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Salsibury quote on TO -- Sean Taylor


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Why the ____ is Owens record in SF being counted here? The only record that should count when talking about TO/Taylor are the games they both played.

I have to question the agenda of someone who refers to TEAM records of a player that is much older than the guy who is alleged to 'frighten' him.

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No matter how you slice it, TO is afraid of getting rocked by ST. He was afraid of him in Philly and now in Dallass. Terrell "Gator" Owens. Some players have other players numbers. Eric Dickerson could never run on the SKins. But he did everyone else. hell, I'll throw you brokebacks a bone and say Darrell Green couldn't cover Micheal "Crackhead" Irvin.

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LOL you guys are funny. ST have been beat for at least 6 TD's no one is scared of him. Is he a big hitter? Hell yeah. Does he make folks scared. Nope not at all.

Put it to you like this, Torry Holt said last year that Sean Taylor is the best defensive back in the league. If one of the best WR's says that, than their are others who think the same. How many Safeties you know that can hit like a line backer and have the speed to cover a wide receiver? ST is the best in the league.

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Salisbury was talking to John Clayton on ESPN just now, and they were talking about TO this weekend. Salisbury said that if the Eagles can intimidate TO like Sean Taylor did he wouldn't be a factor.


If anyone can do it Dawkins can. Wasn't Dawkins the one who ended Michael Irvins career and got cheered for it? That is going to be a good game - one bowl of creamed Owens coming up.

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Why the ____ is Owens record in SF being counted here? The only record that should count when talking about TO/Taylor are the games they both played.

I have to question the agenda of someone who refers to TEAM records of a player that is much older than the guy who is alleged to 'frighten' him.

:applause: Yeah I was wondering that too. Pretty retarded stat counting games Terrell Owens played with Steve Young & Jerry Rice vs the Redskins. Good thing TO was around to bail those Hall of Famers out. :rolleyes: Christ he wasn't even the #1 reciever?? Might as well look up Jim Drunkenmiller's record vs the Redskins??

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And then, you refute my observations with hypotheticals? "Well, maybe this is happening, or maybe that's the reason". That's honestly the stupidest tactic I've ever heard. If you want people to take your arguments seriously, then frame them in the context of substance. "On the play that started at 4:23 into the 3rd quarter, Washington was in a Cover 1, and Taylor shades help toward Owens' side, leaving the post open on the backside". I'm not saying this as an extremeskins.com opinioneer, I'm making a suggestion as a human being--dude, people will think you are borderline retarded.

You poor, poor uneducated fool...

But to answer your request, here you go:


At 10:45 of the 2nd quarter, Sean Taylor had Cover 1 responsibilities over the top of TO in the left flat. Meanwhile Terry Glenn streaks past Kenny Wright and forces a 41 yard pass interference call to the Washington 5.

At 14:53 of the 4th quarter, ST is shaded again to the left flat over the top of TO (I'm not sure of the coverage scheme on this play). Meanwhile Terry Glenn is running free down the opposite side of the field for a 40 yard TD reception.

And just for fun:

At 2:39 of the 1st quarter, Patrick Crayton lines up in the slot, runs a short middle stop route, tosses Sean Taylor aside like a little b*tch, and then catches a TD in his face.

Is that better???

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Hmm, calling an apple an orange doesn't actually make it so. If you'd like to compare degrees, send me a PM and we'll sort it all out. Or you can come to Brooklyn Hospital Emergency Room and I'll make sure to be the resident on shift that day.

Look, it's ok if you don't know anything about football. But just admit that preemptorily, and that way I can teach you something. Fair?

Cover 1 implies man coverage for the corners with help in the deep middle. Generally, CB's will try to redirect receivers toward the middle, where they have help. In your first example, it's a contradiction to say that ST had Cover 1 responsibilities over TO. And "in the left flat" makes no sense--that implies that he was actually spying TO from him deep FS alignment.

If he's shaded over TO, doesn't that imply that he's actually in Cover 2, with deep half responsibility? Oops, sorry, I forgot that you admitted you couldn't figure out the coverage there. No prob. But if you're insinuating that he left his primary responsibility to focus on TO, you should say that, if you're capable of stringing together the words in a coherent sentence.

It's funny that you included the third example, because it's the weakest one, and brings your other attempts at a legitimate argument down. Patrick Crayton runs a dig, and pushes off of Taylor to get separation. That was obvious to everyone. That only implies that Crayton lacks the agility (or confidence in his abilities) to get separation by running a route. He doesn't toss anyone around (he's built like a shorter Todd Pinkston...please). He uses a puss move to get free. But then again, you've probably developed a soft spot in your heart for that kind of tactic, what, with all the hand checking and offensive PI Michael Irvin committed during his career.

Dude, you're not going to prove anything to anyone here by making lame, ill-founded, shortsighted arguments. Just go back to your own board with your ego mostly intact. You won't win any battles here.

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Hmm, calling an apple an orange doesn't actually make it so. If you'd like to compare degrees, send me a PM and we'll sort it all out. Or you can come to Brooklyn Hospital Emergency Room and I'll make sure to be the resident on shift that day.

:laugh: I'm supposed to be impressed by an ER resident. Please. I don't see what degrees have to do with any of this but since you brought it up, I'll put my MBA from SMU's Cox School of Business up against anything you've got any day of the week.

Cover 1 implies man coverage for the corners with help in the deep middle. Generally, CB's will try to redirect receivers toward the middle, where they have help.

You're correct. In Cover 1, the safety help starts in the deep middle. That doesn't mean the safety stays there. On this particular play, ST cheated to TO's side and picked him up over the top. TO's pattern was to the left deep flat and my guess is that he wasn't even one of Drew's top 3 progressions. His route was designed to draw the safety and open up the deep middle for Glenn... which is exactly what he did.

It's funny that you included the third example, because it's the weakest one, and brings your other attempts at a legitimate argument down. Patrick Crayton runs a dig, and pushes off of Taylor to get separation. That was obvious to everyone.

If you read more carefully, you'll see that I prefaced that one with "And just for fun". It wasn't an example of TO drawing safety coverage and opening up the field for the rest of the offense. It was just an example of Sean Taylor, the Man/God, getting owned. Yes, Crayton pushed off. I was just surprised at how easily Crayton shoved ST aside. Usually Patrick simply runs past him for game-winning TD's.

Dude, you're not going to prove anything to anyone here by making lame, ill-founded, shortsighted arguments. Just go back to your own board with your ego mostly intact. You won't win any battles here.

I'm aware that I won't PROVE anything to anyone here... especially you, who are obviously blinded by your own ego and sense of grandeur. It's just a shame that you don't have anything to back that up with...

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I thought everyone with the exception of the trolls would enjoy these videos. So get some popcorn and enjoy!!




This one is fun too:


I like the part where ST just shakes his head after Crayton beats him... AGAIN.

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Sean Taylor, the Man/God

You say it best BigDave95! Sean Taylor is a Man/God. Well which one of the videos did you like best. My favorite is the 2nd or 3rd one I like it when ST hits TO and he has to return to the sideline to stretch and lie down. Well gotta run we'll see you at FedEx for a head stomping, oh sorry, I mean butt stomping good time!:dallasuck

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