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Pentagon to Release video of Plane hit 9/11?


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Air Force Cane, you dismiss anything that is even SLIGHTLY anti-Bush or anti-government, so it's not as if you'd give a response that's different.

The worse part is that most folks on the thread have concentrated on the "theory" as opposed to the viable questions that are left unanswered. And even if theories such as the "missile" theory are completely bogus and such a series of events is due to (unrecognized) incompetence, attention has been completely diverted away from further fact finding.

No matter how much those may want to dismiss ANY questions that are not parallel with the government's story, there are indeed unanswered questions or unexplored areas of investigation. And I won't be content with "JUST BELIEVE, CITIZEN."

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I will add that there is infighting within the Conspiracy movement itself, with folks pointing fingers, suggesting that one theory or another are red herring theories proposed by government stooges or infiltrators.

Wait. Waitwaitwait.

So those hare-brained, unsupportable conspiracy "theories" are also, in and of themselves, a government conspiracy?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Oh, man. Hold on a sec, I gotta -

:deal: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :stop:

Ahhhh, can't breathe -

:doh1: :ciao: :silly:

Oh... o-okay. Okay. Whew.

Man, that was the greatest thing I've read all year. THANK YOU for the laugh.

Really, thank you. I mean it.


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Wait. Waitwaitwait.

So those hare-brained, unsupportable conspiracy "theories" are also, in and of themselves, a government conspiracy?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Oh, man. Hold on a sec, I gotta -

:deal: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :stop:

Ahhhh, can't breathe -

:doh1: :ciao: :silly:

Oh... o-okay. Okay. Whew.

Man, that was the greatest thing I've read all year. THANK YOU for the laugh.

Really, thank you. I mean it.


:laugh::laugh: Omg yeah... That just goes to show you the mindset these people have, and people still want to associate with them. Next thing you know is the theories about the theories about the government making false theories will be being called false theories by the government to make the theories look like false theories :blahblah:

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Steve, what video are you referring to in this case? I'd like to see this video snippet if you have a link. The photos at the scene immediately after the strike didn't show the plane hitting the ground before the structure.

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after seeing the tape on the news, there is no way a 757 hit the pentagon. i think this whole thing is a conspiracy. u see a little silver object come in from the side of the screen, then the pentagon blows up. no way in hell that is a 757. a 757 would of taken up half the screen from that angle, trust me, i work for american airlines and work with planes everyday of this size. for all of the haters out there who have somethin smart to say about my posting, keep this in mind.....think about how secure of a place the pentagon is, dont u think they would have security cameras all over that place covering every angle of that building? so now, almost 5 years later, some bull**** tape comes out not even showing a plane hitting the pentagon, but just a little silver "object" coming from the bottom of the screen. dont tell me the plane was moving to fast cuz a 757 would of definetly shown up very clearly on a camera angle like the one they showed on the news. sounds, and looks like a conspiracy to me.

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after seeing the tape on the news, there is no way a 757 hit the pentagon. i think this whole thing is a conspiracy. u see a little silver object come in from the side of the screen, then the pentagon blows up. no way in hell that is a 757. a 757 would of taken up half the screen from that angle, trust me, i work for american airlines and work with planes everyday of this size. for all of the haters out there who have somethin smart to say about my posting, keep this in mind.....think about how secure of a place the pentagon is, dont u think they would have security cameras all over that place covering every angle of that building? so now, almost 5 years later, some bull**** tape comes out not even showing a plane hitting the pentagon, but just a little silver "object" coming from the bottom of the screen. dont tell me the plane was moving to fast cuz a 757 would of definetly shown up very clearly on a camera angle like the one they showed on the news. sounds, and looks like a conspiracy to me.

Think about the frame rate of the camera and the speed of the aircraft and you have your answer.

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Show me the money - that is all I want. Show me SOMETHING that verifies that Flight 77 struck the Pentagon. Inspite of all of the supposed investigation, I find it extremely hard to believe that not a single piece of physical evidence has been put forward to tie the flight with the crash site. If this is indeed what happened, well, for God's sakes, show us!

I have talked about this issue previously: You can remove the Pentagon "missile" theory (Rumselfed was the first to state a missile hit the Pentagon, keep in mind...), and you still have many questions left unaswered. The crux of my interest in 9-11 is not hinging upon this particular event. Incidentally, some have put forth the notion that theories such as the Pentagon missile strike have been proposed as a red herring to the 9-11 investigation.

But, in addition to those who said they saw a plane hit the Pentagon, there are those who said they saw something else strike the building. Some mentioned a small craft, other mentioned something more akin to a fighter plane. Also, some of the witnesses for the plane strike added details that didn't appear to be true, such as the jetliner striking the ground before the Pentagon's structure.

Incidentally, "body parts" were few and far between at the crash site; after all, if the Pentagon, as proposed, shredded the 757, then what would it do to organic matter? In that context, I still do not see how any of the bodies were identified.

It comes down to this: thus far, we have witnesses, and that is it. We have some engine parts that have been seen in scene photographs, but to which plane they belong has been hotly disputed. Keep in mind that aircraft parts are registered to aircraft, and it would be a simple matter to produce the parts that would be verifitably associated with Flight 77.

Thus, where are these parts? What was taken under wraps from the crash location? Why was the video footage taken? Why did the Flight 77 disappear, with little reaction from FAA controllers, and suddenly appear, while executing a nearly impossible turn, traveling at 450 MPH while just a few feet above the ground?

Incidentally, folks always ask "What happened to the passengers on the flight?" Hell if I know - you can guess what you want in such an evil scheme. Take a guess...

But, I am sorry to say, this case is not as airtight as one would propose on this thread because there is not the physical evidence, released by the government, examined by investigators, and provided to journalists, that says, "Here, Flight 77 struck the Pentagon."

And that would lay to rest any questions - but I don't think it will happen. And folks are not going to simply accept the government story because of that.

Its easxy take a car get it up to 450 miles an hour and hit a brick wall and come back and tell us what happens then you will know what happens to planes when they hit a building

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Layoff Bac; he's a cool guy :)

I worked for BAE Systems, Applied Technologies and was present when this event took place. I was not actually IN the building, thank God. One of my co-workers died when the plane struck the building. Don't say sorry, it's all good, I didn't know him that well. As usual I was late for work because I hated my job (long story). I was in my car, heard a loud noise, looked up and saw the plane fly over head and hit the building. The evidence is not fake. I can't prove to you what I saw, because in the matter of time it took to hear the plane, look up, spot it, and then watch it crash took about 2 seconds? There is no way a person could have seen what was coming and whip out their camera phone, digital cam, whatever and taken a picture because it just happened too damn fast. From the vantage point of being on the highway, sitting in traffic, you simply can't see things coming from a distance away. Even if I could have (I wasn't paying attention), I would have thought it to be just a random plane from National Airport. But let me also say this, there is no way you can convince me that it wasn't a plane. I saw it. No matter how many different stories there are from 'eye witnesses,' I know what I saw. Did I give an account of what happened to anyone? No, I didn't think it would be a good idea at the time (I have a security clearance). In fact I rarely talk about it, and this will probably be the last.

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As most posters on this thread know, I have often taken issue with the 9/11 comission's "official" position regarding the events of 9/11/01. I think that there is a GREAT deal more to the story and I am willing to be both completely wrong and unanimously ridiculed by the altogether thoughtful and informed contributors here at the Tailgate if my efforts, even in the smallest way, helped to bring about a more comprehensive and cohesive examination of all the available evidence. Also, I have frequently called for the gov'ts release of more of the, very likely extensive, surveillance footage of the DC crash.

Apparently, this wish has come true.

I have not seen the video...it is 12:30 and I have just gotten home from band practice...but I will watch it tonight - carefully and with an open mind - and if the tape is "slam-dunk" in favor of the official story, then that will be obvious and I will return to take my whuppin' and eat my crow. If not...then the beat goes on, with or without me.

I'll be back.

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As most posters on this thread know, I have often taken issue with the 9/11 comission's "official" position regarding the events of 9/11/01. I think that there is a GREAT deal more to the story and I am willing to be both completely wrong and unanimously ridiculed by the altogether thoughtful and informed contributors here at the Tailgate if my efforts, even in the smallest way, helped to bring about a more comprehensive and cohesive examination of all the available evidence. Also, I have frequently called for the gov'ts release of more of the, very likely extensive, surveillance footage of the DC crash.

Apparently, this wish has come true.

I have not seen the video...it is 12:30 and I have just gotten home from band practice...but I will watch it tonight - carefully and with an open mind - and if the tape is "slam-dunk" in favor of the official story, then that will be obvious and I will return to take my whuppin' and eat my crow. If not...then the beat goes on, with or without me.

I'll be back.

Well the video alone isn't what I would call slam dunk evidence (although I personally think its the plane) - but WHY would terrorists or our 'so called evil government' use a missile and NOT THE PLANE????

If the government was behind this and they did in fact use a missile - what did they do with the plane and people? Executing them and discarding the plane doesn't make sense since all they had to do was fly it into the pentagon...

And again, in the first video, in the frame of the first impact, you can see the line of smoke/heat/exhaust/whatever streaking into the building. In the second video you can see the angle of the plane (or missile) clearly showing that it hit the ground first....and I don't think missiles slide.

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My site? I don't own the domain, my friend. That is a link I provided for Bin Laden images, and it does have some information relatative to the discussion. But that is an interesting article regarding that source; a friend and I were talking about some of the material on that site just the other day.

I will add that there is infighting within the Conspiracy movement itself, with folks pointing fingers, suggesting that one theory or another are red herring theories proposed by government stooges or infiltrators.

Hey, what better way to discredit a dissenting movement then by a PsyOps.

Well, I think you get my point about that site. I just have a hard time believing that sites like that and their owners are more credible than our government.

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I just think that conspiracy theorist in regards to the plane hitting the Pentagon are so far off base here. If it was a missile, then where did the plane go itself. All the people. Did the gov't crash the plane out in the ocean or something and then pull a Roswell Alien coverup. I really don't think so. Regardless of what the pictures show, images of a plane moving close to 500 miles per hour from a distance of about 100-200 yards from a security camera aren't exactly going to be the clearest of images

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