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Why is he here? Frustrated T.O. wants to know


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Everyone you named is or was loved and respected (most of the time) by their teammates, their coaches, and their fans. They established themselves as team leaders and playmakers before they started yelling at people to get them hyped up.

If you don't have a good relationship with people you're working with, how is that yelling and complaining perceived? You think his teammates were really getting motivated by TO acting like a fool? The guy hasn't been there that long and has yet to develop the camaraderie and communication necessary to be able to act like that. He walked in, expected and still expects everyone to put him on a pedestal and give him the respect that he has yet to deserve.

ABSO-FRICKEN-LUTELY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for saying this. This is what I've been saying for months......

TO can act the fool, do situps in his driveway, whatever, it simply doesn't matter, you know why? Cause he has no comraderie with his teammates. He can do whatever he wants because nobody would take his side in any situation. Therefore, those of you who think "he'll destroy the cowboys", like "he did with the eagles", won't happen.

He was able to create that turmoil in philly because like another poster said, they threw him the keys to the city, he was one of them, he was "the" team outside of McNabb and Dawkins. In Dallas, it is simply not like that. You have to be "part of the team" to rip it too shreds, and TO just isn't interwoven into the fabric of the team to rip it apart.

Can he act the fool??? Absolutely.

Will it destroy our team??? Not a chance in hell.

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We need an Anti-TO Icon!!

Will his notable quotes ever stop?

Why is he here? Frustrated T.O. wants to know

IRVING, Texas -- Terrell Owens screamed it on the sideline against Philadelphia, in the locker room after a loss and repeated it again Wednesday: "Why am I here?"

"I do have a problem when I don't feel like I'm involved enough," he said. "I know I can make a difference. That's not me being arrogant. I just know what I bring to the table. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. ... I want to win. I came here to help this team win."

"Dude, I am playmaker," he said. "These guys know that. It's simple. ... Get the ball in the playmaker's hands."

For full article - http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2622172[/quote

We'll he actually right this time. If you have TO on your team you do throw him the ball more and not really use him as a decoy. I don't blame TO for this, he needs the ball in his hands and dallas needs to get him the ball.

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ABSO-FRICKEN-LUTELY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for saying this. This is what I've been saying for months......

TO can act the fool, do situps in his driveway, whatever, it simply doesn't matter, you know why? Cause he has no comraderie with his teammates. He can do whatever he wants because nobody would take his side in any situation. Therefore, those of you who think "he'll destroy the cowboys", like "he did with the eagles", won't happen.

He was able to create that turmoil in philly because like another poster said, they threw him the keys to the city, he was one of them, he was "the" team outside of McNabb and Dawkins. In Dallas, it is simply not like that. You have to be "part of the team" to rip it too shreds, and TO just isn't interwoven into the fabric of the team to rip it apart.

Can he act the fool??? Absolutely.

Will it destroy our team??? Not a chance in hell.

You don't think it is a problem that it is week 5 and the guy isn't a part of the team? Holy ****. I think Dallas fans are SO QUICK to point out any difference between TO's stay in Dallas and in Philly/San Fran that they overlook the basic tenant of what makes a winning team.

Ok, so he doesn't rip your team apart in the same manner he did in Philly......but you have absolutely no chance at the SB because your Number 1 receiver, the guy you gave 10 million to, the biggest story in the offseason, is not a part of your team.

Good luck with that, Dallas Fans. Remember, you guys supported this signing. You loved it. You defended it. Now, you are doing damage control and ADMIT he is not a part of the team and no one cares about him.

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Why is he there?? Well as T.O. stated when he signed with the Cowboys, he wanted to be a star among the stars, right? :rolleyes:

I understand T.O.'s frustrations, as I am sure Santana might have been frustrated at some points this season, but Santana keeps his mouth shut in public...just like any stand up porfessional athlete should.

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ABSO-FRICKEN-LUTELY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for saying this. This is what I've been saying for months......

TO can act the fool, do situps in his driveway, whatever, it simply doesn't matter, you know why? Cause he has no comraderie with his teammates. He can do whatever he wants because nobody would take his side in any situation. Therefore, those of you who think "he'll destroy the cowboys", like "he did with the eagles", won't happen.

He was able to create that turmoil in philly because like another poster said, they threw him the keys to the city, he was one of them, he was "the" team outside of McNabb and Dawkins. In Dallas, it is simply not like that. You have to be "part of the team" to rip it too shreds, and TO just isn't interwoven into the fabric of the team to rip it apart.

Can he act the fool??? Absolutely.

Will it destroy our team??? Not a chance in hell.

What bunch of horse S#$#!! We all know if TO was on our team doing this in a loss you will be here rubbing it in and telling us how he was going to explode and destroy the team!! Enough covering for your owners stupid decision, with having TO you still wont go far, BANK ON IT!!

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Good luck with that, Dallas Fans. Remember, you guys supported this signing. You loved it. You defended it. Now, you are doing damage control and ADMIT he is not a part of the team and no one cares about him.

WB we understand what happened in Philly. Get over it. T.O. talk from Philly fans has to be taken with a grain of salt based on your bitterness. :2cents: See you in Texas Stadium.

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You don't think it is a problem that it is week 5 and the guy isn't a part of the team? Holy ****. I think Dallas fans are SO QUICK to point out any difference between TO's stay in Dallas and in Philly/San Fran that they overlook the basic tenant of what makes a winning team.

Ok, so he doesn't rip your team apart in the same manner he did in Philly......but you have absolutely no chance at the SB because your Number 1 receiver, the guy you gave 10 million to, the biggest story in the offseason, is not a part of your team.

Good luck with that, Dallas Fans. Remember, you guys supported this signing. You loved it. You defended it. Now, you are doing damage control and ADMIT he is not a part of the team and no one cares about him.

I don't care what team TO signed with. The other players are going to be at an arms length because of the antics/baggage behind him. Who in thier right mind would back TO on this team in an argument? NOBODY. Why? Because it would bring them into the TO limelight as well. Its something you just wouldn't do.

I see the other cowboys players looking at him like he's an alien. Don't get too close, for fear that something might happen.

Does this translate to winning on sunday? I don't believe so. I know alot of people do, but I don't. All that crap goes out the window on gamedays.

Terry Bradshaw isolated himself from his teammates during the 70's. Never once hung out with other players, or considered any of them freinds. He won 4 superbowls that way.

So don't tell me that you have to be a "team player" to win. BS.

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What bunch of horse S#$#!! We all know if TO was on our team doing this in a loss you will be here rubbing it in and telling us how he was going to explode and destroy the team!! Enough covering for your owners stupid decision, with having TO you still wont go far, BANK ON IT!!

Maybe I'd be on here rubbing it in, or maybe not. I really don't know. But even if I was, it wouldn't mean that I actually believed it. I"d just be rubbing salt in your wounds.

Heck, if we have to "believe" wholeheartedly what any of us post on here, we'd never seen tr1 again.

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You don't have to be buddy buddy with your teammates, but there has to be that respect and team comraderie bonded between them in order to win.

I mean I doubt Mark Brunell and Santana Moss go out to the club and hang out together on late nights. But yet Moss still vehemently(sp?) defended Brunell when he was under fire. TO does the opposite...

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Maybe I'd be on here rubbing it in, or maybe not. I really don't know. But even if I was, it wouldn't mean that I actually believed it. I"d just be rubbing salt in your wounds.

Oh you'd be rubbing it in!!!:D

Heck, if we have to "believe" wholeheartedly what any of us post on here, we'd never seen tr1 again.

There would be many others we wouldn't see;)

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T.O. needs to shut up. 15 balls were thrown his way in that game, yet he only caught three. Granted, a couple were bad throws he wouldnt be able to catch, but in just a few balls thrown his way that I saw, he outright dropped two easy catches. Short armed at least one. He wants to make plays? Catch the ball. Want more balls? Get open more. He is not even close to the same player he was. He is scared now. Heck, maybe Sean broke him. Who knows. But he is broken.

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I see the other cowboys players looking at him like he's an alien. Don't get too close, for fear that something might happen.

Does this translate to winning on sunday? I don't believe so. I know alot of people do, but I don't. All that crap goes out the window on gamedays.

Terry Bradshaw isolated himself from his teammates during the 70's. Never once hung out with other players, or considered any of them freinds. He won 4 superbowls that way.

So don't tell me that you have to be a "team player" to win. BS.

I understand your comparison to Bradshaw, but he didn't need to be a "team player" because he was on probably the most talented all around team ever.

I agree the other Cowboys view TO as though he's an alien. Except, when he is leading the team in a pregame motivational chant, pulling the oline togehter on the sidelines to pump them up or when together with the WR's, QB's, RB's and/or position coaches to strategize the next possession. Under these circumstances, the other Cowboys appear to view TO as a team leader.

TO has the unusual ability to be bring a team together. He can also erase all of that by doing one negative. And oh does he ever have a repertoir of negatives!

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