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Redskins sign C/T Tyson Walter from Texans

Fifty Gut

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I hate this guy and I went to Ohio State. I hope someone takes him out Bentley-style and he never makes the opening roster. Maybe he's grown up from his days at OSU, I don't know. I'll be shocked if he can make the roster with the attitude he used to have. No way Bugel and Gibbs will stand for that stuff.

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somehow, I'm not excited in the least.

after reading about his college brawl,

I hope he doesn't make the team.

we need harmony...not that finger pointing crap.

yea, after reading his story I was shocked that this guy, of all the guys, was chosen. We seem to here "character" this and "locker room personality" that... This guy doesn't seem to fit that profile.

However, having said that, I think this guy deserves a legitimate chance. He just seems like a dumb jock. I'm sure if I got a broken nose, I'd probably yell some things I wouldn't want a child or my family to hear too. I trust our scouting staff...hopefully they saw something in this guy when they met him. I believe in second chances for stupid, trivial things like this in the past...but this seems quite contrary to what we've heard about character from Gibbs and the Skins staff all along.

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didnt the texans o-line just help David Carr set a single season sack record...

Can someone help me see the positive aspect of this signing....

plus he is an ex-cowboy and he didnt start last season?

read the thread... he is a BACKUP. who did u want? orlando pace?

Hes a versatile player. he can play C or T. He has experience and hes young. Also don't you think Buges knows how to help lineman get better? Its a good pick up for DEPTH.

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these are depth signings

not every player in this league is destined to, aka good enough, to start, but does well as a career backup

I guess the point the poster you were responding to was making is that the Texans starters weren't even good enough to start and this guys was the back-up. Sooooo.... But hey I'm not complaining about the signing if he's not good enough he'll get cut for someone who is. I still wouldn't eliminate OL depth as a need to be adressed in the draft (very deep draft for good tackles and guards).

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Just curious, But why in the blue hell would we want a Texans lineman, especially if he wasn't good enought to start. :doh:

I am not saying this is a smart move but just look what Denver did with the entire Browns Defensive line last year...

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Yeah, what did he do at Ohio that people don't like? :whoknows:

It's Ohio State and he was a racist a-hole who called LeCharles Bently the n-word(among other things) and got beat up for it. He then tried to sue him. There is a link earlier in this thread that has more info.

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Please.....not every move is to be taken as some roster defining acquisition. You guys are getting all worked up over a guy who might not even make the team.

We haven't even gotten to the draft or June 1st cuts yet and you guys are acting like Walter's already cemented his spot on the roster.

This is a guy they want to bring to camp to see what he can do, not someone they sign and give a roster spot by default.

We have an entire offseason left. A lot of guys will be shifting on and off the roster....

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It's Ohio State and he was a racist a-hole who called LeCharles Bently the n-word(among other things) and got beat up for it. He then tried to sue him. There is a link earlier in this thread that has more info.

Thanks, I just went back and read that other thread. Doesn't seem like a real good character type :(

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