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Minnesota Vikings Official Message board: http://vikingsmessageboard.com/viewtopic.php?t=10901

Wow, they look pathetic.

Can Clinton Portis make that big a difference? They're saying he'll be ready by week 1, but that team needs a busload of players.

Their best QB was let go, they brought in a couple solid WRs but no one to throw them the ball. Portis will probably play, but how effective will he be coming off the injury? As well as Springs not playing, or at the best also coming off an injury. We'll see, but this really looks like a game we'll take by double digits at this point!
its not in the bag, but its lookin' better for us every minute....
I was very worried about the opening third games before the preseason started. I'm a little more comfortable how the defense looks -- so an improved defense right there helps. And the offense -- vanilla as it is in the preseason -- is what I expected. But as Kansas, Moth and just about everyone else said, the way a team looks in the preseason means nothing as to how they'll preform in the regular season.

I think that we're in for very close, low scoring games for the majority of the season. Maybe no as exciting as what we've seen in the past 10 years, but I'll take some tight games where we have a shot to win every time out.

My expectations for the season aren't high, but I think it will be a very interesting year. A playoff spot is a true possibility ... and that's all you can ask for under a first-year coach, I think.

Click link for more comments by the Viking fans...:laugh:

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Is any major source, including the one's that cleary despise us, picking the Vikes to win?

I'm sure a few analysts will pick against us...I mean look at how bad we played in the preseason.

Seriously though guys...its a Vikings fan site, just like ours they are going to be super homers. Its a given.

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Their best QB was let go, they brought in a couple solid WRs but no one to throw them the ball. Portis will probably play, but how effective will he be coming off the injury? As well as Springs not playing, or at the best also coming off an injury. We'll see, but this really looks like a game we'll take by double digits at this point!

Well, this is how someone replied to this post over there:

Which means we will probably get it handed to us on the road in front of a national audience.


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Oh well some of them are sensible :laugh: . Honestly, I think they are falling in to a trap I really do. Gibbs is not going to let a rookie coach come in to his house and let his team but him. Besides Gibbs has never lost to the Vikings. I think his record stays in tact on 9-11.

I think the Skins have heard all the doubters and have seen what is written about them. I think they will come out and prove every one wrong.

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I'm sure some of you will flame me anyway, but here I go . . .

I think they make a valid point about Portis. I mean, how effective can he be with a disolcated shoulder? I mean, if its not 100%, he's just gonna end up getting it banged up again. That could be a problem for the whole season . . .

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I'm sure some of you will flame me anyway, but here I go . . .

I think they make a valid point about Portis. I mean, how effective can he be with a disolcated shoulder? I mean, if its not 100%, he's just gonna end up getting it banged up again. That could be a problem for the whole season . . .

You're right I had one of them dislocated shoulders it does take awhile for it to heal completely and there is a chance that if he bangs it again it could be a major problem. I think the coaches is going to be very smart about it and besides I do think we have capable running backs that can get the job done. I still think they will be alright but Portis should not rush back take however long it takes for him get back 100% . We will need him for the long haul I think we can get by if he isn't in there right now.

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The skins are the better team so this pre season and the doubters present the best case scenario for us. Now nobody even the Skins players are overconfident so the Vikings are headed into a hostile environment against a hostile defense and some tricky offensive minds, and they are headed here with no idea of what to expect.

I like it.

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I find this funny (regarding the injuries)

"Shawn Springs isn't as pivotal, but a vet QB like Johnson might be able to exploit that situation. "

So after readining the thread these comments came from, I gathered that Mark Brunell is old, washed up, and has no talent. Okay...that's fine...

But Brad Johnson is simply considered a "vet QB". :laugh:

Just look at their nfl.com profiles. Just about everything is in favor of Brunell (Personally, I'd consider them about equals).

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I don't know why some of you are acting shocked, have you see the threads on this board saying we are going to flat out destroy the Vikes?

lol..I know. Plus, if the Vikings had the preseason we had, we'd be thinking how bad they are instead of coming up with excuses as to why they are really a strong team.

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Posts: 2

Redskins-I was a little worried but...

« on: Yesterday at 11:59:38 am »

I was a little worried when I first saw the schedule and noticed we were playing the Redskins opening day on National Television. But I'm now relieved watching them during the pre-season.

Boy do they suck!!

How badly are we goin' 2 CRUSH THEM!!!!??



Training Camp

Posts: 30

we will win that game, by small margine and low score,


Mr Anderson

Hall Of Famer

Posts: 1451


Last time the Redskins went 0-4 in the preseason, they won the Super Bowl.


Ring of Fame

Posts: 4449

I think the Skins are a playoff caliber team and will be above 500 this year but will not start the season 1 - 0 as the Vikes win this game 24 to 13!

Skol Vikes!

Odin VAVikefan


Posts: 214

One of my best buds is a Skins fan, and we're going to get together for the game. I had told him that with the Skins looking strong in the offseason and with all the changes the Vikes were going through that I felt Minnesota had a very small chance of winning (I posted the same sentiments here). However, I now think the Vikes have a better shot!

I know, preseason is only preseason, but players on the field don't (or shouldn't) go less than 100% on any given play, and the Redskins 1st string offensive and (oh so tough) defense have been outscored 87-17. No offensive touchdowns whatsoever. THEY HAVE MAJOR PROBLEMS, and aside from the shaky QB corps, none of these problems are obvious or easily fixable. Gibbs made a major mistake by holding what I've heard was the most relaxed training camp in the NFL as a reward to his players who went to the Voluntary workouts, and the ********s will be paying the price through the first half of the season.


Team Alumni Member

Posts: 3195

When do they get Portis back?


Hall Of Famer

United Kingdom

Posts: 1647

I'm still hesitant to predict we'll win this. I'll be a LOT more comfortable once I've seen a stable running-game from us. That being said, I have more than enough confidence in Brad Johnson to believe that if it's on his shoulders, he'll carry us. I also have huge confidence in our defence to chew up any QB's that are unfortunate enough to stand in front of them at the snap, but I'm still wary of the threat from Clinton Portis, even with a bum shoulder.

We'll see.. I'll be rooting for the Vikes and waking the neighbours tho! (Monday Night Football comes on at about 1am-2am over here)



Posts: 51

i happen to know for a fact that the vikes will win this game by three touchdowns.

dont ask me how i just do.



Posts: 2

i just cheecked online and saw their expecting Portis back for this game. Still no worries, I suspect he's still hurt--from his knee right? Look, Portis is all they got. If he's not playin' at his prime then this will be a massacare for them.



Posts: 65

How many time do I have to say this. Win-loss in preseason means nothing, but preseason does have some meaning. Its gives you an idea of how good the O and D-Lines are, its shows which rookies really wanna play, and itd plays a huge part in who gets cut.

I guess all sites are the same....

Some Homers, Some Know-Nots....

And some real football people.......

Cant Wait til 9/11 (sounds crazy to say that)

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That thread is exactly what I would expect. As others said, a little of everything just like most message boards.

No matter how you look at it, we proved that FedX is a tough house to come to, and I'm sure our classless ;) 12th man will do the job well again. The one thing I have learned over the years, there are no walk overs in the NFL.

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I think that teh message board had a wide range of responses. Some picked the Vikes to win easy, much like many people would do on our board would do about the skins. I think others made valid points about how the preseason means nothing (see our super bowl victory).

All in all I liked the responses. Very realistic. I think the Skins will win, but I dont see .why everyone was laughing at their reasoning.

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I think this is hilarious! lol

"Wow, they look pathetic.

Can Clinton Portis make that big a difference? They're saying he'll be ready by week 1, but that team needs a busload of players. "

Can someone please go over there and say, yea just like you need a BOATload of strippers :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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