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Ramsey being "left out" at Jets training camp practices


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Poor Pat Ramsey...

I wouldn't feel too badly for the guy. Even if he is relegated to becoming a career backup for various teams, many of us would love to have that opportunity. He never really seemed like a "natural" QB, rather he was the kid with the strong arm that someone tried to mold into a QB.

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Can't poof me a million dollars now??

Ramsey should've never agreed to this trade. He should've let the Skins just cut him and he may have had a better shot else where. That Clemmons kid is probably going to eventually be the Jets QB.

Where could Patrick go? Let's see:

Buffalo- their current roster of qb's isn't that great.

Kansas City- Trent Green is getting old, he could eventually take over.

Dallas- yes, our hated enemy needs a post Bledsoe solution and it won't be Hensen.

Minnesota- They need someone to succeed Brad Johnson.

Detroit- was a possibility in the offseason, not now.

I'm sorry but he has just as good of a shot with the Jets as he does with those jobs. This isn't something where he is losing reps to superstars.

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He's rubbed someone the wrong way, he deserves better treatment

We agree on a lot of things Bubba, but this time I think you're off, only b/c Ramsey is such a classy, respectful guy, I just can't see him rubbing anybody the wrong way. That's why Gibbs had such a hard time benching him, I think gibbs really liked him. Unfortunately for Pat, I think he just doesn't recognize things and make decisions fast enough. He's always had problems with getting plays off, finding the open guy, and holding the ball too long. If Pennington is healthy, Pat might wind up being the odd man out b/c the Jets like Brooks, and are very high on their rookie QB. I'm a huge fan of PR, and really pulling for him, but I wonder how much success he's going to have in the NFL. He needs to play for a team that has a simple offense that likes to run the ball and throw deep. He should have gone to the Raiders.

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This is sad. Pat's a smart kid with a good arm and character. It'd be nice to see him catch on in the league.

According to Bram Weinstein, Redskins insiders privately claimed that Ramsey lacks the "instincts" to be an NFL starter - maybe they were right, and the Jets are getting frustrated with his lack of progress?

Let's hope he catches on eventually, but if he gets cut, well, maybe he could start in Europe? At least he'd get playing time - it certainly didn't hurt Curt Warner's career.

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He's just not that good and he lacks the football instincts to ever be good. Lots of qbs have been in bad situations -- and when they get their chance, the good ones don't take forever to get a play off and they don't consistently look skittish in the pocket.

He seems like a great guy, definitely an easy guy to root for. But overall, he just hasn't improved.

I think he's out of the league sooner than later. But I hope I'm wrong.

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We agree on a lot of things Bubba, but this time I think you're off, only b/c Ramsey is such a classy, respectful guy, I just can't see him rubbing anybody the wrong way. That's why Gibbs had such a hard time benching him, I think gibbs really liked him. Unfortunately for Pat, I think he just doesn't recognize things and make decisions fast enough. He's always had problems with getting plays off, finding the open guy, and holding the ball too long. If Pennington is healthy, Pat might wind up being the odd man out b/c the Jets like Brooks, and are very high on their rookie QB. I'm a huge fan of PR, and really pulling for him, but I wonder how much success he's going to have in the NFL. He needs to play for a team that has a simple offense that likes to run the ball and throw deep. He should have gone to the Raiders.

Ramsey rubbed Gibbs the wrong way in 2004 when he whined about the Brunell acquisition. He reportedly pointed at Gibbs and demanded a trade if he wasn't given a fair shot to win the starting job. At the time, I think Gibbs had a problem with Ramsey's attitude.

Looking back on it now, such behavior is downright hilarious. He can't even beat out Brooks Bollinger for the 3rd spot on the Jets roster. Two years ago, Ramsey was acting like he was Brett Favre.

I shudder when I think it was guys like Ramsey and Arrington that this team was built around at the time. Thankfully those days are over.

That said, Ramsey kept his mouth shut last year and suddenly Gibbs started speaking highly of him. I think at some point, possibly the 2004 preseason when he struggled and conceded he didn't play better than Brunell, Ramsey realized he maybe wasn't the player he thought he was. Since that point his demeanor has been more in line with a player of his talent level right now.

I'm sort of surprised he hasn't done better with New York because it seemed like he ate some humble pie before leaving DC and I thought that would improve his chances to turn his career around.

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Finally a team is going to take advantage of Patrick's raw, athletic ability. I was hoping he wouldn't be misused on another team!


Also, it sounds like he couldn't even get in and out of the huddle. That isn't surprising considering even during his "highlight" game last year (vs. the Giants) he had to burn two timeouts before he threw that errant pass that Santana turned into a 70-yard TD play. :2cents:

if you recall brunells pass wasnt much better i Think oin the Brunell pas to moss Moss had to darn near put his hands on the ground to catch it

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That's too bad, I liked Patrick

Spurrier ruined that boy

i truely second that opinion, i told a friend that just the other day. i'm sorry to hear about his misfortunes.

on a side note, if he does get cut, we as the redskin nation should say thank you again to the jets, this time for a "free" draft pick. :D

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Ramsey has always thought he deserved to be a starter despite never having shown on the field that he has earned it.

Steve McNair sat on the bench for how long after being a top pick before he became the starter in Tennessee? Even Carson Palmer sat as a rookie.

Joe Theismann was 28 when he finally became the starting qb of the Redskins.

Ramsey was allowed to rule the roost during a period in which the coaching here was poor and there was no leadership.

If Gibbs had drafted Ramsey, PR like Arrington would never have developed this exaggerated sense of himself.

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The Jets boards have been saying that he's having trouble making reads and anticipating where the WRs are going to be. Sounds like a problem he had while in a Skins uni. That probably has little to do with Spurrier.

Him having happy feet and looking uncomfortable in the pocket likely does have everything to do with Spurrier.

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To hear Ramsey talk about it, everyone getting their reps.

"From my understanding, nothing has changed," Ramsey said. "We're going to continue the same way we've been doing things. I went into this camp expecting what the coaches have told us, and that's that this is a competition. It's been very evenly split up throughout camp."


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