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If you have had sex with a 100 ladies and are disease free,are you lucky?


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being tested in the military I have never come up with anything. so hopefully I am clean. although I always used protection.

my question is, what do guys with herpes do? I mean, if they get married, it is incurable right? then how do they not get their wives infected. and then won't that affect the baby? what do they do?

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Exactly, one time I was drunk, the other time was with the little cutie inside the gym where I worked out.

I hear you man but 2 in eight years? I would consider a 2 month dry spell terrible, once every 4 years would be intolerable.

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You probably do have an std and don't know it. Certain STD's are not easily detected.

Some of my friends went whoring in Tijuana. I'm sorry but that's just disgusting. I don't like sharing let alone putting my valuebles where hundreds of other dudes have been. :puke: I've heard of marine sharing a pocket ***** on an aircraft carrier. Again: :puke: Sharing the real deal ain't that much different.

Out of the 8 girls I slept with, 3 of them were virgins before we met and none of them had had sex with more than 10 people or so they said. Sluts are gross IMO.

That's one thing I never understood about girls-many of them don't seem to care if a guy is a slut. I've seen groups of girls who all slept with the same guy and they all knew it. I've seen guys do the same thing (not me) but I expect that from guys.

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One of the hottest guys I went to college with probably had sex with about 5 million girls. He was roomates with my boyfriend at the time and I remember one morning after a party all of us just sitting around in the living room watching tv. About 30 minutes of just sitting around he yells out "F***! I just remembered I had sex on the tiolet seat with Megan last night! Man, that girl is so dirty." He would literally have sex everynight with a different girl. The worst part was he openly admitted that he NEVER wore condoms. :puke: He was so hot, but any girl with half a brain wouldn't touch him by his senior year.

...and yet you still think he's hot. For me, no matter how attractive a girl is at first sight, if I know she's a slut all attraction is lost immediately.

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...and yet you still think he's hot. For me, no matter how attractive a girl is at first sight, if I know she's a slut all attraction is lost immediately.

what constitutes a slut? Based on the number of people she's slept with? What if she's been in like 25 meaningful relationships (that's a bit of a hyperbole but just for hypothetical-ness) and slept with all of those men? Is she a slut?

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what constitutes a slut? Based on the number of people she's slept with? What if she's been in like 25 meaningful relationships (that's a bit of a hyperbole but just for hypothetical-ness) and slept with all of those men? Is she a slut?

I think that is somewhere between dirty and skanky, but not quite a slut. :laugh: ;)

I agree...the "slut" label is used too liberally. I mean, a different girl every night is pretty slutty, or conversely a different guy every night for Bonef1de is pretty gross as well. :laugh:

-Wilt Chamberlain

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what constitutes a slut? Based on the number of people she's slept with? What if she's been in like 25 meaningful relationships (that's a bit of a hyperbole but just for hypothetical-ness) and slept with all of those men? Is she a slut?

Sluts usually don't get involved in "meaningful relationships" :)

....but I would question how someone can have 25 meaningful relationships over the course of a lifetime...it would raise a red flag for me (as in what does she consider 'meaningful')...

...but in the hypothetical, no, not a slut...

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what constitutes a slut? Based on the number of people she's slept with? What if she's been in like 25 meaningful relationships (that's a bit of a hyperbole but just for hypothetical-ness) and slept with all of those men? Is she a slut?

Personally, I like sluts. I just happen to like disease-free sluts.

-George Costanza

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what constitutes a slut? Based on the number of people she's slept with? What if she's been in like 25 meaningful relationships (that's a bit of a hyperbole but just for hypothetical-ness) and slept with all of those men? Is she a slut?

I think it's pretty safe to say the guy you were talking about was a slut. He slept with a different girl every night, right?

IMO sleeping with people you have known for 3 hours is slutty. Sleeping with over 30 people is at least somewhat slutty.

I don't see how someone could have 25 meaningful relationships unless they were 50 years old. "Meaningful" can't be less than 1 month with a real recovery time of one month (because the rebound is not meaningful, at first at least). The chances of doing that 6 or even 4 times a year are slim to none. So I guess IMO 30 guys in 12 years would really be pushing it but not yet in the realm of disgusting. That's just me though, I'm not one to share. Most of my friends are more liberal on matters like this.

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what constitutes a slut? Based on the number of people she's slept with? What if she's been in like 25 meaningful relationships (that's a bit of a hyperbole but just for hypothetical-ness) and slept with all of those men? Is she a slut?

Yeah 25 would do it.

So would 20.....15........10.

Think of it this way, would you want someone who was married 5 times???

I was a slut in the past.:silly:

So I'm not going to be all that picky.

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...and yet you still think he's hot. For me, no matter how attractive a girl is at first sight, if I know she's a slut all attraction is lost immediately.

Dude I totally agree.......I'd still hit it though. haha But I would't date her. That's funny I'm from woodbridge too. I guess we think alike

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what is weird is that the OLDER I get the more I want to be with different women. maybe because I am working out and exercising more and the endorphins/adrenaline every day.

or, that I am thinking of getting married and want to get it out of my system so I am not tempted to commit adultery.

life would be much more fun if one could do whatever one wants. it stinks having a sense of morality :(

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what is weird is that the OLDER I get the more I want to be with different women. maybe because I am working out and exercising more and the endorphins/adrenaline every day.

or, that I am thinking of getting married and want to get it out of my system so I am not tempted to commit adultery.

life would be much more fun if one could do whatever one wants. it stinks having a sense of morality :(

There is no such thing as "getting it out of your system".

The more you get, the more you want.

It's like food, you don't see fat people getting skinny because they "got it out of their system." :laugh:

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I think you are actually absolutely correct Sunstone :(

maybe like a drug as well. although I would hate to have to go cold turkey.

can anyone answer the question about if the fiance has herpes and then how do they make sure the wife won't get it? that must happen with millions of infected people (e.g. Michael Vick)..

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