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Good riddance. Tired of his grandpa/fireside chat stories. And he barely even follows the major sports. Gets a radio show and a tv show as basically a lifetime achievement award


Thank you! His show is by far the most boring thing on radio and on top of that the guy gets a 3 month summer break every year. Must be nice.

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The thing about that show is that it's not your normal show. Compared to the mystery people who I never heard of who do the WJFK slot, and the annoying troll Cowherd on 570, Kornheiser is clearly the best option. 


He doesn't take phone calls because phone calls to a sports talk show are lame. He doesn't rehash hypotheticals like "Who would you rather have on your team, Carmelo Anthony or LeBron James" like other typical sports talk shows. He just rambles on and invites insider friends and colleagues in the business to cordially chat with him in his circle of friends. 


The show is full of biting criticism, sarcasm, and humor which makes it highly entertaining. Yes, there's minimal sports talk, and he does talk about the news and Iraq and foreign affairs and entertainment and movies and his old guy life going to sleep at 9 PM during the Nats game, but damn is he entertaining. 


There's enough sports talk for me, without it being inundated by sports talk. Have you heard the other shows on 980? The guys in the afternoon, I can't listen to them anymore. They always discuss hypotheticals, "Would LeBron James be a good soccer player? Dial in now! James in DC, you're on the air." That type of typical sports talk show pisses me off now, and I can't listen to it anymore. 

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IX is cool and all, but every time he talks about Kornhiser, I can't help but to laugh at him lol.

My favorite summer of radio was in 2011. TK (the fake TK) went in hiatus, and Andrew Sciciliano took his spot. I loved his show.

The thing about that show is that it's not your normal show. Compared to the mystery people who I never heard of who do the WJFK slot, and the annoying troll Cowherd on 570, Kornheiser is clearly the best option.

He doesn't take phone calls because phone calls to a sports talk show are lame. He doesn't rehash hypotheticals like "Who would you rather have on your team, Carmelo Anthony or LeBron James" like other typical sports talk shows. He just rambles on and invites insider friends and colleagues in the business to cordially chat with him in his circle of friends.

The show is full of biting criticism, sarcasm, and humor which makes it highly entertaining. Yes, there's minimal sports talk, and he does talk about the news and Iraq and foreign affairs and entertainment and movies and his old guy life going to sleep at 9 PM during the Nats game, but damn is he entertaining.

There's enough sports talk for me, without it being inundated by sports talk. Have you heard the other shows on 980? The guys in the afternoon, I can't listen to them anymore. They always discuss hypotheticals, "Would LeBron James be a good soccer player? Dial in now! James in DC, you're on the air." That type of typical sports talk show pisses me off now, and I can't listen to it anymore.

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Siciliano used to host the Jim Rome show back in the day. He is fine. The problem is DC radio went downhill when they broke up the Sports Reporters. Andy Pollin is fine and Czabe is fine. Kevin Sheehan and Thom Loverro are fine. The other afternoon guys with Brian Mitchell and the other guys I don't care about. I miss John Thompson. He was a bit boring sometimes but he was entertaining somewhat. 

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The thing about that show is that it's not your normal show. Compared to the mystery people who I never heard of who do the WJFK slot, and the annoying troll Cowherd on 570, Kornheiser is clearly the best option. 


He doesn't take phone calls because phone calls to a sports talk show are lame. He doesn't rehash hypotheticals like "Who would you rather have on your team, Carmelo Anthony or LeBron James" like other typical sports talk shows. He just rambles on and invites insider friends and colleagues in the business to cordially chat with him in his circle of friends. 


The show is full of biting criticism, sarcasm, and humor which makes it highly entertaining. Yes, there's minimal sports talk, and he does talk about the news and Iraq and foreign affairs and entertainment and movies and his old guy life going to sleep at 9 PM during the Nats game, but damn is he entertaining. 


There's enough sports talk for me, without it being inundated by sports talk. Have you heard the other shows on 980? The guys in the afternoon, I can't listen to them anymore. They always discuss hypotheticals, "Would LeBron James be a good soccer player? Dial in now! James in DC, you're on the air." That type of typical sports talk show pisses me off now, and I can't listen to it anymore. 


To be honest. It all sucks ass. The Drive/Locker Room is tolerable. DC sports radio is a bitter,battered fan cluster****, that is acceptable in small amounts. When there is no humorous angle, it is a **** sandwich.


106.7 is all that on steroids


I don't find all that much of a reprieve from listening to Kornheisers family winnebago stories, and how fun it was to use a typewriter, or what happened during the last season of Mash or some ****. Dude needs to retire

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So on 980 today they were talking about people who are fans of two teams, relating to the Nats/O's but also how a lot of people root for both the Skins and Ravens. Kevin Sheehan said those people aren't real fans and then he humiliated people who called in and said they were by asking them simple things that any fan of those teams would know and none of them did(e.g. a guy called in who was an O's and Nats fan and Sheehan asked him who did the O's beat to make the playoffs in 2012 Wild Card game and then who'd they lose to in the ALDS and the guy had no idea).

I agree 100% with Sheehan. You don't root for two teams in the same sport, period. One team or you aren't a real fan.

Was at the game tonight that got postponed. There were a lot of folks with a Os shirt and Nats hat on. And vice versa.

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My radio day consists of Boomer and Carton  in the AM the over to Grant and Danny on 1067 (they might be getting cut because it's been boring since Grant got the gig and Danny is really starting to be annoying) then to Mike Francesa for hardcore sports. Unfortunately, our local guys are brutal.

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My favorite part of the show is the end where that politician says he is resigning then someone in the crowd yells "Goodbye pervert!"

The junkies and the sports fix are the only tolerable shows. They are also the only good shows. Doc is a clown with his overly macho eat off the other mans plate bs. Bmitch makes rookie mistakes can't ever pronounce anything and stumbles all the time. Czabe is a idiot. And on 106.7 everything after the junkies is trash.

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My radio day consists of Boomer and Carton  in the AM the over to Grant and Danny on 1067 (they might be getting cut because it's been boring since Grant got the gig and Danny is really starting to be annoying) then to Mike Francesa for hardcore sports. Unfortunately, our local guys are brutal.


Danny is a whiny ****. Stopped giving a **** about him ever since his rant when the Saints got hammered with sanctions. Loverro & Sheehan on the Sports Fix, might be the worst outside of Lavar & Dukes. Constantly on Griffin's nuts over the simplest thing.


It really does suck what modern sports talk has become. Whining, and microanalysis, and just general dumbassery overall. So much negativity from all of these people I don't know how listeners can even take it, but then you hear them call in, with the IQ of a graham cracker, and then you begin to understand.


Wouldn't mind if all of them got horrible ratings, and had to move on, paving the way for people who can talk some sense, and do sports talk with some actual substance and rationality.


There's just way too much pandering to stupid going on.

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Danny is a whiny ****. Stopped giving a **** about him ever since his rant when the Saints got hammered with sanctions. Loverro & Sheehan on the Sports Fix, might be the worst outside of Lavar & Dukes. Constantly on Griffin's nuts over the simplest thing.


It really does suck what modern sports talk has become. Whining, and microanalysis, and just general dumbassery overall. So much negativity from all of these people I don't know how listeners can even take it, but then you hear them call in, with the IQ of a graham cracker, and then you begin to understand.


Wouldn't mind if all of them got horrible ratings, and had to move on, paving the way for people who can talk some sense, and do sports talk with some actual substance and rationality.


There's just way too much pandering to stupid going on.


You're exactly right it's pretty bad. The only reason I even listen to Danny's show is because I want to get some local sports talk and anything on 980 would make me take a nap at work. One half of me wants the ratings to go into the toilet but if that happens the stations would likely switch formats. I don't know what's going on with dc sports radio we can't even get a decent broadcast of a football game anymore :(

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You're exactly right it's pretty bad. The only reason I even listen to Danny's show is because I want to get some local sports talk and anything on 980 would make me take a nap at work. One half of me wants the ratings to go into the toilet but if that happens the stations would likely switch formats. I don't know what's going on with dc sports radio we can't even get a decent broadcast of a football game anymore :(


It is the sole reason why  am considering getting Sirius

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i wish my work allowed outside radio or even allowing me to have internet at my personal desk. it sucks!


I stream through my phone (thank god for T-Mobile unlimited data) since my job cries about bandwidth usage. I don't think I would make it through the day without radio.

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You aint seen nothing yet lol. And yes, Janet and Sheila resort to epic level ****tyness, Tommy as well. That entire show is full of some truly ****ed up people lol. But the women are hot.


Marisa Tomei is in a few episodes, so is Patricia Velasquez of The Mummy fame. Andrea Roth gets sexier and sexier as the show goes on

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