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cop killer's myspace page


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This guy really needed help and I want to thank him for messing up traffic the way he did that day.

Are you kidding me? A police officer gets shot in the line of duty, and you are pissed off at traffic being bad. Get a grip dude, the world is a little bigger than you and what time you get home at night.

It honestly boggles my mind how some people on this site can have zero compassion and still live with themselves. Its a tragedy, and what he did was wrong, but if he's sick, its really sad that he didn't get help before this happened.

The poor little fellow broke out of the psychiatric hospital he was in. That was what led to the first car jacking. My compassion for the little **** ended when he decided to try and take as many cops with him as he could. My compassion lies entirely with the man without his wife, the kids without their mom, and the family members of the man still fighting for his life in the hospital after being hit 5 times on his way off shift. I feel compassion for him if he shoots himself, my sympathy for him ends when he decides to take others with him.

It truly boggles my mind why anyone could be feeling sorry for this guy right now, when there are so many others who are bearing the brunt of this situation...he's gone, there are plenty of people that will deal with this for a long time to come.

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Looking at comments on other peoples myspaces he made it definetely looked like he was crazy.

"we the most sadistic

got a crew of psycho paths

say violence, death

aint nothing else to say"

":) worship satan and do drugs!"

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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Sorry, you can at least ACKNOWLEDGE the dead human being rather than lionize the guy who murdered him.

If any of my friends went off and killed an innocent person, I'd not ignore that fact. I may mourn for the good that they were, but I would acknowledge the evil they did. By the way, how do we know how 'great' this guy is. I don't know these people from a can of paint. Maybe he was an *******. They did mention the "Nazi" days on one of the photo comments. He may not have been as stable as some killers but so what?

It's not about compassion. If you want to express something, go send flowers. Don't have a vigil for a guy who decided he wanted to kill someone he didn't even know. Don't have post after post that, if we didn't know better, would convey the impression that a person committed suicide not murdered another human being before doing so. Seriously, I think one post actually even acknowledges that.

And let me take it a step further. You know those mothers or family members that stand by their cold-blooded killer son (at least this guy has a 'history' they can point to as an excuse?) Not me, babe. Ye shall know them by their fruit, not by them being the fruit of your loins. If I felt my wife or some other parent's baby was at serious risk from my child, I'd take care of it myself and would, of course, feel sadness at what never was. But I would not sit there and memorialize someone on this level or stand by them even when I knew what they were or what they had done.

But I'm not going to show loyalty or do honor to a murderer or rapist just because I 'know' or 'knew' them. If any of you want to kill someone, I may question why the hell you committed that act. Maybe you always had that seed of evil and it finally sprouted. But I will not be having RIP threads or talking about holding vigils for you, unless it comes out that someone spiked your beer with some serious ish or that you snapped after being falsely accused of child molestation or something.

I do think I see a difference in the posts to that Duncan guy's blog and this guy's myspace. Duncan was the one who murdered that whole family except that little girl who he was trying to sell to someone else. Perhaps because he didn't cultivate a certain image or was more socially inept or maybe because he was an evil _____ and this guy wasn't truly evil but committed an act of great evil.

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For all of you cats out there who crave oblivion, do us a favor---OFF YOURSELVES. Your need for the extinguishing of your light from this world should not overpower the rights of others to continue on living, no matter how pathetic or corrupt you believe the world to be. It's not your choice.

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For all of you cats out there who crave oblivion, do us a favor---OFF YOURSELVES. Your need for the extinguishing of your light from this world should not overpower the rights of others to continue on living, no matter how pathetic or corrupt you believe the world to be. It's not your choice.


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You know, I knew of people who were in car accidents in high school as a result of alcohol. Some died, some lost limbs....

I'm sorry, but the second you commit that mountainous fatal flaw, you negate your past life and lose all respect from me. No remorse for me. The nature of the event is too steep to even consider remorse. Its modern natural selection...unfortunately sometimes they take people down with them.

my thoughts go out to the officers' families. this kid will get no grievance from me. Thats one less person who we didn't need anyways.

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You know, I knew of people who were in car accidents in high school as a result of alcohol. Some died, some lost limbs....

I'm sorry, but the second you commit that mountainous fatal flaw, you negate your past life and lose all respect from me. No remorse for me. The nature of the event is too steep to even consider remorse. Its modern natural selection...unfortunately sometimes they take people down with them.

my thoughts go out to the officers' families. this kid will get no grievance from me. Thats one less person who we didn't need anyways.

again.... :applause:

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I guess with me it's simple - I gain no good feeling from proclaiming that he is burning in hell. I don't sleep better if I say good riddance and celebrate his death. In my opinion the fact this happened is all around horrible and I don't know any of the details of his life or understand his motives. So then all I can say is - They are both in Gods hands and he will decide what is right.

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I guess with me it's simple - I gain no good feeling from proclaiming that he is burning in hell. I don't sleep better if I say good riddance and celebrate his death. In my opinion the fact this happened is all around horrible and I don't know any of the details of his life or understand his motives. So then all I can say is - They are both in Gods hands and he will decide what is right.

Oh, I'm not for celebrating a death (not in this case.) I may think it's better off if certain people were gone but I'm not going to post a fireworks .gif on his page. I just don't think I could post in such a way that a complete stranger to the situation would think a guy just took his own life rather than what he actually did. There is a thing called balance. A couple of acknowledgments of what he did would create less outrage towards those posting the "you were so great, RIP!" posts.

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Oh, I'm not for celebrating a death (not in this case.) I may think it's better off if certain people were gone but I'm not going to post a fireworks .gif on his page. I just don't think I could post in such a way that a complete stranger to the situation would think a guy just took his own life rather than what he actually did. There is a thing called balance. A couple of acknowledgments of what he did would create less outrage towards those posting the "you were so great, RIP!" posts.

I just figured the dude associated with other... uh... "interesting" people. I mean would you have hung out with a dude that wore camo all the time and was seeing things? Not me.

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Unfortunately not just another dead murderer but also an innocent police officer dead and a family and community in mourning. Does it make no difference to you that if something had been done to prevent this that police officer might still be alive? Or is your need to make a tough stand on this kid more important than the value of an innocent life?

No, of course not. Please stop the equivocation. I'm just not buying into an insanity defense. In my view, he was just a cold-blooded killer, and he got what he deserved - death.

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It honestly boggles my mind how some people on this site can have zero compassion and still live with themselves. Its a tragedy, and what he did was wrong, but if he's sick, its really sad that he didn't get help before this happened.

Compassion for a cold-blooded killer? Riiight. These dolts should save their sympathies and condolences for the VICTIM. Honestly, it boggles my mind that you - or anyone else - would think any differently.

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I guess with me it's simple - I gain no good feeling from proclaiming that he is burning in hell. I don't sleep better if I say good riddance and celebrate his death. In my opinion the fact this happened is all around horrible and I don't know any of the details of his life or understand his motives. So then all I can say is - They are both in Gods hands and he will decide what is right.

Very well, but the purpose of my "good ridance" comment is just to acknowledge that he will never be able to harm another human being again.

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The replies on his myspace page, IMO, really speak to a larger issue in this country. A failure of many people to place blame, and responsibility where it belongs. The lines between what is morally right, and wrong continue to be blurred in this country. This guy should be getting NO sympathy, before his innocent victim. Where is the post on his myspace that asks, "Sorry your dead, but why did you have to kill an innocent cop?"

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In the '70s, I was just a child. Mathematics is also fundamental. :doh:
Not trying to hijack the thread but you really need to put a lid on it. Your comments about my generation was outrageous and out of line. I don't hear anyone bashing your generation when someone goes crazy and does something evil.

btw, I'm an EE, but I guess I don't know anything about mathmatics.

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Also why are so many people on myspace? They are basically putting their problems out for everybody to see them . Why would u want to have convo's so that a random person can see.

Also these people on my space put their real name. That is crazy. How about if some man likes a girl and stalks her? I did not know the site was so personel.

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Not trying to hijack the thread but you really need to put a lid on it. Your comments about my generation was outrageous and out of line. I don't hear anyone bashing your generation when someone goes crazy and does something evil.

btw, I'm an EE, but I guess I don't know anything about mathmatics.

Well, then you should have known that I never even reached the age of 10 in the '70s. But it seems that in your generation drug use at such a tender age is not unheard of.

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Well, then you should have known that I never even reached the age of 10 in the '70s. But it seems that in your generation drug use at such a tender age is not unheard of.

You don't quit do you.

I won't play along anymore. I'm gonna take this moment to thank everyone in your generation for the great contribution to American society that is Wham!


:laugh: :rotflmao: :laugh:

sorry to everyone else...

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