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What do you all do in the off season?


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I start to gear up for the NHL and NBA playoffs -- especially now that the Wizards have become playoff contenders. I also relish the possibility of nice, long Sunday afternoon naps. Most importantly, I spend more time with my church. Plus, I live in Washington, D.C. Between the museums, Chinatown and lots of other places, it's a time to appreciate this region's fine history and stop and look around at the beauty that surrounds me.

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Make a living, spend time with my lady. A friend of mine joined a new band Burn Me Alive. If you like Metal you might want to check them out. They are playing April 8th at KC Music Hall in Old Town Fredricksburg (formerly known as Houston's near Honky Tonk Tattoo). They will be opening for Six Feet Under and it should be a memorable show.

Other than that get crunk sometimes. Drive my 85 Monte Carlo SS (restored and highly upgraded not stock). Play any video game to my liking. Street Fighter will always be king though. Eff around on Extreme Skins and wait for the new season!


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As far as sports, this offseason I will play fantasy baseball for the first time. I usually can't stand it in the summer, so maybe now I will have a reason to watch baseball. I also follow Tiger in the majors and watch some tennis.

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Fall is for watching football (Specifically redskins), Spring is for playing football (At least for me!). First scrimmage of the season last weekend, 2 sacks and 7 tackles! Opener in 15 days!

Other then that, catch a little NFL Europe.. trying to spy up and coming skins (Should've seen Prioleau out there last season!) and following our local AFL2 team.

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I follow the Nascar season fairly closely. Went to several races the last few seasons, but this year I'm gonna save my cash and go to 3 or 4 Skins games. New Orleans and at least a couple at Fed Ex are the likely targets.

To a lesser extent, I'll also follow the Lakers (when they are playing well, which has not been very often lately) and the Nats.

But between the Skins and fantasy football, nothing compares to the NFL season.

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This HAS been one of the more exciting off season, as off season go. I don't like other sports...just my beloved Redskins. My highlight is when the schedule is released...I study the schedule for hours at a time.

It's 162 days until opening kickoff weekend. What's there to do?

I recommend girls.

Anyway, I think this is just the fourth most exciting off-season of the Snyder Era. Nothing will replace the delusion of 2000, the promise of 2002, or the shock of 2004.

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As soon as the NFL season is over, it's a natural transition into NCAA basketball for me... partly because that's when it starts to get interesting, and partly because my girlfriend makes me watch with her after I made her watch football all season.:D

Then there's kind of a lull for several weeks, because I would rather jam knitting needles into my eyes than pay attention to baseball or NASCAR. During this time I should be busy enough preparing for exams that I don't have time to worry about any kind of fun at all.

This summer there will be the World Cup, which will have me glued to the TV, as soccer is my second love (behind the Burgundy and Gold of course). I also dabble in tennis, or when I'm at home, I watch European soccer.

But I find the best way to make it through til the season begins again is to waste as much time as possible on the beach.:cool:

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