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Female Celebrities without Hollywood Magic

Commander PK

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Wow, isn't it amazing what airbrushing, make-up, and camera trickery can accomplish? I wish more uptight girls who think they have to look like these women could see these pictures. :laugh:

Are you sure those are all the same people from the pictures next to them?

Some of them look REALLY different.

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For godssakes please tell me that ain't Christina Ricci.

THing is, if you took normal pics of me and then some really poorly timed photos of me, I'm sure you'd notice a difference and I don't wear makeup.

But the point does stand--minus makeup and other 'cover-ups' even the 'most beautiful' have imperfections.

Keep in mind that Cameron Diaz probably did start off really hot but as she got skinnier and skinnier she lost some of that initial appeal she had in The Mask. Christina Ricci looks like she was one of her slightly heavier phases and just finished running after waking up after a long night. lol

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There isn't a human being alive today that would look good if I took his/her picture after a night out drinking, in bad lighting, just after they woke up. Not a one. Not saying that is what is happening here but it's just an example.

I really wish we would see more people looking "human" so that little girls didn't have to grow up thinking themselves horrible because they can't meet an unreachable standard.

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alot of them look like they have makeup damaged skin.

i remember there was a girl in middle school who used to have the nicest skin. as she got older she got more and more into makeup (she wasn't a 10 but she didn't need it). i saw her a few years ago at foodlion and her skin was like the surface of the moon. :(

lol monkey you were thinking the same thing i was! :cheers:

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  • 2 years later...

This is why I've never really gotten into hot Hollywood chicks. Sure they're I think they're fun to look at and drool over but I've never really had any kinds of illusions about what's really underneath the makeup, airbrushing and such. I'd take a real world "8" over a Hollywood "10" anyday.

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