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Yesterday being ST. Pattys day had me thinking.

Why do people drink beer?

When I tasted beer, (My uncles gave me a sip when I was bout 15), I thought it was the nastiest thing ever. I really tastes like it smells. I just want to know why do people drink it. Is it for the taste or becasue it is an affordable liquor. I know I am young and proably don't get it, help me to understand it then.

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Yesterday being ST. Pattys day had me thinking.

Why do people drink beer?

When I tasted beer, (My uncles gave me a sip when I was bout 15), I thought it was the nastiest thing ever. I really tastes like it smells. I just want to know why do people drink it. Is it for the taste or becasue it is an affordable liquor. I know I am young and proably don't get it, help me to understand it then.

it's still saint patties day for me:laugh:

I'm chuggin' some milk...... :cool:

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I'm almost 22 but have been drinking beer since high school. I will start craving beer if I don't drink in a while. I love to drink but don't have many opportunities. Most of the time my goal is to get drunk because its fun but its nice to drink during dinner at a restaurant and stuff. I drink A LOT when I got to Wizards games and other sporting events.

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Hefeweisens are tasty, baby.

Locally the Porter at the Alameda Brew Pub is the best Porter I've ever had.. almost like a delicious meal. McMenamin's Ruby is one that goes down easy with the added berry strain, and it has a great taste. It is my most preferred.

Budweiser is for those 'just' wanting to get drunk :silly:

I also want to add that even with the ones I mentioned above, Beer taste rises to another level in Germany and Austria. It will change your life to taste them:D

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It's an acquired taste. When you first start drinking it's going to taste awful. The results when you drink enough, however, are wonderful. The more you drink and the more you try new beers the more you become acquired to the taste. A year and a half ago I couldn't stand beer. Now I can drink it just to drink it, not even to get drunk (though that's usually what ends up happening).

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I drink entirely for the taste, and almost never drink enough that I feel any effects whatsoever. That said, I have two comments. First, beer is not a liquor. Not all alcoholic beverages are liquor. Second, If you didn't think it tasted good, your uncle was probably just drinking nasty(american macrobrewery) beer. The first time I had beer someone gave me a budweiser, it was nasty. I had the same "why do people drink that stuff?" reaction. Then someone let me taste their new castle. The question was answered. It's not an aquired taste if you drink the right stuff.

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I don't drink anymore - had enough for this lifetime. But to answer your question:

Men and women drink essentially because they like the effect produced by alcohol, and thus they are willing to drink something that doesn't taste good in order to get their desired effect. Beer has the lowest alcohol content per fluid ounce of all other forms of alcohol, so it gets you drunk somewhat more slowly than say wine or hard liquor, so you can pace yourself.

Throwing up all over your date by 11 o'clock won't get you laid, and passing out by halftime lessens the enjoyment level of watching Redskins games.*

*Please note - this may not necessarily be true if the value of coach = X, and X = Steve Spurrier.

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I started drinking beer at a young age and don't remember not ever liking the taste of beer. There are some beers that taste MUCH better than others though. To find one that works for you, you gotta sample a lot of different ones. If you want to taste the two extremes in beer try a Coors Light which is a step above water and then try a Guinness Extra Stout (dark beer). If one or the other doesn't work for you try to find a happy medium. Follow this advice when you are of legal drinking age.

I used to drink beer to get drunk and now...well....I think I still do drink beer to get drunk.

see sig pic's below for states of drunken stupor.

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Yesterday being ST. Pattys day had me thinking.

Why do people drink beer?

When I tasted beer, (My uncles gave me a sip when I was bout 15), I thought it was the nastiest thing ever. I really tastes like it smells. I just want to know why do people drink it. Is it for the taste or becasue it is an affordable liquor. I know I am young and proably don't get it, help me to understand it then.

The taste will improve as beer destroys your tastebuds.

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I started drinking beer at a young age and don't remember not ever liking the taste of beer.

I used to drink beer to get drunk and now...well....I think I still do drink beer to get drunk.

RJ and I were around what 14? (Sorry, alcohol has destroyed my memory cells :silly: ) when we drank beer and got drunk for the 1st time? At least I was....I have never truly loved the taste of most beers but I do enjoy and crave the taste on occasion.

I have only drank beer to get drunk.....but I do like to have a Captain and Coke just for the taste at times....

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Why do people drink at all...its a good question that was posed on Roseanne the other day. Dan tells Becky she drank for the wrong reasons and she asks what the good reasons are to drink. He didnt know and I dont. I learned to like beer over time and now just waste alot of money on it.

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