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Please Don't Revoke My Redskins Card


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As everyone else has stated, no need to revoke the card, and he is a supporter of Art Monk getting in the HOF, just he has no control.

Only thing I would have done a bit differently...I would have asked him if he was going to dress like a hoggette like he promised last year from Inside the NFL :silly:

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Look we are all Redskins Fans FIRST but we are football fans as well...yes Mike gave us fits and as fans we banter amongst each other and have fun...but meeting a talented player or a football player in general albeit a Cowboy (lol) was kinda cool, and he was nice to me and shook my hand etc.

WAIT just a minute......we have cards?

"but meeting a talented player or a football player in general albeit a Cowboy (lol) was kinda cool, and he was nice to me and shook my hand etc"

unfortuantely this is more than Joe T would have done.

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Wellllll...I guess you can keep your card this ONE time. :)

Really though, any REAL Redskins fan pride themselves on 3 main things:

1. Knowing the team inside and out(atleast as much as you can depending on your age)

2. Loyalty to the team no matter the situation.

3. Representing themselves and the team in a classy manor, and just being a class-act person in general

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I wouldn't have talked to him, but that doesn't mean you can't...you still got 'cha card baby...after all, your a Redskins fan.


Come on, man. You can honestly sit there and say you would not speak to a future hall of fame wide reciever if you had the chance? I don't care if he is a Cowboy or that his name is Michael Irvin, I would introduce myself and be as classy as I can.

I think that's pretty cool, man. I'm a football fan and if I got to meet a good player, even if it was and ex Cowboy, I'd be thrilled. Irvin seems ok to me. A little loud, but I don't mind him too much. Plus he was a great player. I'd shake his hand anytime.

Absolutely agree 100%

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Anybody who thinks that you should be a jerk to somebody just b/c they were a Cowboy or are a cowboy fan should get their card revoked. Eagles fans are a totally different matter.

WTF ? Dude you need your card revoked. Stop being a Jerry Mathers ass pansy. It is perfectly alright to be jerk to ALL DALLAS Bums, especially little kids and grandmothers. Die HARD Skins fan till I die.

No just kidding, but it feels good to think of it.

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