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Salsibury quote on TO -- Sean Taylor


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Salisbury was talking to John Clayton on ESPN just now, and they were talking about TO this weekend. Salisbury said that if the Eagles can intimidate TO like Sean Taylor did he wouldn't be a factor.


WOW I guess he is forgetting the Eagles are banged up. Oh yeah and that the Cowboys also have







Dallas 27- Skins 10

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WOW I guess he is forgetting the Eagles are banged up. Oh yeah and that the Cowboys also have







Dallas 27- Skins 10

WOW CHUMP I can do the same 14-13 35-7

Lets meet at our house with our brand new O, then come take your ass kicking until then please :stfu:

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LOL you guys are funny. ST have been beat for at least 6 TD's no one is scared of him. Is he a big hitter? Hell yeah. Does he make folks scared. Nope not at all.

He says from the safe confines of his home... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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WOW CHUMP I can do the same 14-13 35-7

Lets meet at our house with our brand new O, then come take your ass kicking until then please :stfu:

WOW truth hurts doesn't it.

27-10 refers to this years.

You insist on bringing up the past, but you fail to bring up the overall past, inwhich we own you guys. Or the fact that we have more superbowl wins and superbowl appearnces then you.

In fact lets go 2 years back when we beat you in your own house 27-0 , the heart and courage you guys displayed was wonderful. :applause:

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WOW truth hurts doesn't it.

27-10 refers to this years.

You insist on bringing up the past, but you fail to bring up the overall past, inwhich we own you guys. Or the fact that we have more superbowl wins and superbowl appearnces then you.

In fact lets go 2 years back when we beat you in your own house 27-0 , the heart and courage you guys displayed was wonderful. :applause:

Excuse me let me interupt while we're on the past but you also forgetting that you are 0-2 against us in the most important games to get to the superbowl ;)

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LOL you guys are funny. ST have been beat for at least 6 TD's no one is scared of him. Is he a big hitter? Hell yeah. Does he make folks scared. Nope not at all.

Right, you must not watch must football. TO is OBVIOUSLY intimidated by Taylor and it's not even funny. "She" also had a case of 'shriveling up' when confronted by a potential hit by Taylor.

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WOW truth hurts doesn't it.

27-10 refers to this years.

You insist on bringing up the past, but you fail to bring up the overall past, inwhich we own you guys. Or the fact that we have more superbowl wins and superbowl appearnces then you.

In fact lets go 2 years back when we beat you in your own house 27-0 , the heart and courage you guys displayed was wonderful. :applause:

Dude, please don't come in here saying stuff like that. It's not the point of the message boards. So please, if you don't mind, do us all a favor and if you don't have anything intelligent to say, please stop trolling. Now.

Thank you!! :silly:

P.S. If you REALLY think that TO is not afraid of ST...you are crazier than I thought.

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LOL you guys are funny. ST have been beat for at least 6 TD's no one is scared of him. Is he a big hitter? Hell yeah. Does he make folks scared. Nope not at all.

What, if anything, makes NFL recievers scared of a defensive back? Not scared as in "afraid" to throw his way, but legitimately fearful of being around that defensive back on the field.




Getting crushed by a bit hit. It's simple logic, try and follow.

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WOW truth hurts doesn't it.

27-10 refers to this years.

You insist on bringing up the past, but you fail to bring up the overall past, inwhich we own you guys. Or the fact that we have more superbowl wins and superbowl appearnces then you.

In fact lets go 2 years back when we beat you in your own house 27-0 , the heart and courage you guys displayed was wonderful. :applause:

Very well, lets talk about the most recent history at FEDEX field, which is where the Boys and Skins will meet next. 35-7, I see this year staying close to that precedent.

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Did anyone watch NFL replay tonight man. On the play where Daniels and Wright combined for a interception on a tip ST ran up just before the snap to Wright. H pushed him in the sideline direction and you could see him lean his head over to Wright and yell something in his ear. I have a feeling that ST had a lot to do with that play being made and if so, it was a huge play. Basically what I'm saying is even though ST hasn't been getting the numbers he's really growing into his talent nicely and turning into a dominant PRO.

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LOL you guys are funny. ST have been beat for at least 6 TD's no one is scared of him. Is he a big hitter? Hell yeah. Does he make folks scared. Nope not at all.

Yeah f'ing right. ST doesn't get beat in coverage. Not since his rookie year. Everyone else in the secondary, maybe. Not ST. You're gonna have to offer up some hard evidence. There are only a few occasions where you might hear his name: "Wow that was a hard hit" "That hit caused a fumble" "He's in on every tackle" "Intercepted!" "He's taking it to the house!"

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