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Salsibury quote on TO -- Sean Taylor


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LOL you guys are funny. ST have been beat for at least 6 TD's no one is scared of him. Is he a big hitter? Hell yeah. Does he make folks scared. Nope not at all.

Funny, how you look at things, just one sided and the way it fits you best. On the other hand we could point out how many tackles he made to prevent TDs. He probably doesn't get the attention others get just because QBs don't want to throw the ball in his direction.

Next time TO will face ST make sure he wears his diapers. ;)


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It's obvious that TO is terrified of Taylor.

It's not just the game this year but also the other two times they've played eachother. In both contests in 2004 against the Eagles, TO "heard footsteps" and Taylor roughed him up something fierce and TO has yet to be a factor in any game against a Gregg Williams defense.

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WOW I guess he is forgetting the Eagles are banged up. Oh yeah and that the Cowboys also have







Dallas 27- Skins 10

I can't wait till Nov 5th, when we whip your @ss. We will be back at home and with CP. You are done. Another SE Cowboy fan that has never been to Texas

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LOL you guys are funny. ST have been beat for at least 6 TD's no one is scared of him. Is he a big hitter? Hell yeah. Does he make folks scared. Nope not at all.

sure he doesn't, those aligator arms, and dropped balls mean nothing :laugh:

you know what is even funnier? when fools post stuff they know is pure BS, and knows everyone reading it, know it's pure BS.... but they post it anyway hoping it was true :laugh:

thanks for the laugh

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WOW truth hurts doesn't it.

27-10 refers to this years.

You insist on bringing up the past, but you fail to bring up the overall past, inwhich we own you guys. Or the fact that we have more superbowl wins and superbowl appearnces then you.

In fact lets go 2 years back when we beat you in your own house 27-0 , the heart and courage you guys displayed was wonderful. :applause:

since your self esteem is so emotionally tied to the pokes winning, enjoy it while you can, exactly one month more.....

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WOW truth hurts doesn't it.

27-10 refers to this years.

You insist on bringing up the past, but you fail to bring up the overall past, inwhich we own you guys. Or the fact that we have more superbowl wins and superbowl appearnces then you.

In fact lets go 2 years back when we beat you in your own house 27-0 , the heart and courage you guys displayed was wonderful. :applause:

While we're at it our best offensive player was not on the field enjoy your win over a banged up Skins team that was trying to find themselves and also enjoy your win over the pathetic Titans by the way they outplayed you guys for about a half.

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Yeah Sean sure is like that.

That is one of the main reasons I was so impressed with Reggie Williams, he really wasn't worried about getting lit up by Sean and never looked over his shoulder while catching a ball - very impressive.

Sean needs to have his gamebreaker moment this weekend, methinks! Int4TDftw!

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WOW truth hurts doesn't it.

27-10 refers to this years.

You insist on bringing up the past, but you fail to bring up the overall past, inwhich we own you guys. Or the fact that we have more superbowl wins and superbowl appearnces then you.

In fact lets go 2 years back when we beat you in your own house 27-0 , the heart and courage you guys displayed was wonderful.

I cannot help myself ...

assclown alert !!!!!!!!


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LOL you guys are funny. ST have been beat for at least 6 TD's no one is scared of him. Is he a big hitter? Hell yeah. Does he make folks scared. Nope not at all.

Before I can respond, two things:

1) Learn how to conjugate your verbs. Seriously, what are you, in second grade?

2) When you say things that are obviously not true, like, "ST have been beat for at least 6 TD's", no one will listen to you. For example: yo, guys, I went to Chipotle yesterday and ate, like, at least nine burritos. I'm totally serious. Or, hey, I went to the arcade and beat about a million people in a row in Mortal Kombat. These are inane exaggerations. Don't do that.

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WOW I guess he is forgetting the Eagles are banged up. Oh yeah and that the Cowboys also have







Dallas 27- Skins 10

Got tired of all the male flirtation at the brokeback site and came over here to bother us, huh?
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WOW I guess he is forgetting the Eagles are banged up. Oh yeah and that the Cowboys also have







Dallas 27- Skins 10

Uh, are you kidding? That's your all-star supporting cast? Naming Patrick Crayton and Marion Barber as "weapons" is like going to war and allying yourself with Greenland and Jamaica.

Btw, if you were totally joking, then my bad, because that was actually really funny and your sarcasm is delightfully subtle.

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WOW truth hurts doesn't it.

27-10 refers to this years.

You insist on bringing up the past, but you fail to bring up the overall past, inwhich we own you guys. Or the fact that we have more superbowl wins and superbowl appearnces then you.

In fact lets go 2 years back when we beat you in your own house 27-0 , the heart and courage you guys displayed was wonderful. :applause:

WTF? That is some serious low-brow trolling. The pukes were lucky to draw the Skins early when they were still getting comfortable with the new offense, and banged up on both sides of the ball. The Skins will give the pukes the beatdown they deserve at Fedex, just like last season.

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I'm pretty sure TO broke his own finger when no one was looking, so he'd have an excuse for hearing ST's footsteps

Yup. That was the excuse of how he broke the finger. But what's the reasoning of why his Water Breaks everytime he nears Taylor's territory?

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It's clear that Sean Taylor is now known as one of the most feared safeties in the league. In the games I've watched and highlights I've seen involving the Redskins -- the analysts always seem to mention Sean Taylor's name with reference to what an intimidator he is.

After the game I was surprised that Coach Del Rio even said Sean Taylors name. Most coaches don't even mention the opposing players names. They usually say "safety" this or "RB" that.

But Coach Rio was like "R. Williams took a pretty big lick from ST" I was just like :D !!! You can tell ST gets alot of respect.


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No way TO could have been "intimidated" because he was trying to protect a broken finger.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Better go back and watch that game again, dude...I saw at least 2 times where TO dropped a catch because he had his eyes on ST and not the ball...THAT is the difference ST makes...players do FEAR him, and rightly so! :cool:

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