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Pentagon to Release video of Plane hit 9/11?


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First, when I first discussed this "crap," I was told it was fake and didn't exist. Then I showed the evidence that, indeed, this plan was real: A plan to murder Americans, even John Glenn, is not "crap," especially if it was proposed by our government. And then it is dismissed as "oh, that's nothing."

Yes, Kennedy did not agree to carryout the plan. Oh guess what? Kennedy died! Oh yeah...

Crap - sure...Don't worry, be happy, right, citizen?

What evidence?? Some old beat up photos that can be created in about an hour with photoshop?

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I don't know why they would release any additional evidence at this point, it's pretty much an open and shut case, right. Just look at the veritable mountain of physical evidence proving an airliner hit the pentagon that's already out there! Oh, wait a minute, there is none!
the plane flew over my friends head in traffic, any questions as to how he was brainwashed by the govt in the 5 minute period between him seeing it and calling me saying, "dear God a PLANE just hit the pentagon!"

plus, trust me on this one, the military would never blow up their own headquarters, never, and NEVER cause the loss of american life, especially on our own turf.

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Are they going to use the same sound studio where they filmed the moon landing?
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: because it was obviously fake, every time, and the stuff they left up there is fake too, escepcially the space junk left over from the apollo missions that plumets to earth every year. oh and apollo 13 never happened:D
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A couple of questions.

1. To what end is the conspiracy? For there to be a conspiracy, there has to be a purpose. I don't see the purpose, unless someone is going to claim that the US orchestrated the events on 9-11 in their entirety to begin a war, which seems pretty far-fetched to me. I can think of a lot of ways to cause enough national anger to begin a war without damaging our own infrastructure so severely.

Assuming one isn't going to totally fault the US for 9/11 and assuming it was perpetrated by the terrorists who claimed responsibilty..

2. What would be the difference if a plane hijacked by terrorists hit the pentagon, or a missile fired by terrorists hit the pentagon? What reason would there be to fabricate a story about an airliner being used in this way (especially when 3 others had been used in the same way the same day) as opposed to saying it was a missile?

(One reason I can think of... if it was a missile fired from say a rooftop in Crystal City, then that means the perp is still out there, and saying so would likely cause a BUNCH of innocent arabs to be taken down by viginlantes (moreso than were anyway.) By saying it was a missile would say that there is still an uncaptured terrorist, and thereby putting many innocent lives at risk from the swell of anger that rolled thru the country. By the same token, to protect the safety of those innocents who might be harmed by mobs, they'd have to make a plane disappear just to do it. Seems a bit of overkill.

Great evil was brought down on our heads that day. The man responsible has proudly claimed it from on high many times. If it was all a cover-up, why didn't any of these allegations come out during the Moussaui trial? It certainly could raise a shadow of doubt, couldn't it? But not even a word that it wasn't a plane, in fact exactly the opposite from that guy,, boasts and taunts about what happened.

Consider that this is the Pentagon, the center of our military. We're at war. The Pentagon was already hit once. To show all these camera angles that peope want to see would be to give away security positions. It doesn't take a genius to triangulate based on camera angle and known landmarks that can be seen from side angles to determine where the cameras would be, and thereby perhaps find a weakness in the defense of the Pentagon.

We do not have the right to know everything.

For the life of me, I do not understand that when Islamic terorists have been PROUDLY attacking western targets for over 40 years, that when they stand up tall and proud and claim responsibility for 9/11, why people IGNORE them and try to find all kinds of reasons that it wasn't them and was our own government doing this.

How many more times does Osama Bin Laden have to say that they did it? How many more times do we have to hear it to believe it? Am I to believe that the US committed this act against itself, Osama Bin Laden said "hey,, here's a good opportunity for us to stand up and claim responsiblity for something we didn't do"? Or am i to believe that he's nothing but a scapegoat for the US, propped up as the perp, framed by the world, and yet he and his cronies have never ever said "Hey,, we're innocent in this"? Al Jazeera certainly would have been reporting his innocence in the matter if he even said it once, dont you think? But they don't.

There's WAY too many BIG holes in the conspiracy. As I said,, a conspiracy has to have a purpose, and if the purpose was to put us in a war, the other side would certainly have professed their innocence by now, but they never have, and in fact have done the opposite, and bragged about it.

They did it. Why does it matter how they did it?


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They did it. Why does it matter how they did it?


Good points.

If the gov did it, why would they use a missile and not the actual plane? I mean, they had no problem using planes on the WTC buildings, right?

Honestly, I think some people just get a kick out of trying to 'expose' our 'evil government'.

These conspiracy theories have good entertianment value and thats all.

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You still didn't answer my question. Have the hundreds of reasons why something like that would never work and never be able to be covered up changed?

I never noticed such a question...

And there wouldn't be hundreds of reasons. After all, if the government's story is true, then a handful of terrorists were able to carry out such an attack, right? Such a scheme wouldn't take hundreds of individuals to carry out the attack.

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1. To what end is the conspiracy? For there to be a conspiracy, there has to be a purpose. I don't see the purpose, unless someone is going to claim that the US orchestrated the events on 9-11 in their entirety to begin a war, which seems pretty far-fetched to me. I can think of a lot of ways to cause enough national anger to begin a war without damaging our own infrastructure so severely.

It has been proposed that the 9-11 attack, if government elements were involved, was a coup attempt. Keep in mind, this "Government" wouldn't have been involved, but only elements of it.

People on this board have attributed "evil" designs to the War in Iraq, which has killed thousands of people. Some of these have been suggested such as "for oil." If such organizations are willing to kill tens of thousands for "oil," why would they care about killing a few thousand for their intent?

Another note: I have never said who, if the "conspiracy" theories are correct, is responsible for the attack. After all, it may be some faction all together separate from Bush, which some are quick to attribute as being a "mastermind" of some sort.

The man responsible has proudly claimed it from on high many times.

I am not sure if this is referring to Bin Laden or another individual.

The Pentagon was already hit once. To show all these camera angles that peope want to see would be to give away security positions. It doesn't take a genius to triangulate based on camera angle and known landmarks that can be seen from side angles to determine where the cameras would be, and thereby perhaps find a weakness in the defense of the Pentagon.

Bang, that does not seem like a plausible reason why the film was taken. It doesn't take a genius to figure out "angles," especially from Photographs. Also, if they have observers on the ground, then they can simply produce their own footage.

This does not seem like a very plausbile reason to keep the footage when anyone planning an attack simply get their own footage, if needed.

How many more times does Osama Bin Laden have to say that they did it?

Oddly enough, Bin Laden first denied the attacked when interview by Pakistani TV, and in the instance of the "TV" Bin Laden, once can see that...well, it looks clearly like a phoney Bin Laden.

Is this the same man?


Also, keep in mind, too, that part of the conspiracy theories is that the government was implicit in somehow letting the attacks to happen, due to reported warnings and intelligence we had on the matter.

There's WAY too many BIG holes in the conspiracy. As I said,, a conspiracy has to have a purpose, and if the purpose was to put us in a war, the other side would certainly have professed their innocence by now, but they never have, and in fact have done the opposite, and bragged about it.

More than once, information that has been pruveyed as being "the terrorists" have come under the cloud of suspicion as being a Sys Ops. This isn't to say that these terrorists organizations do not exist...but some funny stuff happens.

Remember 1984 and the Evil Enemy?

Sure, there are holes in the Conspiracy Theory - there are also holes in the government's story, and that is the reason why such theories have persisted.

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Do you get all your information from this website?

Do an Alexa search on the incoming links for the site and you'll get a good laugh...suicidegirls.com and gof***yourself.com just to name a few. Good quality stuff there, buddy.

No, there are a zillion sites out there with tons of data. Some good, some bad: This one has these images, in particular, in reference to the "Bin Laden double."

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This is pretty interesting about your site as well...scroll to the top.


My site? I don't own the domain, my friend. That is a link I provided for Bin Laden images, and it does have some information relatative to the discussion. But that is an interesting article regarding that source; a friend and I were talking about some of the material on that site just the other day.

I will add that there is infighting within the Conspiracy movement itself, with folks pointing fingers, suggesting that one theory or another are red herring theories proposed by government stooges or infiltrators.

Hey, what better way to discredit a dissenting movement then by a PsyOps.

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No, there are a zillion sites out there with tons of data. Some good, some bad: This one has these images, in particular, in reference to the "Bin Laden double."

I am sorry, but happened...where? If you can please be more descriptive, that'll help.

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my coworkers in Crystal City on the 9th floor saw the plane hit as well.

but of course Baculus could never be wrong about anything :doh:

only totally deranged and unhinged wackjobs could possibly claim September 11 was the work of our own government.

trust me, these paranoids are just as crazy in their personal lives as they are on message boards..

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"For the life of me, I do not understand that when Islamic terorists have been PROUDLY attacking western targets for over 40 years, that when they stand up tall and proud and claim responsibility for 9/11, why people IGNORE them and try to find all kinds of reasons that it wasn't them and was our own government doing this."

because they have a deepseated mental illness where they loathe themselves, and despise the country they live in. believing that there are greater evil forces within a conspiracy that ONLY THEY KNOW OF gives them power- they believe that they are the sane ones and everyone else are the crazy ones. it is classic partial dementia...

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my coworkers in Crystal City on the 9th floor saw the plane hit as well.

but of course Baculus could never be wrong about anything :doh:

only totally deranged and unhinged wackjobs could possibly claim September 11 was the work of our own government.

trust me, these paranoids are just as crazy in their personal lives as they are on message boards..

Um, I'll agree that I haven't seen a 9/11 conspiracy theory that can stand even off-the-cuff reasoning. (So, did the Men In Black fly an airplane into the WTC, then fly a second airplane into the other WTC, then fire a cruise missile into the Pentagon, in full view of about 500 commuters, and just assume that nobody would see it?)

But I'd also assert that your ability to perform a psychological assessment of thousands of people and pronounce that all of them have exactly the same mental condition, is right up there with Bill Frist's ability to perform a medical exam from a videotape.

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"For the life of me, I do not understand that when Islamic terorists have been PROUDLY attacking western targets for over 40 years, that when they stand up tall and proud and claim responsibility for 9/11, why people IGNORE them and try to find all kinds of reasons that it wasn't them and was our own government doing this."

Perhaps because those same islamic terrorists have shown a flair for claiming "credit" for things like Hurricane Katrina?

(Yet another characteristic they have in common with Pat Robertson.)

I'll agree: I'm one of the people who thinks Bush should be impeached for treason, and even I don't think he's capable of faking 9/11. (Or even of standing by and allowing it to happen.) He's not that evil.

(OK, Cheney does look that evil.) :)

The furthest I'd be willing to imagine him of doing would be looking the other way if he thought somebody might hikack an airplane. (And if he'd even done that, somebody would've leaked it by now.)

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