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Driving amung RETARDS


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I don't know about anyone else, but one of my biggest pet peaves is traffic/idiotic drivers. While surfing the net I found the following results for a survey an insurance company conducted. They asked thousands of drivers nationwide what their biggest driving Pet Peeves were, I thought it was pretty funny.

1. Distracted drivers talking on cell phones (Motor Mouths)

2. Slow drivers in the fast lane (Turtle Racers)

3. Pushy drivers who tailgate (Piggybackers)

4. Drivers who weave through traffic to gain one or two car lengths (Wacky Weavers)

5. Obnoxious drivers who speed up to keep you from changing lanes (Gap Snatchers)

6. Hasty drivers who change lanes without signaling (Space Invaders)

7. Road Rage (Road Ragers)

8. Motorcyclists who race down the middle of a lane, between cars (Speed Racers)

9. Women applying makeup and men shaving (Driving Divas)

10. Drivers who leave their turn signal on for miles (Morse Coders).

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1. Distracted drivers talking on cell phones (Motor Mouths)...

4. Drivers who weave through traffic to gain one or two car lengths (Wacky Weavers)

Number 1 is definitely right. :mad:

Number 4 is funny, because I like to catch up to them at the next light or two and roll down the window. I say something like "nice to see all of that work got you to the light 10 seconds ahead of us.":D

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I've never met anyone that has complaints about their own driving....So, is there some cult of bad drivers out there, or is it possible that ANY one of us could be guilty of ANY one of those things at ANY given time (e.g. in a rush, had a rough day, received a very important phone call, etc.)?

And don't ask why I used capital letters for the word "any". It has no significance.

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I've never met anyone that has complaints about their own driving....So, is there some cult of bad drivers out there, or is it possible that ANY one of us could be guilty of ANY one of those things at ANY given time (e.g. in a rush, had a rough day, received a very important phone call, etc.)?

And don't ask why I used capital letters for the word "any". It has no significance.

Like George Carlin said... people will freely admit to being clumsy, forgetful, or bad at math... but they will NEVER admit to either being a bad driver or not having a sense of humor.

Strange when you think about it

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I've never met anyone that has complaints about their own driving....So, is there some cult of bad drivers out there, or is it possible that ANY one of us could be guilty of ANY one of those things at ANY given time (e.g. in a rush, had a rough day, received a very important phone call, etc.)?

And don't ask why I used capital letters for the word "any". It has no significance.

I'll admit to weaving through traffic on highways. I mainly do it due to boredom on long drives.

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1. Distracted drivers talking on cell phones (Motor Mouths) guilty [only like 2 times though]

2. Slow drivers in the fast lane (Turtle Racers)

3. Pushy drivers who tailgate (Piggybackers) guilty

4. Drivers who weave through traffic to gain one or two car lengths (Wacky Weavers) guilty

5. Obnoxious drivers who speed up to keep you from changing lanes (Gap Snatchers) guilty

6. Hasty drivers who change lanes without signaling (Space Invaders) guilty

7. Road Rage (Road Ragers)

8. Motorcyclists who race down the middle of a lane, between cars (Speed Racers)

9. Women applying makeup and men shaving (Driving Divas)

10. Drivers who leave their turn signal on for miles (Morse Coders).

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1. Distracted drivers talking on cell phones (Motor Mouths)

4. Drivers who weave through traffic to gain one or two car lengths (Wacky Weavers)

5. Obnoxious drivers who speed up to keep you from changing lanes (Gap Snatchers)

I'm guilty of all of the above. Of course, I don't talk on my cell for extended periods of time and don't speed p to prevent lane changes unless said person is weaving and/or has previously cut me off.

I'm always guilty of #4, though. :cool:

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This reminds me, last wednesday we were going down the beltway and saw this guy on a yellow motorcycle who was drviing on one wheel with the other up in the air, all down the road. I have no idea how long he was doing it for, but he was shooting by like a bat out of hell and there was a lot of traffic then too, the middle of the afternoon.

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I've never met anyone that has complaints about their own driving....So, is there some cult of bad drivers out there, or is it possible that ANY one of us could be guilty of ANY one of those things at ANY given time (e.g. in a rush, had a rough day, received a very important phone call, etc.)?

And don't ask why I used capital letters for the word "any". It has no significance.

Right on the money.

I'm guilty on a few of the listed things. 3, 4, 5, and 6. I'm very fond of 4 myself :laugh: What's the point of being able to out handle 90% of the cars on the road, if you not going to on a motorcycle. OH, and I catch far less lights then if I was in my van........

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#'s 1, 2, and 5 are the reasons for me often being guilty of #'s 3, 4, and 6. #7 is even sometimes justified because of 1, 2, and 5, as long as you don't act on it.

I beleive that because of the "lowest common denominator's" who have driver's licenses and are too stupid to multitask, the whole cell phones in cars thing is going to have to be regulated! At the very least, hands free will have to be required.

Besides .. what ARE the requirements to get a driver's license anymore? No discernable brain activity and a weak pulse?!!

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what about the lack of a wave after letting someone in..... that's close to the top for me......

Ahhhhh, Yes! The good ole' courtesy wave. One of my pet peeves too! Another one high up on my list is the Jackass that decides to wait until the very last minute during a lane closure to merge. This is why I have initiated the either hit me or hit the cones attitude.

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I'm a #3, but only to get the #2s out of my freakin way. Nothing worse than someone doing 66mph in the left for miles on end.

My pet peeve (and I think it's a local thing): People wave you thru an intersection, even though they have the right of way. Just freakin go dude!

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1. Distracted drivers talking on cell phones (Motor Mouths)

i rarely talk on the phone on the car. if i do, its for less than 20 seconds or if I need to get directions, I go into the right lane. I would never say I'm "distracted"...because I never want to be that asshat.

2. Slow drivers in the fast lane (Turtle Racers) Never!

3. Pushy drivers who tailgate (Piggybackers)

Usually I make it my prerogative to keep a decent distance between me and another car, but I usually end up commiting a #5 because someone wants to impede on my cushion! Dude, I have that space there for my own safety! Its a vicious cycle. If I want to keep a comfortable distance, I'll have to either a.) speed up when people want to take it away and become a #5 or b.) slow down to make another cars' length of room, and thus commiting a #2. I usually take choice a. A bit of "damned if you do...damned if you don't".

4. Drivers who weave through traffic to gain one or two car lengths (Wacky Weavers)

I absolutely hate people who do this. "Stay the course" in the left lane and you will just about always be better off!

5. Obnoxious drivers who speed up to keep you from changing lanes (Gap Snatchers)

See #3. Guilty.

6. Hasty drivers who change lanes without signaling (Space Invaders)

Guilty, somewhat. Usually I only do it "hastily" when people are going BELOW the speed limit.. If someone is going the speed limit, I'll have enough patience to wait for a clearing in the other lane to pass, but if someone is going BELOW the speed limit, I have no patience for that (unless its obviously congestion then I just deal.) Its a bit of road rage, I guess.

7. Road Rage (Road Ragers) I think most people are guilty of this if they admit to #3, 4, 5, or 6.

8. Motorcyclists who race down the middle of a lane, between cars (Speed Racers) Ugh...thats annoying. Not a fan of crotch rockets.

9. Women applying makeup and men shaving (Driving Divas) The only time I've shaved while driving was while I was at a comfortable 70 MPH cruise control on i68 going to Morgantown to visit my girlfriend. It was a mostly empty highway, not the morning rush hour stuff that this example is about, so I think I'm in the clear on this one.

10. Drivers who leave their turn signal on for miles (Morse Coders). My car has those automatic turn off blinkers, so this rarely happens. The only time I make this mistake is when I'm taking a shallow curved off ramp that is never a sharp enough turn to make it turn off. Usually I'll catch it anyways when I merge (exit ramp on the right = right signal...merge on left = left signal), but its happened before... and I absolutely hate it when other people do this too.

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My pet peeve (and I think it's a local thing): People wave you thru an intersection, even though they have the right of way. Just freakin go dude!

Agreed. They're doing nobody any favors. The entire traffic system works best when people follow the standards for right-of-way, which were designed to prevent people from having to communicate with imprecise hand signals in the first place.

There are exceptions. If someone steps off the curb and breaks their ankle, they won't need you to yield as they cross. But 99% of the time, people should just follow the damned traffic rules. What's so hard about that?

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