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Yeah we all know they got us up there last year, and I admit it was Big then, However we did redeemed ourselves later in the year.....It was said that they beat us like that last year because AP, and Hasselback tipped them off to some of our tendencies,so I guess they will be looking for that from Lavar this year.Well we wont have to worry about that, because he was never where he was supposed to be anyway,so what can he tell them also it's a different playbook now 700pages remember??? and we have only used like 75....lollololol...

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I don't know - I don't think we will "destroy" the Giants. They are coming off of a bad loss to Seattle, playing at home after a bye. They will be very tough to beat in NY in my opinion, I think the Skins will need to play another really good game to win. I hope the Skins do not have a let down after this last emotional victory. I don't think Lavar will make a difference in this game - neither with what he knows about our systems nor his abilities (or lack of) on the field.

The Giants will come out ready to play IMO and if the Skins don't match their intensity we will come back 2-3. We need this one!

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Don't forget also that last year with didn't have Griffin nor Salavea. I mean no wonder that Tiki run all over us. This week we will probably have Salavea back. Not to mention that Montie and Golston are also playing very well and WHAT? Renaldo in for a relief also? hahaha. I say our DL is going to be ok this time around. Fred Taylor who IMO is a great back got 33 yards on us.

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We had better be prepared for a 12 round heavyweight fight this week. It's that simple. This will be a tough game. Possibly the toughest game so far this year. The Giants are looking to get things back on track after the beat down they suffered in Seattle. They are looking to get back on track at our expense. They will be 100% ready for us this week.

Also, The Skins can ill afford a let down. This game means quite a bit. If we win, we will put ourselves 2nd in the division regardless of what happens in the Dallas/Eagles game. If we lose, we are dead last and in an 0-2 division hole. This is a critical game for us. We have to go 2-1 at the very least over the next 3 games. It all starts this week.

I hope every player is paying attention to the media. All I'm hearing is how the Jacksonville game was a fluke and we are not that good, blah, blah, blah. We have to keep that 'underdog', 'something to prove' attitude.

Gotta beat The Giants.

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I think there is a difference different team from last year.. I think last year going in to that first Giants game the skins were smelling themselves after beating up on a bad forty niners team plus the Giants had tradegy their beloved owner passed we did not match their intensity in that game the Giants were playing on a lot of emotion because of their lost .

Turn the page to this year the Skins has not gotten off on a good foot they struggled in pre-season and the first two reg. seasons game they dug a hole from themselves going 0-1 in the division. The Skins coming off a win over a bad Texans team but validated what they were doing against a much better Jags team.

I think Gibbs will have them grounded and well tell them hey we can play and beat anyone in this league but we can also lose to anyone. He will have them focus that is where I see the difference between the two teams last year and this year team.

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Last year was a trap game if there ever was one. We just came off the 49ers game where we desroyed them and were feeling ****y about our offence, and thier owner had just died and were playing for his memory. Not to mention the Hassel-sack and peirce tipping off our plays, plus some key injuries and we got smacked in the face with a huge fish Monty Python-style...

I'm not saying we're gonna win easily, I just don't think Gibbs will let us go in there and get blind sided the way we did last year. I expect a hard fought game as this game is important for both teams, and I'd say more important for the giants to win, we win and we're 3-2 and looking pretty good, they lose and they're 1-3....they CANNOT afford to lose and will play like it. We CANNOT afford to let them play with more intensity then us or more phyical then us. If we play Redskin football, and they play giant football, we SHOULD come out on top as we're the more talented cohesive TEAM, but it's going to be a dog fight, and they're literally playing for thier football lives this week. They have the toughest schedule in the NFL and if they start off 1-3 they might as well give up. We have to win and establish that we're contenders that win tough division games and start to give philly and dallass nightmares about facing us.....

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It doesn't matter what they know. It will be up to them to try and stop it. With the way the Skins have been playing over the last two weeks, we are going to destroy the Giants, and expose them as the bunch of bickering pre-madonnas they really are.

You mean prima-donnas?

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.....It was said that they beat us like that last year because AP, and Hasselback tipped them off to some of our tendencies,so I guess they will be looking for that from Lavar this year.Well we wont have to worry about that, because he was never where he was supposed to be anyway...

That Lavar statement is pure crap.

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The Jacksonville game was harder than this game will be. I'm not saying that this will be easy, but the only reason that they won like they did last year was because their owner, who was an amazing man, had died a few days beforehand, we were ****y as hell after the 49ers blowout, and we were banged up with two defensive line starters out.

We're a better team this year, we've really started to hit our stride, and our defense really isn't as bad as it looks, and it will only get better.

We'll win this, and I think by double digits.

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The game will be tough, but I like the momentum we are bring into the game...all sorts of weapons....do you think the bye week allowed Plaxico to get some glue for his gloves? Hope not.....I think the Shockey outcry is still effecting the team.....I hope we make Lavar look ridiculous

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Yeah we all know they got us up there last year, and I admit it was Big then, However we did redeemed ourselves later in the year.....It was said that they beat us like that last year because AP, and Hasselback tipped them off to some of our tendencies,so I guess they will be looking for that from Lavar this year.Well we wont have to worry about that, because he was never where he was supposed to be anyway,so what can he tell them also it's a different playbook now 700pages remember??? and we have only used like 75....lollololol...

As I recall it was Antonio Pierce that tipped them off not Hasselback just to clear that up.

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Jax was a better team, but as many have stated NY is in a big hole and in a state of emergency. We are a better team, we just ned to start the game watching their intensity. I dont know if they have it in them to stick it out for 60 min at this point if they cant pull away early. We need to hit hard and fast I think.

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