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Beer vendors at FedEx


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Have you guys had any problems with the vendors at Fedex Field? We have an interesting experience yesterday. I am a season ticket holder in sect 408. I also do not drink. We have a ball with everyone in the section. It is a great environment. This one beer vendor came up and was selling beer to people in 408 and 407. He was slowly walking up the aisle blocking people from moving past him. When he came close, you could tell that he was drunk. He was whining w/ every sale and cussing. He kept saying that nobody tips him. I tried to ignore him but it was impossible. I have seats 1-2 so we continually had to pass down peoples change and beers. When giving change, he would slowly hand back a 1dollar bill one at a time. He was just waiting for the person to say "go ahead and you can keep the rest". Twice we saw that he acted like people gave him $10 bills when they gave him $20 bills. One person fell for it, so he pocketed an addit. 10 bucks. He was in everyones way and you couldnt even concentrate and enjoy the game. After about 10 minutes of this crap, I went off. I told him to get the F out of here and said a couple other choice words. He didnt come up for the rest of the game, but he pissed a lot of people off. Have you guys had any problems with the guys? Can they be reported.

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Just wanted to chime in, I also sold beer during the game, section 436.

Most of the beer vendors are members of fraternities, and I'm sorry to say that you got a one of a kind. Everyone in my fraternity and the neighboring sections (who were also college students) had no problems whatsoever.

I'm very sorry you had to go through that, it's a shame. It's a very good deal for us, we get to make money for our fraternity, free passes to the game, and get to keep the tips. He unfortunately took advantage of his opportunity.

My advice to you if that ever happens again is, at the first sign of anything related to what you saw, let an usher know. If he is unable to do anything, go to the concession stand nearest you, and poke your head in the back room (there's a side door right next to the concession counter) and let someone know what is going on. There is always one guy in the side entrance that is basically making sure everything runs smoothly during the game.

Again, sorry for what happened and I hope you don't view all of the beer vendors/college students the same way you saw this one. :2cents:

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there is always one bad apple in the bunch. I am not trying to give the vendors a bad name. We see how you guys hustle up and down these stairs and earn your money. I can respect that. There were probably 10 different guys selling beer in our section. We didnt have any problems with anyone else. I know one thing, this guy was in no fraternity. He probably didnt get out of High school. This is probably his only job, since he was trying to hustle people so hard. Keep up the good work.

Just wanted to chime in, I also sold beer during the game, section 436.

Most of the beer vendors are members of fraternities, and I'm sorry to say that you got a one of a kind. Everyone in my fraternity and the neighboring sections (who were also college students) had no problems whatsoever.

I'm very sorry you had to go through that, it's a shame. It's a very good deal for us, we get to make money for our fraternity, free passes to the game, and get to keep the tips. He unfortunately took advantage of his opportunity.

My advice to you if that ever happens again is, at the first sign of anything related to what you saw, let an usher know. If he is unable to do anything, go to the concession stand nearest you, and poke your head in the back room (there's a side door right next to the concession counter) and let someone know what is going on. There is always one guy in the side entrance that is basically making sure everything runs smoothly during the game.

Again, sorry for what happened and I hope you don't view all of the beer vendors/college students the same way you saw this one. :2cents:

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The only problem I have w/ beer vendors is when they block your view during a play. But usually if you ask them to duck down they will.

If they want more tips, then Snyder should lower the price from $7 to $4. I promise you I'd give a 5 spot every time.

I agree!! Even as a vendor, $7 is ridiculous, and it's not the best number to return change and such.

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With the cost of that crap they shouldn't expect to be tipped wtf.

You are CHEAP....the vendors don't set the price. They are just trying to make a living. If you were in their shoes you would want to be tipped. How is it different if it is at a resturant or at a bar?

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Most of the vendors are from surrounding college frats. I wasn't in a frat, but used to do it anyways with some of my buddies just to get to go to the games. I realize beer is $7, but it is ridiculous not to tip just b/c Snyder wants to charge you that much. If you don't want to tip, then walk your *ss down to the concession stand and get your own beer. After all, when you're spending $7 for a beer, what's an extra dollar?

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Here is an easy solution. If you want free beer then wait about an 1:30 after the game when everyone is gone. There is always tons of left over beer in the coolers just sitting in the hallways. I've never take any but I see it there all the time.

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What the hell they have underage kids selling beer? I didnt think that was even legal.

It's not. You have to be at least 18 to sell it.

The guys over in 402 were awesome. They were very conscious of whether or not they were blocking the way, didn't have a problem with people giving them some playful teasing, and were really working hard. I give two when I get a beer. Have you people not been to a bar in a city before? One's the minimum. They don't set the prices; they just work there.

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In defense of the vendors, many of them aren't doing it for their own benefit. I sold beer there once about 4 years ago for a charity. You started off with $50 as your change drawer, then you sold as much as you could and got to keep the $50 and the tips at the end of the night

The worst part about it wasn't lugging cases of beer up the stairs in the upper deck. It was the behavior of the fans. Some figured it was their god-given right to be ***holes. Other "I don't drink beer" fans would refuse to pass the beer down the aisles and refuse to even pass the change (of course it was my duty to know before hand that alcohol was "the devil" and they couldn't touch it). At the end of the night, you're lucky if you total $100, and you never want to come back.

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There is one vendor in between 112 and 111 that just sets his cooler between the sections, right next to our seats, and people walk down and stand there waiting for beer. Annoying as hell cause we have people clogging up the

ailse, and when we want to get up and leave for something, we have to walk around the opening in the railings cause his stuff is blocking it. Or there are people standing around blocking the ailse making it hard for us to get out and walk up the steps.

Now if this were a fan and he blocked the ailse like that, we would get told to move, but the venor can get away with it? Hes a lazy ass and i have complain ed numerous times with no return mail or anything.

Pick your cooler up and walk around like all the other vendors you lazy fu**!~

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My problem with the ANY vendors is they get in the way when I am trying to watch a GD football game. Honestly get drunk at home. Hell I just came from Greece where I watched two soccer games and during the game there are no vendors at all in the stands. I think they will kill them if they block their view.

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