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Shame on you Dick Cheney and your twisted lesbian daughter!


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I would bet a million dollars he likes little boys...

Its always the guy with the megaphone screaming the loudest that is also doing it...

EXACTLY! So, instead of getting divorced, the family stayed together and were miserable. After a decade of dealing with the misery the father began beating his wife. One day, in a drunken stuper he accidently knocks her over and she hits her head on the stove and dies. But at least they didn't get divorced, that would be deviant. :doh:
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Whether some of you comprehend the language well enough to appreciate what the word deviant means or not is not my problem. I will suggest you process the word and understand regardless of your individual allowance for homosexuality you appreciate it is deviant behavior. You don't have to like it, but, you have to at least be honest enough to understand the topic.

Indeed, Frank, I would be less proud of a child who was a social deviant than I would be of a child who wasn't. If you wouldn't, I think you're skills as a parent should be questioned. If you don't raise your children to adhere as closely as possible to positive societal norms, you're failing society, and you're family.

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Whether some of you comprehend the language well enough to appreciate what the word deviant means or not is not my problem. I will suggest you process the word and understand regardless of your individual allowance for homosexuality you appreciate it is deviant behavior. You don't have to like it, but, you have to at least be honest enough to understand the topic.

Indeed, Frank, I would be less proud of a child who was a social deviant than I would be of a child who wasn't. If you wouldn't, I think you're skills as a parent should be questioned. If you don't raise your children to adhere as closely as possible to positive societal norms, you're failing society, and you're family.

I'm particularly ashamed of my deviant left-handed daughter.

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I'm particularly ashamed of my deviant left-handed daughter.

Fortunately those of us with a passing knowledge of the English language understand the behavioral aspects that define deviant activities. But, it is illuminating for you to be incapable of actually discussing the issue, revealing the weakness in your position.

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Fortunately those of us with a passing knowledge of the English language understand the behavioral aspects that define deviant activities. But, it is illuminating for you to be incapable of actually discussing the issue, revealing the weakness in your position.

Fortunately, Art, those of us who have seen your tired little shtick before already know that you believe yourself to be so darn clever that by just parsing a dictionary definition you can turn the entire tenor of a discussion, and transform the issue into one that is meaningless for everyone, but that you can "win."

Everyone here is discussing whether the Senator's speech was or was not a good thing. Playing games with the word "deviant" adds nothing to the discussion except inflate Art's e-peen.

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Fortunately those of us with a passing knowledge of the English language understand the behavioral aspects that define deviant activities. But, it is illuminating for you to be incapable of actually discussing the issue, revealing the weakness in your position.

Well, if you happen to believe homosexuality to be a natural part of the human condition and something you're born as and can't change, from that perspecitve, it is the same as being left handed.

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Fortunately those of us with a passing knowledge of the English language understand the behavioral aspects that define deviant activities. But, it is illuminating for you to be incapable of actually discussing the issue, revealing the weakness in your position.

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Well, if you happen to believe homosexuality to be a natural part of the human condition and something you're born as and can't change, from that perspecitve, it is the same as being left handed.

Well duh. :)

No wait, Art wants to talk about the linguistic roots of the word "deviant" now. That's the real issue.

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My parents are divorced, my brother is gay, my grandfather was a serial killer, my uncle is a pedophile, my cousin is a prostitute, my brother-in-law eats human flesh, my mother-in-law is a raving psychopath/control freak, and my dog runs from cats.

On the other hand, there's not one Cowboy fan in my bloodline, so no deviant behavior to speak of in my family either.

(For the humor challenged, the above post is a joke. Well, everything except for the bit about the mother-in-law.) ;)

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It's a great thing for him to be able to say. It's nice to know you are part of a family that has demonstrated a value in marriage and has maintained non-deviant sexual behavior like homosexuality. Most American families can't say they are free from such negative behavior. I know my family was hurt by the divorce of my parents. We have no history of homosexuality, though there's some drug use.

I think all American families would be proud to say their family is not touched by deviant, illegal or harmful events. Wouldn't you be proud of your family if the same could be said?

Absolutely. I have no problem with what the man said.

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Well, if you happen to believe homosexuality to be a natural part of the human condition and something you're born as and can't change, from that perspecitve, it is the same as being left handed.

Believing something entirely unbelievable and naturally, obviously, out of the ordinary and, itself, unnatural would not be a method for improving one's position on homosexuality, would it? I don't happen to believe homosexuality or hetrosexuality is, inherently, genetic, though, the natural disposition in animals to continue the species is ingrained. That natural continuance can only occur in couplings between the opposite sex, lending credence to the possibility such relationships are, themselves, natural and perhaps even more than I think they are with regard to genetic dispositions.

That you happen to think homosexuality is a medical condition leading people to do the medically and naturally wrong thing necessarily means you believe rapists are genetically disposed to preferring the type of sex they are interested in, just as you likely excuse the medical condition in pedophiles that leads them to prefer children. Of course, since no one who actually believes this one narrow sexual disposition is natural can admit that means they must believe each sexual disposition must be probably would hurt you if you fall there.

But, you're also hurt that you happen to think homosexuality is a medical deviancy from the human race. I happen just to think sex is primal and some happen to want to allow themselves to enjoy or experience something not naturally easy to explain and that's fine.

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Fortunately, Art, those of us who have seen your tired little shtick before already know that you believe yourself to be so darn clever that by just parsing a dictionary definition you can turn the entire tenor of a discussion, and transform the issue into one that is meaningless for everyone, but that you can "win."

Everyone here is discussing whether the Senator's speech was or was not a good thing. Playing games with the word "deviant" adds nothing to the discussion except inflate Art's e-peen.

Dear friend. The fact so many of you seem to need to grant normalcy to something so obvious abnormal is the problem that allows such easy victories as watching you deny the obvious. But, indeed, nothing about the Senators speech was wrong, as I said. In fact, most of us should be quite pleased he is of the position his family does not have any history of deviant behavior or divorce. If you feel that's bad, your words would be far worse than his.

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Fortunately those of us with a passing knowledge of the English language understand the behavioral aspects that define deviant activities. But, it is illuminating for you to be incapable of actually discussing the issue, revealing the weakness in your position.

Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.

Now, my friend, is that behavioral? Little English lesson never hurts anyone.
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No blowjobs for Art.

They are not natural or biologically necessary.

Very true statements and glad to see you're not dumb enough to believe there's a "blowjob" gene that makes me crave blowjobs as a natural part of my life. That I happen to enjoy receiving the act and allow myself to accept them when provided would have, at least at one point, been highly deviant. This act, as many, may no longer be so, as society shifts to define acceptable, normal behavior.

One day, perhaps homosexuality will be granted the same acceptance. Until then, at least you now will stop pretending it already has it. Heck, perhaps you will even agree, it's more encouraging to be proud of living by societal norms than it is to condemn a man who is proud of such things.

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Now, my friend, is that behavioral? Little English lesson never hurts anyone.

Neither "homosexual" nor "hetrosexual" is behavior. The actions are. Perhaps you may want to avoid speaking on a topic you are confused by?

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Very true statements and glad to see you're not dumb enough to believe there's a "blowjob" gene that makes me crave blowjobs as a natural part of my life. That I happen to enjoy receiving the act and allow myself to accept them when provided would have, at least at one point, been highly deviant. This act, as many, may no longer be so, as society shifts to define acceptable, normal behavior.

One day, perhaps homosexuality will be granted the same acceptance. Until then, at least you now will stop pretending it already has it. Heck, perhaps you will even agree, it's more encouraging to be proud of living by societal norms than it is to condemn a man who is proud of such things.

Changing societal norms leading to evolving government policies ... what a refreshing concept.

Perhaps this could be extended to other areas, like welfare, social security, and progressive taxation...

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Changing societal norms leading to evolving government policies ... what a refreshing concept.

Perhaps this could be extended to other areas, like welfare, social security, and progressive taxation...

No doubt to our detriment. As we weaken the moral bonds of society to allow various sexual perversions to be "ok" we limit the negative of the rest. As we tear down the things we value we are the worst enemy this country has. Our Muslim buddies should know if they just keep waiting, we'll destroy ourselves.

A society that can't even figure out it is ok to limit porn viewing in public libraries can't sustain it's own decadance forever.

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No doubt to our detriment. As we weaken the moral bonds of society to allow various sexual perversions to be "ok" we limit the negative of the rest. As we tear down the things we value we are the worst enemy this country has. Our Muslim buddies should know if they just keep waiting, we'll destroy ourselves.

A society that can't even figure out it is ok to limit porn viewing in public libraries can't sustain it's own decadance forever.

touche Art.

...but we're not going to destroy ourselves without exporting MTV and trying to take them all down with us. If the fight is blowjobs vs. suicide bombers, I think we're putting the better offer on the table. :)

Look, we already turned Osama's niece to our side:


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