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When Arrington Returns December 30


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Well I will applaud him, many people think he is a crybaby and all that, but I know he was the face of the Redskins for years and personally I would have rather Greg Williams leave then LaVar. Just my 2 cents but I wish LaVar would have stayed and Greg Williams go, to be he is an arrogant tool.

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errr...I'm not the one attacking others in a public forumn. just questioning what qualifies you and others to do so. you can shut your mind down as you chose......

Whatever. That is exactly what you did. You came in here and jumped on anyone who voiced a negative opinion of your man LaVar.

btw...not asking for your resume.....it usually takes one instance to refute a generalization......but yes...you're just the best person in the world and are fully within your rights to come on the board and rip some player you have no personal knowledge of......have at it!

One instance to refute a generalization huh? Okay, why don't you post a picture of yourself over there at Childrens Hopsital? My point? This is a message board, anyone can say anything. That certainly doesn't make it true

As for this bold statement here, If you read my take on the situation, I ripped LaVar only for his behavior in the context of football, perhaps some reading comprehension should be utilized before you mouth off next time.

as for being a commoner...not sure how we got there from "what qualifies you...."....but I suppose that's all part of the "game"......as for human nature...glad to hear that's low on your list of priorities....but we knew that already....toodles!!!!!

How we get there is by you purposefully using condescending language directed at me, and anyone else who doesn't share your opinion. Pretty obvious if you ask me. As for the human nature jab, thanks for proving my point. Only someone without a reasonable argument would take such a low blow.

almost forgot...one would think that hubris is more aptly applied to those bashing Arrington in such a reckless fashion......

Are you even familiar with the term? It doesn't seem like it at all after this statement. Perhaps a dictionary for your birthday?

To go preach at people for voicing their opinions, especially on a message board, is being the ultimate keyboard tough guy.:rolleyes:

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LA is not my man. one sticks to his principles and responds when they are violated. I am completely unconcerned whether you feel this is preaching or not.

"voicing opinion" is a convenient catch-all...is it not? is this advanced without consideration for content? intent? integrity? balance?

reading comprehension isn't a problem for me....but nice try. you can obfuscate all you want. you are the person attacking someone else. you are the one who is demeaning himself...not me. your comments implicitly speak to character. you want to rip someone biut can't take the heat when fire is returned.

true enough...anyone can say anything....but trust relationships are not unique to message boards. but the between the lines notion about integrity - including those of your fellow posters - is interesting (or is it revealing?)

so condescending language - i.e., tone - is now the issue? let me get this right...there is a double standard in play...is that it? it's ok to apply one set of standards toward the players (i.e., defamatory, condescending, etc.) - and even you have to admit that the criticism of Arrington and others has traversed the entire spectrum - but another standard for other posters (who you incidently do not trust)?

keyboard tough guy? well....it beats many of the alternatives. but, one could level the very same accusation at the excessive posts denigrating players. is the same sauce being served to the geese and ganders? or not.

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I will stand and applaud

...I know a lot of people on here our still bitter about what has happened recently, but the fact is this, the man did a lot of great things for our franchise, he stuck with us through the worst of times and he always wanted to beat Dallas...I know we've all gotten upset about it, but just think about it, I watched a video recently of his highlights with the Redskins...we all loved him, I still do, I hope the Giants suck but I hope LaVar does well.......................and by the way, there is nothing wrong with wearing ex-layers jerseys...my white ramsey jersey put us on a 6 game win streak to end the year last season and you can guarandamntee if we are in a tough spot that will be back out this year


Question is how does Lavar feel about us Redskins fans?

He didn't give us any love when he packed his bags and left!

Why cheer him ; is he going to cheer for you?

I say boo that man!

:gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck

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Cheering will make him feel good. Booing will motivate him. My response will be complete silence, because, as I've stated before, that will get into his head and throw him off his game. The only problem is that there will be plenty of you fools feeding the fire.

Good point. I intend on sitting on my hands. I liked LA but never really bought into that Mr Redskin stuff. Always seemed a little contrived and I was proven right in the end.

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Hey fellow Redskin fan, I would like to think your comments were said in the "Heat " of emotionial trauma. G W was a big part of the Skins arriving in to post season play.

I'am not tying to pick a fight. But after reading 9 pages of Arrington returns Dec 30, it appears the response is 50/50 on the subject of to acknowledge Arrington or not, but to call a well respected coach a quote "Arrogant Tool" end quote, a slap in the face of die hard fans, plus this subject seems to be causing a rift amongst Redsrins fans!:2cents: :logo:

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Do you think he will even be in the starting lineup? I predict by then some injury will keep him from playing. I said it when he was here. He is now prone to injuries, he hasn't been in shape for the past two years, he couldn't pass physicals for some teams this off season, and I think he will be a non factor this year.

It isn't because he left Washington, it is because he is not the player he was several years ago, and that my friends is a fact. I predict the Giants will be looking to trade him at the end of the season.

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I will never cheer a Gnat, Cowgirl, or Fegal player. He is a traitor now and should be treated as one. If he really wanted the best for the Redskins and its fans he would have taken a pay cut and stayed a Skin. I also hope he DOESNT do well because that would mean he is helping the Gnats win games to win the NFC East crown. So I say the hell with Arrington!

We didnt win a darn championship with him, much less a division title.

As for my Arrington Jersey it is now catching oil on my garage floor under my vintage Mustang. I dont wear jerseys of traitor skins, only active and retired ones.

All Hail To The Skins

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Since this is my first post, I would like to make it a prophetic one and point out an important life lesson we should all learn from Arrington:

You CANNOT publicly accuse your boss of stealing from you, threaten to take him to court (arbitration), then say you are not, then doing it anyway, and expect to be taken back "into the fold". Doesn't matter if you win or lose (LA lost). Doesn't matter if you are a linebacker or a line cook. It's not gonna happen. Take that to the bank.

Do they not teach reading at Penn? Why did Arrington sign a contract he couldn't understand? Oh yeah, he paid millions to a team of contract specialists (agents) to check things out for him. Yet he sides with the agents that that screwed him and fights our HOF coach and the D co-ordinator that pulled the Redskin Defense out of the gutter.

While all this was going on, LA had been riding the pine for the better part of two years for whatever reason, sucking down the salary of two good players plus one very good player. I would like to forget about the public whining on the runup to the playoffs, but I can't.

Of course I remember the old days. I remember LA knocking Aikman out of the league. I also remember we lost that game. And many others.

Are you LaVaar lovers against terrorism, but pull for Osama? You are not Redskin fans. By definition. Go find a Gint board.

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Anyone care to revisit this thread. I suspected that when Arrington couldn't make it back for the Dallas game he didn't want to and shouldn't be a Redskin. Let not forget that he was worried about his contract when the team was getting ready to play Seattle. I will boo at my TV screen when he plays us. Hell i live in NYC i may boo whenever i see him on tv.

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Just out of curiosity...since so much of your diatribe assaults the man's character.....what have you done in the local community? what makes you (or all others really) qualified to judge the man? what makes you a paragon of virtue entitled to revile another person? there is the business of football...and there is the person above and beyond football. you people flip like a light switch...makes one wonder how much substance is really there.

Just out of curiosity..., why did you pick my statement out of all the ones stating they would boo LA, to attack? What makes anyone qualified to judge him then, or anyone else in society? Maybe it's the fact that I am a Redskins fan, and we are talking about an ex-player and ex-face of the team. Maybe it is the fact that all his tirades and statements are on record, and that LA has turned out to be a hyporcrite. I believe I am qualified to judge as I have been a Skins fan all my life, and I have been there during the a Superbowl season, and a 3-13 season. We all loved Lavar, he was the face of the team, and when you are a fan of the team, the one player who represented your team turns around and treats the team like crap b/c he is losing his luster, it makes me, and many others obviously, feel upset and betrayed. What qualifies you to go around attacking people's posts instead of providing real, substanced counter-arguments? Grow up, please. When you do, I'll be waiting for a real argument on why you apparently will cheer Lavar, but your childish attacks (no matter how many "big words" you throw in there, they are still childish) will just continue to show that you are incapable of providing anything with substance.

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