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Between the stuff I see I posted in the music thread, and this latest discussion. I'm starting to wonder if anyone knows what 'music' is.

Music is the most subjective art form there is.

I was just listing stuff that I currently like. No harm and it certainly isn't the extent of what I enjoy, you know this.

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Well to be fair idk if people would like the type of rap I listen to. It's one of my favorites. I'm very picky about that genre. I'm not sure how many people would listen to what I like. It's not mainstream and its not anything similar to the "classics" people talk about.

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Well to be fair idk if people would like the type of rap I listen to. It's one of my favorites. I'm very picky about that genre. I'm not sure how many people would listen to what I like. It's not mainstream and its not anything similar to the "classics" people talk about.

Speaking of rap (which I hate). Anyone see the story today about Tupac's last words? Whoa.

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Speaking of rap (which I hate). Anyone see the story today about Tupac's last words? Whoa.

**** you

But yeah, it's OFFICIAL official now. Got my plane ticket to Denver. Moving on July 5th. Really torn on it. The DMV is my home. I love it here. I've lived everywhere from LA to San Diego to Vegas and even *shudder* Texas. This, in my opinion, is the best place to live. That said, where I'm at right now in life, if I don't want to move, I definitely need to move. So I'm sad. I swear I'll be back one day though. Two years is my plan. My two year exile. And hey, if I gotta move, not sure it gets much better than Denver. Heard nothing but great things.

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Oh and ftr, I don't smoke. So it being legal has absolutely nothing to do with why Denver. My brother (who does smoke coincidently) moved there a couple of years ago. So he's helping me get set up. Also, the past company I worked for (before getting laid off, 3 months after taking a promotion to a new department. I wouldn't have gotten laid off if I hadn't taken the promotion. Yeah I might be a little bitter) has their main office there and I worked with a lot of those people so I already know a few folks. Already gotten a decent network.

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Will do, any reason why its only on the treadmill and not on the court?

That's a good question. It could be any number of things. My guess is the running shoes you use have much more cushion and are therefor much worse on your feet. I have to do an English project on that subject matter so I know a thing or 2 :)
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I think 9 days was the first concert I ever went to, they are somewhat local to my area I believe they formed in Ithaca NY. Loved them ever since that concert. It was a small local festival we have here.

First concert I ever went to? New Kids on the Block. When I was 5, late 80's. I swear, I always say I'm living proof a person is born gay, not made. Because my mom and aunt (young aunt, just 6 years older) sure as hell tried their hardest. NKOTB, I remember getting a Jordan Knight doll for Christmas, a cabbage patch doll named Cody, cooked brownies all the time, knew all of my aunt's high school drill team cheers, first album I ever owned was Ace of Base, I can go on and on with this.

Anyway, question: Robert Duvall or Gene Hackman? Who do you prefer, who's better, whatever.

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Platoon or Full Metal Jacket?

@ Gacolb, gimme the Hack-man. French Connection, Crimson Tide, Poseiden Adventure. Yes please. Duval is no slouch either, but Gene just swags SO hard on the big screen.

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Yup, Hackman might be my all time favorite. Thinking about it because I just watched Mississippi Burning. I don't think there's another movie that just pisses me off more than that one. Can't remember if he won, but Hackman was definitely nominated for an Oscar for that. Just brought up Duval because he seems like the perfect either/or for Hackman.

You wanna know something sad though? Asked my stepfather the same question and he also brought up Crimson Tide. Realized I've never seen it. I feel pathetic.

And yeah, Full Metal Jacket all day. Platoon is great but something about it always makes it feel too...fake(?) to me. Not sure how to describe it. Like the pop culture Vietnam movie. If it was music, Platoon would be like the Backstreet Boys and Full Metal Jacket is Ray Charles. That make any type of sense?

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