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cop killer's myspace page


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The poor little fellow broke out of the psychiatric hospital he was in. That was what led to the first car jacking. My compassion for the little **** ended when he decided to try and take as many cops with him as he could. My compassion lies entirely with the man without his wife, the kids without their mom, and the family members of the man still fighting for his life in the hospital after being hit 5 times on his way off shift. I feel compassion for him if he shoots himself, my sympathy for him ends when he decides to take others with him.

It truly boggles my mind why anyone could be feeling sorry for this guy right now, when there are so many others who are bearing the brunt of this situation...he's gone, there are plenty of people that will deal with this for a long time to come.

Don't get it twisted -- I don't feel sorry for 'him,' I feel sad that there is a chance that he was sick and it was a) misdiagnosed, B) not caught or c) ignored by the people who had the power to stop him from committing this heinous act.

You guys act like by giving a little compassion I'm completely disregarding the cop and her family. Of course I'm not. It was a terrible thing to happen all around. You can say "good riddance, that **** got what he deserved," but does that help the next time a kid is a little crazy and goes shooting cops? No. The questions that we should be asking are why wasn't his sickness treated properly? What did his parents do to discourage this type of thing? Anything? Because these are the questions that prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

Just the way I look at it, I guess...

Compassion for a cold-blooded killer? Riiight. These dolts should save their sympathies and condolences for the VICTIM. Honestly, it boggles my mind that you - or anyone else - would think any differently.

Unlike you, I don't have a 'limit' for my compassion...I feel terrible for the cop and her family. That doesn't mean I don't have anything left for this kid. Its sad that this kid turned out this way...

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What if indeed. I'm not too familiar with the whole story...is there evidence that that's the case here?

The news said he checked himself into a mental health facility in mid-April, then broke out one night. Guess his desire only went so far.

I'm tired of being told to feel I must have compassion for every loon and nutcase that pops up in the public eye. My compassion goes for his family, because they have to live knowing what their son did, those Police injured & killed and that's all. I don't believe they reared their son to be a killer, but he set out intentionally and shot two (maybe three, I still haven't heard the details of the third Officer's injuries) people.

There's a special place in Hell for people like this guy. I'm just thankful he couldn't reproduce and pass off his effed up DNA. I wish no less for those antisocial ****s on his little imaginary MySpace fan club, either. What the eff is the malfunction with some of these kids?

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Don't get it twisted -- I don't feel sorry for 'him,' I feel sad that there is a chance that he was sick and it was a) misdiagnosed, B) not caught or c) ignored by the people who had the power to stop him from committing this heinous act.

You guys act like by giving a little compassion I'm completely disregarding the cop and her family. Of course I'm not. It was a terrible thing to happen all around. You can say "good riddance, that **** got what he deserved," but does that help the next time a kid is a little crazy and goes shooting cops? No. The questions that we should be asking are why wasn't his sickness treated properly? What did his parents do to discourage this type of thing? Anything? Because these are the questions that prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

Unlike you, I don't have a 'limit' for my compassion...I feel terrible for the cop and her family. That doesn't mean I don't have anything left for this kid. Its sad that this kid turned out this way...

I don't think there is any question as the whether or not the guy was sick. Even disregarding his trip to the psyche hospital. Anyone that commits such a crime is clearly sick.

I'm not sure how showing the murderer compassion leads to any understanding of why it happened and more importantly, how to prevent it in the future. I say study him, study what led up to this, investigate every aspect of the whole incident. Find out exactly what happened in his life, what could have provoked it, what could have been done to stop it. None of this has anything to do with showing compassion to someone who MURDERED one police officer, made a heck of an effort to MURDER a second police officer, and probably was not going to stop there on his own.

No matter how high it is, you do have a "limit" to the amount of compassion you can feel at any one time. I prefer not to offer any of that compassion to this guy, or the "Beltway Snipers", or Timothy McVeigh, or the poor sick guys that crashed planes into our buildings. They are all sick people. We should learn from all of them. We should feel sorry for none of them.

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