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When Arrington Returns December 30


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f*** you 1972, that is some bs right there

Then why do you say this: "... but I hope LaVar does well." Does "well"? Against US? Would a few QB sacks satisfy you? Interceptions? Knock out a few of our players? :doh:

Lavar love is one thing. Going OVERBOARD is another.

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His flame is already snuffed out. Don't let one man bring fear to your heart....trust that our players know his weaknesses and will exploit them. Get on your feet and boo any team not the Redskins......
Fear? There is no fear here, only the ideology of psychological warfare. That being said I WILL be booing the rest of the game, just not when they announce Lavar. He doesn't deserve my effort.
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Yeah -- I was starting to think that "in before the close" was turning into a way to boost one's post numbers. It's starting to sound like a subtle form of censorship, I see it so much.

People are awfully quick to throw that word around. Censorship? That's a bit of a stretch. Turtle isn't exactly your state senator.

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LaVar who?

But seriously. He purposefully went to a division rival because he wants to stick it the the Redskins. He decided it would be a good time to have an interview right before the Skins first play off game in nine years; their biggest game in a long time and he does that interview. I thought both those things stunk.

That combined with all the whining he did since Joe Jack's return makes me believe LaVar was playing the jealous kid who lost his spotlight. LaVar proved one thing while in D.C. the past few years, its all about LaVar. I lost alot of respect for him because of that stuff. Not right away mind you, but after the fourth or fifth time he started running his mouth in public.

Had he gone anywhere else but in the division, had he been respectful of the current coaches and his teamates, I might still have some respect for him. To say he would rather retire than play elsewhere and then purposefully sign with the giants so he can try to stick it to the Skins made me think differently.

Cheer him or boo him it doesn't really matter to me. I certainly don't think less of people who still like LaVar. I just don't think he did very good by this team much less the fans he supposedly loved. That's why I don't particularly like him. Either way, to me it's LaVar who? I'll treat him like any other giants player.

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LaVar who?

But seriously. He purposefully went to a division rival because he wants to stick it the the Redskins. He decided it would be a good time to have an interview right before the Skins first play off game in nine years; their biggest game in a long time and he does that interview. I thought both those things stunk.

That combined with all the whining he did since Joe Jack's return makes me believe LaVar was playing the jealous kid who lost his spotlight. LaVar proved one thing while in D.C. the past few years, its all about LaVar. I lost alot of respect for him because of that stuff. Not right away mind you, but after the fourth or fifth time he started running his mouth in public.

Had he gone anywhere else but in the division, had he been respectful of the current coaches and his teamates, I might still have some respect for him. To say he would rather retire than play elsewhere and then purposefully sign with the giants so he can try to stick it to the Skins made me think differently.

Cheer him or boo him it doesn't really matter to me. I certainly don't think less of people who still like LaVar. I just don't think he did very good by this team much less the fans he supposedly loved. That's why I don't particularly like him. Either way, to me it's LaVar who? I'll treat him like any other giants player.

Well said.

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LaVar who?

But seriously. He purposefully went to a division rival because he wants to stick it the the Redskins. He decided it would be a good time to have an interview right before the Skins first play off game in nine years; their biggest game in a long time and he does that interview. I thought both those things stunk.

That combined with all the whining he did since Joe Jack's return makes me believe LaVar was playing the jealous kid who lost his spotlight. LaVar proved one thing while in D.C. the past few years, its all about LaVar. I lost alot of respect for him because of that stuff. Not right away mind you, but after the fourth or fifth time he started running his mouth in public.

Had he gone anywhere else but in the division, had he been respectful of the current coaches and his teamates, I might still have some respect for him. To say he would rather retire than play elsewhere and then purposefully sign with the giants so he can try to stick it to the Skins made me think differently.

Cheer him or boo him it doesn't really matter to me. I certainly don't think less of people who still like LaVar. I just don't think he did very good by this team much less the fans he supposedly loved. That's why I don't particularly like him. Either way, to me it's LaVar who? I'll treat him like any other giants player.

Well, it looks as if the bird has flipped me. I guess you're right birdlives, he did lose his stranglehold on the DC love with Gibbs' return. We love Joey G more than him, and he couldn't take it. That post right there just might have convinced me to no longer be a fan of LaVar in any way.

Sometimes it's just hard to think of the '01 season, and remember how much of a force he was, and think of how far he fell.

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he went to a division rival after talking a whole lot about how much goodwill he had with the fans. This was a terrible betrayal. He wants to play at Fed Ex twice a year? Why - to stick it to the Redskins. That's not really goodwill. He's a bum to me now.

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Cheering will make him feel good. Booing will motivate him. My response will be complete silence, because, as I've stated before, that will get into his head and throw him off his game. The only problem is that there will be plenty of you fools feeding the fire.

I never thought about that...its a good idea though. You know he's gonna be expecting some sort of response, and if he doesn't get anything, he'd be crying so much, he wouldn't be able to play.

"*sniff* *sniff* They aren't doin' anything for Lavar....Woe is me...:cry:waaaahaaaaa haaaaa...coach they aren't doin anything for Lavar....waaahhaaaaa:cry:"

All joking aside, he was the heart and soul of our team for a number of years, then greed and envy got the best of him.:2cents:

EDIT: Birdlives...you are very correct. He's let down alot of fans in that regard.

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I wouldn't cheer for him, but I don't think we should boo him either. He's a LB for another team. What he did for us was negated by the way he left in my opinion. I don't think his reception will have an impact on his play...he'll be so worried about making a big play that he'll overpursue something. Then, he'll probably come up with a big stick...that's his game.

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I will stand and applaud

...I know a lot of people on here our still bitter about what has happened recently, but the fact is this, the man did a lot of great things for our franchise, he stuck with us through the worst of times and he always wanted to beat Dallas...I know we've all gotten upset about it, but just think about it, I watched a video recently of his highlights with the Redskins...we all loved him, I still do, I hope the Giants suck but I hope LaVar does well.......................and by the way, there is nothing wrong with wearing ex-layers jerseys...my white ramsey jersey put us on a 6 game win streak to end the year last season and you can guarandamntee if we are in a tough spot that will be back out this year


The way I see it is, if I was at that game I would boo LA,all game long. Why cheer for him when he's a giant now? Yeah sure he did great things for us but he's the enemy now. JMHO

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He should be the most hated player in the league for Redskins' fans, in my opinion. I will BOO and hope he gets benched in favor of a Warrick Holdman type.

Nah, I dislike Owens. It doesn't matter what team I root for, I dislike him the most.

As purely a Redskins fan, I dislike Laveranues Coles. Much like Arrington, that was a former fan favorite wearing out his welcome with whining and malcontent.

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I will stand and applaud

...I know a lot of people on here our still bitter about what has happened recently, but the fact is this, the man did a lot of great things for our franchise, he stuck with us through the worst of times and he always wanted to beat Dallas...I know we've all gotten upset about it, but just think about it, I watched a video recently of his highlights with the Redskins...we all loved him, I still do, I hope the Giants suck but I hope LaVar does well.......................and by the way, there is nothing wrong with wearing ex-layers jerseys...my white ramsey jersey put us on a 6 game win streak to end the year last season and you can guarandamntee if we are in a tough spot that will be back out this year


The way I see it is like this. If I were at that skins vs giants game. I would boo LA the whole game. I mean why cheer for the enemy, he has a NY logo on his head now..yeah he did great things for us but I think he kinda disrespected us by signing with a rival that we hate. That's just how I see it. No love here for traders!!!!!!! Sorry guys about this post I'm at work on my sidekick and didn't notice the other post above went through upppsss....

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I won't be cheering for "Mr. Redskin" because for all his two-faced talk about his love for the area and the team, in the end HE PAID TO LEAVE. He could have restructured, he could have listened to coaches who knew well, one who is in the HOF, and the other who grew the number one defense in the NFC without you. LA got jealous, especially b/c of the D's success w/o him, and just started spewing. Just like Fred Smoot, who said he loved the Skins, and then left for two mill. more at the front of the contract instead of the back, LA will not get any sympathy from me. He may have blinded some fans by saying "nice" things about the team and fans whenever he was in trouble, but to say you are going to a division rival just so you can play at FedEx? Yeah right. LA is a primadonna who lost his spotlight and has been reacting like a jealous school girl ever since. If it wasn't for our coaching staff keeping most of it under the radar and downplaying it, LA's situation could have turned into a TO-type situation. Bottom line is, for all that talk, for all the "if I can't be a Redskin I'll retire"-isms, LA shelled out 4 million to leave, and to that I say good riddance, and come December I'll be saying "booooo!"

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As much as I can't stand the guy, I don't have a problem with people applauding him for his (on field) contributions as a Redskin when he returns to FedEx. And I can most certainly understand those who will boo him for a litany of reasons.

A good analogy would be when Johnny Damon returned to Fenway. Some applauded, some booed. Neither could be considered right or wrong. But the applauding ends at pregame, in my mind. No fan of the Skins can root for him to succeed but for the Giants to fail. It just doesn't work that way. And that's not just against us. That's against anyone.

To me, the day he decided to stay in the NFC East - he severed ties with any true fans. Should he go to some other team outside the division someday, it will be another story.

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I will stand and applaud

...I know a lot of people on here our still bitter about what has happened recently, but the fact is this, the man did a lot of great things for our franchise, he stuck with us through the worst of times and he always wanted to beat Dallas...I know we've all gotten upset about it, but just think about it, I watched a video recently of his highlights with the Redskins...we all loved him, I still do, I hope the Giants suck but I hope LaVar does well.......................and by the way, there is nothing wrong with wearing ex-layers jerseys...my white ramsey jersey put us on a 6 game win streak to end the year last season and you can guarandamntee if we are in a tough spot that will be back out this year


You are showing a lot of "class" with you comment. I also wish him well.!!!!!!:)
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Also, if I were there, I'd probably clap a little, but not go nuts. I was a huge LA fan while he was here, and thought he could change the way OLB was played. But, as soon as these guys start whining about money, especially when it's their own fault, I get a little sickened.

I think his agent continued giving him bad advice and eventually the entire bargaining process broke down.
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Im not sure if I would cheer him..When Stephen Davis came to Fedex and I went, it was a preseason game but I cheered him..I usally only cheer for a former player if they didn't leave for more money..Davis left because Spurrier didn't want him..Im sure Lavar will get some cheers and boo's..
No doubt, there will be a "mixture of emotions" given when LaVar returns to FedEx.
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Cheering will make him feel good. Booing will motivate him. My response will be complete silence, because, as I've stated before, that will get into his head and throw him off his game. The only problem is that there will be plenty of you fools feeding the fire.
Keep it real, can you actually imagine a silent treatment being given during LaVar's introduction at FedEx field ?
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