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Please Don't Revoke My Redskins Card


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Hey Skins Fans…This just happened. OK I live in Los Angeles and work in the

Century City area. If you have ever been to or live in Los Angeles you know Century City is a stone’s throw from the Fox lot where the NFL shows, and Best Damn Sports show and everything else is taped. OK I went to the Century City mall for lunch and the person who walked in to this eatery behind me for a bottle of water

was none other that Michael Irvin, yes a Dallas Cowboy who has given us fits at times.

So as a football fan I shook his hand and said “nice to meet you” ….For those wondering YES I then REPRESENTED for the Redskins! I said “you probably won’t like this but I’m a HUGE Redskins fan and then showed

him my REDSKINS watch that I wear everyday….He looked and said “yeah I see

you have the watch”.

Then I gave him his props as being a good receiver, then he asked how did I get out

to LA. I told him I moved from New Orleans with my folks a while ago but have ALWAYS been a Redskins Fan. He said

“OK and GOOD LUCK this season”. So I hope I showed the class that we as

Redskins Fans are known for and I hope you guys don’t take away my Redskins Card for being nice to a Cowboy, Michael Irving

at that…lol… No I had no interest in an autograph either. Well that’s the deal, at least

I didn’t

“accidentally” waste the lemonade I just bought on the guy…lol. Well that would not

have been classy

or smart…I’m 5’11” and not in shape Mike is a big guy and would have hurt me…lol

Wouldn’t do that

kinda thing anyway it’s not my style….Love to know everyone’s thoughts……HAIL

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you handled yourself well. it's not bad to respect players from the cowboys when you meet them. i mean michael irvin was a great player and even though he's a cowboy you have to admit that he played every game with heart. yes we put him down a lot here, but it's just playful banter. good job.

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Look we are all Redskins Fans FIRST but we are football fans as well...yes Mike gave us fits and as fans we banter amongst each other and have fun...but meeting a talented player or a football player in general albeit a Cowboy (lol) was kinda cool, and he was nice to me and shook my hand etc.

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You should have asked Irvin to sign an Art Monk jersey with the inscription "You deserve it more, Art!"


Just kidding (not about the sentiment, but about asking Irvin). And I know that the majority of us appreciate the fact that you were polite and respectful without waivering in your beliefs. That's the true mark of a fan, IMO.

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Anybody who thinks that you should be a jerk to somebody just b/c they were a Cowboy or are a cowboy fan should get their card revoked. Eagles fans are a totally different matter.

Agreed. They are people first, football players second. No need to revoke the card. :)

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you handled yourself well. it's not bad to respect players from the cowboys when you meet them. i mean michael irvin was a great player and even though he's a cowboy you have to admit that he played every game with heart. yes we put him down a lot here, but it's just playful banter. good job.

is not...i mean what i say...what a crackhead...:o)

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