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Anything MMA, except thumb wrestling


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Cerrone-Florian would be a good fight, but it will be a while as Cerrone is on the Dec. WEC card and Florian is fighting Dunham at UFC 126.

I would not give Pettis much of a chance against Edgar/Maynard at this point, but I would give Henderson a decent chance.

I agree, I think Henderson has the wrestling and the size to do decent against Edgar/Maynard.

I didn't even think about the unification of the belts until now. No matter what though the UFC's 155lb division could use the new blood.

Edited by #98QBKiller
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Aldo is defending his title at UFC 125, no opponent named yet

i wouldn't mind seeing Cerrrone fight Florian

i'm not giving the Henderson/Pettis winner much of a chance against the Edgar/Maynard winner though :ols:

I'd like to see Cerrone fight BJ Penn or Florian.

I'd like to see Henderson fight the loser of Edgar/Maynard.

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Yeah, any time the talent level is brought together it's a good thing. RIP WEC. Freaking awesome promotion. Would be great to sit there, bored and tired on a Tuesday night, only to see an old WEC playing on Versus. I may have seen Rob Mccullough fight more than I've seen Fedor fight. Goodbye to the blue cage.

The main thing here is that there will be even more UFC cards. It's a big step towards having a UFC event every week.

Edited by d0ublestr0ker0ll
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In somewhat surprising news (to me at least), farewell to:



He has not looked very good in his last few fights, but I thought he would get at least one more. I thought he could be a decent gatekeeper. It still stuns me however, that there might not be a fighter in the world that fights to his strengths worse than Gonzaga.

Cote also got released yesterday.

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Love the merger news. The free cards are going to get much better.

And backing up a bit, put me in the camp that doesn't get the Lesnar hate. The rodeo stung was years ago and it was funny. His Mir thing was a little overboard, but I think Mir deserved it. Mir was the punk in that situation, and he got beat down and called out for it. I'm glad Brock did that. He is a brutally honest dude who is used to put himself out there. He is a hard working family man with incredible athletic attributes. He is constantly doing everything he can to maximize his potential.

And how good did he look until Cain popped him and sent him flailing around? He looked like a welterweight flying around in there. It is too bad he didn't jump in this sport sooner. Hopefully it isn't too late to learn how to take a punch and move forward instead of cover and flee. He has the wrestling instincts to latch on when he gets in trouble, but so far he has reverted to doing Brockwheels when he gets hit instead of grabbing on and recovering.

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Love the merger news. The free cards are going to get much better.

And backing up a bit, put me in the camp that doesn't get the Lesnar hate. The rodeo stung was years ago and it was funny. His Mir thing was a little overboard, but I think Mir deserved it. Mir was the punk in that situation, and he got beat down and called out for it. I'm glad Brock did that. He is a brutally honest dude who is used to put himself out there. He is a hard working family man with incredible athletic attributes. He is constantly doing everything he can to maximize his potential.

And how good did he look until Cain popped him and sent him flailing around? He looked like a welterweight flying around in there. It is too bad he didn't jump in this sport sooner. Hopefully it isn't too late to learn how to take a punch and move forward instead of cover and flee. He has the wrestling instincts to latch on when he gets in trouble, but so far he has reverted to doing Brockwheels when he gets hit instead of grabbing on and recovering.

I went from loving Mir to hating him but that didn't make me love Lesnar any more. It may not have even been a "hate" for Brock. I just thought he was waaaay to ****y for a guy who'd only had a handful of UFC fights. I cannot deny he won the title and defended it during that time though. Much respect for that. However, I simply didn't think he'd been tested enough and when he finally got in there with some guys who were close to his size, he failed the tests. Carwin's inexperience and lack of stamina were the only reasons he didn't beat Lesnar lifeless and when Brock faced Cain he showed no improvement when it came to taking a punch and being able to function afterwards. Bottom line is that when Lesnar fights guys who rival his size and fury, they prove to be better... much better. He's only the biggest HW in the UFC, not the best. Too many people were giving him credit he only earned by getting on top as fast as he could and smothering. That's one martial art and it worked for a while but not a menu of mixed martial arts that one requires to last. He can and should improve on that. I'm sure he's a student of the game, but- can he learn to take a mean shot? He hasn't shown it yet. (I still say he's hard to concuss, but he certainly loses his composure easily and cowers.)

Basically I think he (and we) got way too caught up in his hype. He'll smother and bludgeon a few more guys before he's exposed again.

Edited by Chachie
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That looked like a front kick to me. I've seen the video and they said it was a crescent kick but am no expert.

I think your right it looks more like a front kick it just connected right on the button. This is a crescent kick by Kikuno.


edit: after adding the gif now im starting to think he did pull off a crescent kick.

Edited by Patrick86L
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I went from loving Mir to hating him but that didn't make me love Lesnar any more. It may not have even been a "hate" for Brock. I just thought he was waaaay to ****y for a guy who'd only had a handful of UFC fights. I cannot deny he won the title and defended it during that time though. Much respect for that. However, I simply didn't think he'd been tested enough and when he finally got in there with some guys who were close to his size, he failed the tests. Carwin's inexperience and lack of stamina were the only reasons he didn't beat Lesnar lifeless and when Brock faced Cain he showed no improvement when it came to taking a punch and being able to function afterwards. Bottom line is that when Lesnar fights guys who rival his size and fury, they prove to be better... much better. He's only the biggest HW in the UFC, not the best. Too many people were giving him credit he only earned by getting on top as fast as he could and smothering. That's one martial art and it worked for a while but not a menu of mixed martial arts that one requires to last. He can and should improve on that. I'm sure he's a student of the game, but- can he learn to take a mean shot? He hasn't shown it yet. (I still say he's hard to concuss, but he certainly loses his composure easily and cowers.)

Basically I think he (and we) got way too caught up in his hype. He'll smother and bludgeon a few more guys before he's exposed again.

+1...Too me he came into the game with the WWE attitude and was way overhyped by Dana and of course himself. He didn't get the belt because he was a great MMA fighter, he got the belt because he was the biggest and possibly the most athletic. I mean, he was allowed to fight for the championship with a 1-1 record in the UFC, he wasn't required to pay his dues and EARN his right to compete for a championship. I guess my hate is as much for Dana pandering to the WWE crowd as it is for Brocks WWE persona. To me it made a mockery out of the sport and of the guys who eat, sleep and live MMA. Brock only got a shot because of his fame, not because of his skills.

Now, I think he'd be an awesome guy to hang out with, have a few beers and do some hunting. If he entered the sport, paid his dues and worked his way to the championship I'd have no problem with him, and would probably even be okay with his antics. I mean, I don't hate Sonnen and he was a much bigger ass hat than Brock. I just think Dana and the UFC need to do a better job of setting up fights than just throwing the next big thing in there for a title shot, like Jake Shields and the 170lb belt, dude looked horrible.

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I don't know Zoed....there are two sides to the business of Brock Lesnar's MMA career. The first is your argument. That Brock's golden ticket was a slap in the face to other fighters who worked their butt off for years. But what about the fans Brock brought to the UFC? What about the ability to pay fighters more money, in part because Brock Lesnar brought X-amount of fans to the sport?

Now, obviously you can look at Todd Duffee's pay for his last fight in the UFC and counter that argument, but Lesnar has been spearheading the growth of the sport as far as name-recognition goes. He's going to bring the UFC more money, more prime air-time, the sport and the fighters are going to benefit from that in the long run. The fight bonuses just moved from $60,000 to $70,000 last month. I wonder if that would have happened this year if Brock never came to the sport.

Now, as far as being an MMA fighter, I think it's ignorant not to call Brock Lesnar a mixed martial artist. Are you kidding me? I'm sorry, but I'm not with Vitor Belfort on this one (Vitor made the argument that Brock's not a real MMA fighter). Just because Vitor is more ingrained in the sport doesn't give him the right to belittle less-experienced fighters. Brock is huge and fast, but he practices and participates in fairly high level martial arts events. He's a martial artist, nimrod.

Cain Velasquez is awesome. So if you can't beat him, everyone, you AREN'T A MARTIAL ARTIST. Especially if you're bigger! I is smart!

Edited by d0ublestr0ker0ll
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Good counterpoints, Strokes. I think maybe if dana had brought Brock along a little slower, he'd get a lot more mileage out of Lesnar. I don't know though. Everything goes the way it goes and Brock is certainly one of the top 5 MMA fighters in the UFC. He may not be much of an artist but when the cage closes it's not about beauty. The man's a bad***** and there are a ton of mixed martial artists out there who wouldn't stand a chance against him. I personally want to see him lose but I have to admit I want to see him regardless. We the fans choose our good guys and our bad guys and I chose Brock as one of my bad guys. Therefore, I fall under the Lesnar "hater" category. I'm a Diaz Bros fan but there are Diaz "haters" all over the place.

I simply keep going back to the sense of entitlement Brock has always had, his sore loser antics after Mir 1 and his sore winner antics after Mir 2 (which are genuine, not WWE inspired) to remind me that he just didn't show proper humility to the sport. Cain Velasquez showed Brock Lesnar that he's not bigger than the sport and I hope that changes him a bit.

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I don't know Zoed....there are two sides to the business of Brock Lesnar's MMA career. The first is your argument. That Brock's golden ticket was a slap in the face to other fighters who worked their butt off for years. But what about the fans Brock brought to the UFC? What about the ability to pay fighters more money, in part because Brock Lesnar brought X-amount of fans to the sport?

Now, obviously you can look at Todd Duffee's pay for his last fight in the UFC and counter that argument, but Lesnar has been spearheading the growth of the sport as far as name-recognition goes. He's going to bring the UFC more money, more prime air-time, the sport and the fighters are going to benefit from that in the long run. The fight bonuses just moved from $60,000 to $70,000 last month. I wonder if that would have happened this year if Brock never came to the sport.

Now, as far as being an MMA fighter, I think it's ignorant not to call Brock Lesnar a mixed martial artist. Are you kidding me? I'm sorry, but I'm not with Vitor Belfort on this one (Vitor made the argument that Brock's not a real MMA fighter). Just because Vitor is more ingrained in the sport doesn't give him the right to belittle less-experienced fighters. Brock is huge and fast, but he practices and participates in fairly high level martial arts events. He's a martial artist, nimrod.

Cain Velasquez is awesome. So if you can't beat him, everyone, you AREN'T A MARTIAL ARTIST. Especially if you're bigger! I is smart!

I see your point, but if you ever go out to a Hooters or some other place when Brock is fighting its so annoying to see the ignorant WWE fans acting like WWE fans. Not trying to be a MMA snob because by no means am I personally a student of the fight game but I've followed it long enough to respect the hard work and technical aspects of the game. I guess it's not really Brocks fault he's such an egomaniac with a big mouth and like I stated previously, my dislike is probably linked more to Dana and the UFC's handling of Brock than Brock himself. I just don't think you need all the WWE antics to bring in fans to the MMA world.

On the flip side, it makes little baby jesus smile to see Dana all disappointed when his cash cow totes an epic ass whoopin!

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Lesnar was outclassed by Cain.....it really proves how he still has a long way to go in MMA. If Mir had better takedown defense or Randy had not gotten caught by a sloppy looping punch he might not even have the record he has.

Granted the guy is athletic as hell, and has all the tools to compete but I still think he should have had to fight a couple more fights in order to fight for the title. I have been watching MMA since UFC 1 and I have seen it a thousand times once a fighters "invincibility" is taken away he can be beaten....look at Machida (Shogun Exposed it in the first fight), Chuck (Rampage Exposed it), BJ (Edgar exposed it twice), and Carwin even though he lost showed that Brock can be beaten....thats all Cain needed to see and he knew he could beat Brock. Brock will come back and win a few fights but I do not think hes goin to win the title again.

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Overeem in Tokyo for K-1. I can't wait for him to come back to MMA Coker said a title fight with Werdum is in the works for February.

They love them some Ubereem in Japan...RIP Werdum. :silly:

*Edit: I guess this means Fedor is fighting Silva or Barnett...I really hope it's the latter.

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