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New group. You should read :).


What do you think of the new site?  

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That would encroach upon the content of a post. We're not going that route.

Sorry, Art!

I should have put j/k at the end of that statement.

I do believe the sooner this is implemented the better. By the time I found this thread again, it was already on page 2.

I think that most of us here really appreciate you folks trying to solve a very difficult problem...keep it up!

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What about just giving posters the ability to delete their posts/threads? I know that on other boards if I happen to post something that has already been posted I can just delete it, no harm no foul. I think a lot of people would be fine with policing themsleves if they make a mistake, and it would also keep the board cleaner than a locked thread...

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As some others have said, I dont post new threads, or at least not very often so this really doesnt even effect me. But, but if I see a thread thats too long I usually just read the last page or so and tend to find it helpful, if someone has a little different spin on the same subject that is, to see it on the front and not have to read a long thread or miss it. Just my 2 cents....

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ive actually been a member here for awhile (alot longer then some that have thousands of posts), i just dont post very often. i do however read the board daily. but i may have to change that habit, as im not a big fan of the direction the board is going.

I agree with YellowGixxer, and understand how he feels.

I may be the champion Lurker here - my 4th year of multiple daily visits to the site (across 2 ids), and I have... 7 posts. Most of them in one thread. So restrictions on posting aren't likely to affect me personally.

However, what I think about when I hear "the direction the board is going" is the sharp increase in "noise" recently. Non-mods jumping on other posters about what rules the thread is breaking (remember the Kermit thread?). The discussion that follows in the same thread about why or why not the thread is indeed against the rules. What the rules should be. How everyone should follow them. The original poster defending himself or apologizing, etc, etc... and the content of the original post, something I was interested enough in to click on, is drowned in a sea of noise.

It's unpleasant, and a waste of time having to cut through all the chaff to get to some actual content.

In my opinion, generally, the more rules a place has, the more noise is generated by those very rules, which is why I voted No in the poll. Rules beget more rules usually.

However, I and some others are clearly in the minority on this one, so I'll just hope it works out, and the board can go back to it's former "noise to content" ratio.

Oh, hey. This is probably irrelevant, but I don't think it's been mentioned as one of the ways to police a community. Craigslist polices itself pretty well. Every post has a link to report it as a violation of some sort (Spam, miscategorized, and so forth). The nice part is, it's automatic. When a post gets enough clicks as Spam, it is automatically removed by the server. Not perfect, but definitely slick.

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Instead of "blocking" people that do not behave the way you would like, why not go the other direction???

Create an "Elite Members" forum. It would be similar to the Stadium forum, but would be by invitation only. And membership could be revoked if the specified ground rules were not adhered to. I would LOVE to see this type of forum here for serious fans, so we can have intelligent discourse without having to endure the issues you are concerned with OR the foul personal attacks that some make on our front office, coaching staff, or team members. Criticism is fine, but inane posts, repetitive threads, and personal attacks are so annoying it would be great to have a place to go that is free of all that.

I think what you are suggesting creates a class warfare. One room for the elitists and another for the rest of the lowlifes. I believe something of that nature would tear this board apart. Art has a good idea. I'm not sure if it's the right one, but at least he's trying.

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The whole thread was interesting reading. The idea is great, particularly as the obvious conerns on specifics are accounted for in follow-up posts by Art & other mods. It has nothing to do with limiting freedom of speech and everything to do with limiting how much attention you can draw to yourself. Period.

You still get to post in any thread and say whatever you want. In order to be assured of obtaining a response, however, if that is what you seek, you may find you have to give some real thought as to your content if you are in a busy thread.

Anyone (a surprising number) who imagines that being on the receiving end of this limitation is some sort of real crisis has seriously misplaced priorities in life or is not thinking at a very adult level, IMO. You still get to communicate. Freedom for our nation shall not whither with this decision! :laugh:

(elitists may walk among us...be vewwwy vewwy cwefull)

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Strange. You've had two threads closed.

Here's one:


You come here saying you don't have time to look around, and you were pointed to the stuck thread at the top of the board AND answered at the same time.

Here's another:


There were exactly 12 other topics discussing the similarities between now and 2000 if any on the first two pages of the board at that very moment. It had nothing to do with searching. It had everything to do with looking. That's it.

If you'd help us, we could chill. But, when you misrepresent YOUR past here, it makes us think you're a tool.

DAAAAAAMMMMN! Someone just got owned pretty bad. :owned: Seriously, might want to remember that part about threads NOT getting deleted before you bs everyone, lol.

Some of you guys are a trip. If you can't tell by now that the mods care about this community, do everything they can to make it better and are fair and reasonable people you either haven't been here long enough or you're just plain thick.

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i said bad idea because i am damning the man. that's what the internet is for.

seriously, i didnt see any details other then mod discretion of who is allowed to post threads after getting lumped into this group. I don't think that is cool. Charge people money if you want to control every post or thread.


that my opinion, but i also think it is complete crap that people cant use the search button.

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I actually cited you earlier in this thread. What you did last night is a PRIME example of someone who did something that would have wound him up in this group. You posted something that was on the front page three times, in Around the NFL once and in the breaking news once. You did it HOURS after it broke.

Why should I spend my time and effort to delete your threads or close them when you openly state you aren't/weren't paying attention? Shouldn't YOU have the responsibility for YOU? Would it have been terribly hard to click on a few posts, read what you missed while you were gone, contribute within and have fun? And, where you didn't see something, post it?

Like you did with the field goal kicker thread, which actually was here a few days ago, but that's well outside the scope of repetition of the sort we're talking about. I think you're right the fun is being able to bring a new idea to your friends here at the community.

And, you can do that.

Up until you do things you shouldn't, when some aspect of the fun may be removed. You say you'd hate to see someone with an opinion silenced when you say the opinion already exists as a place for the person to put it? Why would we silence a person for having an opinion?

Let me tell you that the person who has to adjust is YOU. You have to pay attention. It is disgusting for you to suggest others should adjust to your behavior in the face of REPEATED community efforts AND RULES AND DIRECTION that the person in the wrong is YOU.

Improve you. You and you alone.

Don't tell others you can be you and to ignore you. How's that make any sense at all?

I understand I have some repetative things but what about the non repetative decent threads that i've posted? Don;t they count for anything? Even people such as myself have some valuable things to contribute to this site that arn't repetative. I may not be the most knowledgable member on here, but I am a good member. I don;t bash anyone. I have respected most people's opinions even though i desagree. I havn;t been one sided in a lot of debates on here and now i'm going to get punished because I throw in a few repetative threads every once in a while?

If you run a forum, you must understand the fact that there will be mistakes, and there will be ppl who don;t care about the rules. There re ppl like myself who are new to forums. Regardless, you must treat all members the same. Remember that ES is ONLY a website. It's not like a job or any organization where you can discriminate against other members. If ppl including myself break the repetative thread rule too many times, PM them and tell them that if they continue to do that, i will be suspended or kicked off. Don;t limit a poster's ability indefinatly because of it. I do understand that you said it wasn;t going to be indefinate, but i do figure the ban on starting threads will be for quite a while.

PS. Last night was an honest mistake. I am sorry. I looked and searched before a posted. Then I found nothing, so I posted. A few minutes after i posted i found the same thread but it had a title that i didn;t expect that topic to be under.

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sounds like a good idea, but maybe there should be a warning system for the new members, cause i cant imagine that every person who joins reads the whole rule list. maybe there can be someway to mark someone that has been warned, and if they do it again then they get to be put in that group. just a thought

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Everyone needs to learn a little netiquette. I'm a moderator of a forum of about 8,000 members and to have a truely clutterless forum, you must have rules and hold your members to achievable standards. You must enforce them or else reading the messageboard just becomes a waste of time because most of it is spent sifting through garbage. Leniancy isn't out of the question -- conversating and board activity is good -- but there does become a point where people need to be moderated for having poor netiquette. Think of it like kicking out the guy who's way too loud and belching in a classy restaurant...

My only concern would be that people who can't post new threads would simply throw existing threads way off topic.

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I'm just a pinko, commie, liberal, and I'm against censorship in any form it takes, especially on an open forum such as this.

Reposting of same subject topics is a problem, yet is it any worse than some of the personal attacks I see posted on a daily basis? Or the "that's cool", or "that sucks" posts that just lengthen threads?

I've been with this site (in its, and my, different incarnations) for many years; long before it was even Extremeskins, and find now that I read far more than I post. This is a tact I urge many to take. If you have nothing to actually add to the conversation beyond "yeah, I agree," or "no, you're an idiot," let me suggest you keep your fingers still.

Maybe Chat Rooms could be an answer? Where their are no rules, or, at least the rules are very lax? I'm not sure of the answer, but if censorship is it, it makes me very afraid.

LongNLeft, you are the man

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Also, if this idea were instigated, what would be done about trolls, and fans of other teams? i know there are some fans of other teams here that are good members u certainly wouldn't give another team's fan posting power above real fans now would you?.

And the only real reason I am against this group thing (besides the fact that im sure im ending up in it) is because a thing like this can fell degrading. It gives certain members rights, power and privlages over other members who are just as knowledgable, smart and intelligent. Like i said before, this is a public website and by making it a public website, you have to deal with the public, and you must treat them all the same.

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I'm sorry, but just because it's a public site doesn't mean rules can't be put in place. the public has to follow rules too. You can treat them all the same, except for the ones who deviate from acceptable behavior. Equating this to real life public is basically saying outstanding citizens and lawbreakers/criminals should be held on the same pedestal. Shenanigans!

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I haven't gone through all 10 pages, so excuse me if the concerns have already been brought up.

I think there needs to be more of a set standard on how long people get put into this group. Like, say, first time offenders get a warning, second timers get a week in the sin bin, third timers 30 days, so on and so forth.

Other than that, it makes sense.

Oh, btw, I am totally in favor of a lifetime appointment in this group for anyone who posts a "Why do all my threads get closed?" thread...

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I understand I have some repetative things but what about the non repetative decent threads that i've posted? Don;t they count for anything? Even people such as myself have some valuable things to contribute to this site that arn't repetative. I may not be the most knowledgable member on here, but I am a good member. I don;t bash anyone. I have respected most people's opinions even though i desagree. I havn;t been one sided in a lot of debates on here and now i'm going to get punished because I throw in a few repetative threads every once in a while?

If you run a forum, you must understand the fact that there will be mistakes, and there will be ppl who don;t care about the rules. There re ppl like myself who are new to forums. Regardless, you must treat all members the same. Remember that ES is ONLY a website. It's not like a job or any organization where you can discriminate against other members. If ppl including myself break the repetative thread rule too many times, PM them and tell them that if they continue to do that, i will be suspended or kicked off. Don;t limit a poster's ability indefinatly because of it. I do understand that you said it wasn;t going to be indefinate, but i do figure the ban on starting threads will be for quite a while.

PS. Last night was an honest mistake. I am sorry. I looked and searched before a posted. Then I found nothing, so I posted. A few minutes after i posted i found the same thread but it had a title that i didn;t expect that topic to be under.

Good post Akorn. You're ok in my book and trust me, we will always apply with very careful consideration those who are impacted by any action we take.

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