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Going Deep


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Let's see...

Bledsoe had almost 250 yards but 3 INTs against them. No real long balls that I recall.

Big Ben had 140 yards and an INT against them. No long ball to speak of. ( Bench him I guess? :doh: )

Manning had a little over 200 yards against them. Again, no long ball that I recall.

Now, you want us to throw deep and often? Why? Because the first three teams couldn't? I think if we rush for 150 yards on the ground this game is ours. :2cents: I'm not sure what people except around here. The Jags are an ugly team. They play ugly and win often ( by ugly I mean smashmouth football, nothing fancy or big ). Alot like the traditional Gibbs teams. Don't expect alot of scoring in this one. I would except more three and outs on both sides of the ball and maybe a 17-13 type of game. :cheers:

Thank you Aghar. If the Jags were vulnerable to the deep pass, don't you think Manning/Harrison/Wayne would have exposed them? The Jags defense is solid all around. We need to balance the run and pass to keep them off balance.

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Dont you think Saunders and company are reviewing what the Colts, Steelers, and Cowboys tried, what was successful and what wasnt?

Of course not! Al, Gregg, and Joe are reading this thread now and waiting for us to provide the gameplan. They are madly hitting the refresh button as we speak! Why do you think the Skins bought this site?

The Colts weren't effective against the Jags' defense because their running game is suspect. The Steelers weren't effective because their passing game was ineffective (no #2 or #3 WR). We have to have a balanced attack to have any success.

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I'm still awaiting the first time when two WRs will have 100 yards receiving in one game. I would like to see 4 WR sets. With Moss, Lloyd, Randle El, and Patten, defenses won't be playing much man to man defense because it's too risky given the talent of the aforementioned wide receivers. If the defense is playing zone coverage, it will be hard to go deep.

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On if in future games he will look downfield more or just stick with the short passes that he used against Houston:

"I don't think anybody in the NFL would try to live with short passes. Based on the defense you are playing sometimes those things will come up a lot. In this game they did. Certainly we need to be balanced. We need to get the ball downfield. It so happens that many times what the defense plays is what you take. The way to operate in the NFL is to try not to pre-determine what you are going to do."

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With so much being made about our "dink and dunk" record that MB set...I think Jax will be looking to defend the "flat". We can use this to our advantage especially early on. We could fake the quick reciever screen to Moss, then go deep to Lloyde.

Once they bite on it once and we get a big gain, then they will be on their toes not knowing WHAT to defend.

There are 2 areas vital though...we hve to cut our penalties in half...no more than 5-6 AND we must force some turn overs!

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With the way we played the two first games (unable to get the ball deep), and the way we played the last game(rushing very often and passing short). the first drive of the game should be like this:

RUN the ball until we achieve the FIRST first down, and then on the very next play: BOOM - a long ball to MOSS. TOUCHDOWN.

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The defense has to win this game for us, our offense isn't going to put up huge numbers. If you look at the Jags in the last 2 seasons, they only lose when they're hit on the TO margin. I'm not really sure how our defense is going to cause these turnovers as we've been having trouble with getting pressure on the QB, but without some short fields our offense is going to struggle to score 20pts.

On offense, I hope we don't abandon the run. Screw their D-Line, I want our O-Line to step up to the challenge and run the ball down their throats.

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Nobody read what the team said about why we never went deep?

It might be hard for some fans to believe, but defenses were game planning to stop our deep ball. Apparently, they missed all the threads about how Brunell can't throw past 20 yards to Santana Moss.

I would love for them to focus on taking away the short stuff. Moss, Lloyd, Randle El and Patten would eat them alive.

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Nobody read what the team said about why we never went deep?

It might be hard for some fans to believe, but defenses were game planning to stop our deep ball. Apparently, they missed all the threads about how Brunell can't throw past 20 yards to Santana Moss.

I would love for them to focus on taking away the short stuff. Moss, Lloyd, Randle El and Patten would eat them alive.

Of course though there not going to do that. Jacksonville knows full damn well that we have a receiver squad that is just itching to go for big numbers and all of them are capable of it. The Jaguars are going to give us some dink and dunks but unfortunately for us, they are quicker and better talented then the Texans, therefore we shall not have as much success as we did against the Texans. In addition the damn Jaguars will probably bring pressure and often towards Mark. Our game must be won in the trenches and from there we are going to have to fight for yards both on rushing and passing.

Bottom line this is going to be a constant field position battle. Frost better have a good day punting and John Hall better accept he is going to have to work hard with field goals as that is what I forsee happening in this game.

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Of course though there not going to do that. Jacksonville knows full damn well that we have a receiver squad that is just itching to go for big numbers and all of them are capable of it. The Jaguars are going to give us some dink and dunks but unfortunately for us, they are quicker and better talented then the Texans, therefore we shall not have as much success as we did against the Texans. In addition the damn Jaguars will probably bring pressure and often towards Mark. Our game must be won in the trenches and from there we are going to have to fight for yards both on rushing and passing.

Bottom line this is going to be a constant field position battle. Frost better have a good day punting and John Hall better accept he is going to have to work hard with field goals as that is what I forsee happening in this game.

Say what you want about the Texans CBs, but speed is not something they lack. Buchanon, Robinson and Sanders are all faster than any CB Jacksonville has. Jacksonville has size over speed in their corners.

The Jags have better corners, but they'll have their hands full with Moss, Lloyd, Randle El and Patten. The strength of that D is their line.

If they give us the dink and dunk, that's perfect because they won't have time to get the heat on Brunell, and they don't have the speed to keep up with our WRs.

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I don't see the running game winning the game for us this week. No way we get 150 unless they get a couple long runs. Jax has given up 1 100 yard game to a RB in the past 2 seasons and gave up 4 rushing td's last year.

Brunell has to play at least as good as he did last week for them to have a chance against that defense. Unless our D gets us some points on its own or Rock returns another KO.

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What we do this week depends on the defense we see. To be sure, Jacksonville will start out just like everyone else, playing two deep zone coverage. We will counter with the run and short pass. If their front 7 can handle that, they won't change and we are in for a long day. If they can't handle it, they will make adjustments that could include moving up a safety. That puts the receivers in single coverage and puts a linebacker on Cooley. If that happens, THEY are in for a long day. We'll see.

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In order to go downfield, Brunell needs to get time to throw the ball, which i don't think he's going to get.

I say we draw them in, knowing they are probably a better D line than our O line, run draw plays, end arounds, screen passes... etc..

Then after they adjust, throw a deep ball, or roll Brunell out and throw 10-15 yards up the sideline.

I don't think just droping back and throwing a deep ball is goign to work unless you set it up first by catching thier D off gaurd.

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i'm not sure brunell's arm will allow him to throw deep.

other than those two bombs he threw to Moss last season

every time he throws deep the ball just sits in the air

never hitting the WR in full stride

Well, I'll tell you this, if his elbow precludes his to throw the long ball, he better be able to throw these short passes on a goddamn rope to give our receivers enough time to make a J-ville's defense to miss. Otherwise our receivers will get punished.

Secondly, if he CAN"T throw the long ball, he shouldn't even be in the f'in game.

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Jacksonville is going to sit in cover 2 until we prove that we can run the ball - there is absolutely no reason for them to start out trying to stop the short / med passes or the run until we prove that we can sustain drives by getting 5 and 7 yards each play. The Houston game aside, we have not proven to be consistant enough with these types of plays to "scare" anyone. If we can do what we did against Houston on the short plays for a half, then they might start moving up to stop them, but a few plays is not gonna do the trick.

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Speaking of the deep pass & just dink&dunking, 980AM-the team just noted that more than ten of Brunell's record setting consecutive passes were thrown BEHIND the line of scrimage. Brunell aired ONE pass farther than 7 yards (strictly thrown yards, not after the catch yards) that was a 26 yard throw. And no pass aired for more than 26 yards.

Brunell has been consistantly inconsistant at best. Here's hoping he gets hot for Jacksonville because those guys just took on two of the most powerfull offenses in the NFL in Pitt & Indy. And they looked good doing it.

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The problem with this plan is that, sure Coach Saunders calls the plays, but during game planning and practice you think Coach Gibbs will poo-poo the deep pass? He's been extremely conservative and likes to leave those plays for the fourth quarter. What I think is gonna happen is Saunders is gonna try an incorporate Cooley and Fauria on the short pass, just to mix things up. Either way, we wont see any well developed plays until late in the game, most likely. But deep down, I hope I eat my words.

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The problem with this plan is that, sure Coach Saunders calls the plays, but during game planning and practice you think Coach Gibbs will poo-poo the deep pass? .

that is such a good question, because it really seems like Joe's plays from last year are showing up this year? then again that shovel pass, and that one quick hit slant was totally new....I DON'T KNOW! I'm confused.

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