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Shame on you Dick Cheney and your twisted lesbian daughter!


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thats pretty good.... :laugh:

I believe its a choice.. watching children grow up it doesnt appear until sexuality is introduced... Some make choice and change their minds later...

I beg to differ, I have relatives and friends who will say they've been gay since they were 5-7 years old. They never, and I mean never, saw women in the way that we do.

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I don't know how it was for you guys, but when I was growing up I would get crushes on girls only. It was a feeling deep in my gut that made me nervous to speak to certain girls and it was not voluntary. I believe I was born a heterosexual. A friend of mine got that same feeling, only it was for guys only. This is why I think for at least some people, you are either born straight or gay. Maybe for others it's a choice and the extreme version of that would be a guy forcing himself to be straight when deep down he was gay. In politics we have seen this many times-hard core anti-gay Republicans who turn out to be gay themselves. It's as if they want to fight their own personal demons using public politics.

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I don't know how it was for you guys, but when I was growing up I would get crushes on girls only. It was a feeling deep in my gut that made me nervous to speak to certain girls and it was not voluntary. I believe I was born a heterosexual.

I know what you mean. At age 5 I had a terrible crush on a girl up the street. By age 8 I was having "erotic" dreams about my female teacher (yes, she was hot, and no, I don't have any pictures). :) I don't think I "chose" to be straight.

The gay people I've talked to about this say that they think they've always been gay. More than one said that they tried having sex with women, and they didn't enjoy it much. They also say that they would never have chosen to be gay, given the way society discriminates against them.

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Homosexuality is natural...or God wouldn't have created humans with the capacity for it.

In all fairness, Dan, while your statement is literally true, I don't know if you can use this as a criterion for judging the merits of homosexuality - God created humans with the capacity for murder, so by this definition murder is "natural", but few people would argue in favor of it.

(And yes, I realize that I'm contradicting the essence of my previous post - all the data isn't in yet.)

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Originally Posted by dwbiggs

Homosexuality is natural...or God wouldn't have created humans with the capacity for it.

In all fairness, Dan, while your statement is literally true, I don't know if you can use this as a criterion for judging the merits of homosexuality - God created humans with the capacity for murder, so by this definition murder is "natural", but few people would argue in favor of it.

I thought the argument turned into whether or not is was genetic or a choice. And, I hardly think you could compare a homosexual relationship with murder.


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I thought the argument turned into whether or not is was genetic or a choice. And, I hardly think you could compare a homosexual relationship with murder.Dan

Sorry, I was going "reducto ad absurbum" on you. Let's replace "murder" with "shoplifting", then. My point is that shoplifting is natural, based on your premise, since God gave us the capacity to shoplift. So being natural doesn't make it right, to someone who already believes that it's a choice. You won't change their mind by calling it natural.

Still, in defense of your position, I'd rather say this: if you put a gun to my head, I would have the capacity to have sex with a man - I just don't believe that I'm genetically inclined to enjoy it much.

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They will say that because they would prefer not to have to defend the CHOICE that they made.

I couldn't defend the "choice" I made to be heterosexual when I was 6 years old. Thats because it wasn't a choice...it just happened...just the way it happens to gay people.


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Homosexuality is natural...or God wouldn't have created humans with the capacity for it.


Let me start over, then Dan, since you're effectively smacking me down. :)

The fact that God created a capacity in people for homosexuality doesn't necessarily mean that it's not a choice.

God gave you the capacity to do many things that you can choose to do - or not do.

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They will say that because they would prefer not to have to defend the CHOICE that they made.

Lol, ok, I guess you would no better than I how my brother came to "decide" to be gay. Is it really that unreasonable to think that some people are naturally more attracted to men and others to women?

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Lol, ok, I guess you would no better than I how my brother came to "decide" to be gay.

This thread is not about your brother. I have not made a comment about your brother. If you wish to talk about your brother, then start a new thread where your knowledge of your brother trumps all logic and scientific method. That way you always win the debate. What if I had a brother who had experimented sexually with both men and women, enjoyed both, and decided that he preferred the company of women more? Then what?

Is it really that unreasonable to think that some people are naturally more attracted to men and others to women?

No, and some people are attracted to both. What's your point? Mine is that the "gays have no choice/it's genetic" line is self-serving bull****. That's just the way it is!

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I couldn't defend the "choice" I made to be heterosexual when I was 6 years old. Thats because it wasn't a choice...it just happened...just the way it happens to gay people.


6 years old? And this life experience is the qualification for all gay persons' lack of choice regarding their sexuality? Tell us more about the sex life of 6 year olds, perhaps more of life's mysteries can be solved!

Dan, do you know that you may be a buffoon/idiot. It is likely a genetic trait that manifested itself early in life. Take solace in the fact that you had no choice in the matter. :laugh:

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