here? Frustrated T.O. wants to know


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Why is he here? Frustrated T.O. wants to know

IRVING, Texas -- Terrell Owens screamed it on the sideline against Philadelphia, in the locker room after a loss and repeated it again Wednesday: "Why am I here?"

"I do have a problem when I don't feel like I'm involved enough," he said. "I know I can make a difference. That's not me being arrogant. I just know what I bring to the table. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. ... I want to win. I came here to help this team win."

"Dude, I am playmaker," he said. "These guys know that. It's simple. ... Get the ball in the playmaker's hands."

For full article - http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2622172

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But WeOwnYou and HeHateMe and BigDave5 said this would never, ever happen...

Damn, TO makes a liar out of them...

Cheer up, though, fellas...he made Philly fans look bad, too.

What would happen????????? Did I miss something???? Is he doing sit-ups in his driveway????

Go do a search tr1, I said a long time ago, before training camp, that yeah, I'm sure you'll see TO on the sideline yelling, and getting in peoples face. But not acting like a fool like he did in Philly.

And you know what tr1......I LOVE IT. I want someone on the sideline yelling at people. Getting in peoples face. The man wants to win. Micheal Irvin did it, and we loved it. Keyshawn did it, and I loved it. Chad Johnson does it, and bengals fans love it, Ray lewis does it, and Ravens fans love it. Hell, Joe Thiesman did it, and you loved it.

Football is a game of emotion. 9 out of 10 times, the more emotional team will win. Look at Philly against us last week. They had the emotion, they won the game.

And another thing......whether you want to hear it or not, TO was right. YOU WANT TO WIN THE GAME, GIVE HIM THE DAMN BALL.


If you had 22 Santana's you'd win the superbowl

If we had 22 TO's, we'd win the superbowl

WHY?????? BECAUSE THEY GIVE A DAMN !!!!! You can see it in Santana's eyes, and you can see it in TO's eyes.

Now you may not like TO, or the way he does things, but you can't deny that if you gave him the ball 10-15 times a game, you'd win. Same thing with Santana. If Brunell can get him the damn ball 10-15 times a game, you wouldn't lose either.

If this wasn't TO, it would be a non-story.

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Owens should just never speak to the media ever again. He says all these bad things always happen to him. Nothing has been his fault in the past- all of it happened to him by chance or by conspiracy. Doesnt he know people wouldnt hate him so much if he didnt give them material to jump all over?

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And you know what tr1......I LOVE IT. I want someone on the sideline yelling at people. Getting in peoples face. The man wants to win. Micheal Irvin did it, and we loved it. Keyshawn did it, and I loved it. Chad Johnson does it, and bengals fans love it, Ray lewis does it, and Ravens fans love it. Hell, Joe Thiesman did it, and you loved it.

Everyone you named is or was loved and respected (most of the time) by their teammates, their coaches, and their fans. They established themselves as team leaders and playmakers before they started yelling at people to get them hyped up.

If you don't have a good relationship with people you're working with, how is that yelling and complaining perceived? You think his teammates were really getting motivated by TO acting like a fool? The guy hasn't been there that long and has yet to develop the camaraderie and communication necessary to be able to act like that. He walked in, expected and still expects everyone to put him on a pedestal and give him the respect that he has yet to deserve.

Spinsters can say what they want - I actually thought he would hold the reins back a little when he went to dallas but the guy can't help himself. No one disputes that he's an amazing athlete but he's an absolute train wreck.

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does anyone in America not hate this man???

I like him fine now that he is on the cowboys. Finally a reason to root for TO mouthing off...he's on Dallas and driving Parcells nuts.

- "Hey TO! The reason you are there is (besides that no one else would touch you) is to sabatage & implode the Cowboys like you did the Eagles...keep up the good work, man, and try not to OD":applause:

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And you know what tr1......I LOVE IT. I want someone on the sideline yelling at people. Getting in peoples face. The man wants to win. Micheal Irvin did it, and we loved it. Keyshawn did it, and I loved it.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I guess he has to call Bledsoe a homosexual before you'll want him off your team? :laugh:

I suppose the way you feel about Bledsoe these days, you'd probably welcome that, too.

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Cheer up, though, fellas...he made Philly fans look bad, too.

He had the keys to the city and tossed them off the Walt Whitman. I honestly thought that he would realize he was getting up there in age (what is he 32?) and would want his SB comeback performance to be a major highlight in the twilight of his career. Instead, he had to attack the one of the two most loved Eagles (McNabb, Dawk being the other) which fans could not accept.

After watching TO in both the Skins and Eagles game, I do not believe he is the same player anymore. He seems to be playing to avoid getting hurt. Probably good reason because he hasn't played an entire season in like 3-4 years. However, that's what made him a great receiver. He could come across the middle and YAC. He's still going to get catches/yards/TDs, but I just don't get the sense that he's going to play full out like he used to. I guess someone so in love with themself has a hard time risking hurting that self.


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It appears that to Dallas fans, TO's poor numbers are strickly due to the oline and Bledsoe. Granted they have faultered, but there have been situations where TO has failed to seperate plus he has dropped quite a few passes. Add this to the fact that he refused to practice with the team (to busy biking) for most of training camp which led to no rapport with Bledsoe. Not to mention the general circus atmosphere he has created for Parcell's, Jerry and the team.

At some point the fans will stop supporting him. That may not happen until he leaves the team. See Eagles fans.

Until then you can have "Dude, I am playmaker"

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If Owens wants the ball so bad, he should do what other ELITE WRs do every week, which is break open against double coverage. As a WR, once you get to a certain level, you know damn well you are going to be double covered, so you can either take those plays OFF, like Randy Moss, or you can keep trying and NOT GET OPEN like Owens, or you can show off your speed and ability like Santana Moss and still get open.

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