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Impeach The Traitor!!!!

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Yup, agree. This is how you defeat extremism, trade with those people

Exactly. This entire conflict is going to be won with economics, not armies and navies. Put an few bucks in their pockets that wasnt their before. They'll warm up to us, i promise.

Amazing how in the tailgate we agree, yet we murder each other in the NCAA forum. :whoknows:

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Exactly. This entire conflict is going to be won with economics, not armies and navies. Put an few bucks in their pockets that wasnt their before. They'll warm up to us, i promise.

Amazing how in the tailgate we agree, yet we murder each other in the NCAA forum. :whoknows:

Hahaha, oh the crazy ideas we have in our heads

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No. Ideals such as:

- supporting violence as a means to initiate change

- gender/racial discrimination

- opposition to freedom of thought and speech

Yeah, you could pin Islam onto this, but this works for any repressive regime, no matter what religion, race or creed.

You will find less of that in the U.A.E becuase of the incredible amount of money they have flowing in now

Western tourists are flocking to Dubai, and young guys and girls are trying to imitate them. That place is on the rise, and doesn't deserve this kind of treatment

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By the way, if anyone thinks that UAE or Dubai needs our money, check their tourism website. They have an indoor ski mountain for God's sake....in the DESERT!!!

Its not about NEEDING our money. Its about working together.

What do you think they say about us? America doesnt need to trade with us, they have frickin' rockets going up into space just to take pictures. They have sports franchises worth a billion dollars or more (and not just a few). They built an entire city that looks like THIS:


Just to gamble.

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I've been keeping track of this through Michelle Malkin's Blog. I've posted what I'm aware of down below.

Bush has a decent point, talking about racism. I'm as xenophobic as the next guy, but no one cared that an American corporation didn't do this job until it was to be sold to an Arab corporation. A Singapore corporation was bidding for the job, and I doubt anyone would be in an uproar if they got it.

I'm not aware of the UAE's track record against terrorism, maybe someone can help... but it would be nice to have in this case. If UAE has a poor track record with cooperation in the War on Terror, we could say "You guys are doing a crummy job putting down Extremism in your country". I haven't heard much about that other than the 9/11 funding and terrorists coming from there. The terrorists also lived in Germany for a time, do we cut off trade with Germany due to it?

What do the free-traders here have to say about the bond UAE issued to fund the large bid? That's not free trade at all. How do you feel about tariff's levied against American cars in China? Are they a hindrance to free trade?

Also, I don't think the Dubai company has a lot of experience in this field. They were just set up in September, which makes this a little suspect. P&O also runs port operations in India and Australia... this highlights the global issue.

Bush's point:

"I want those who are questioning it to step up and explain why all of a sudden a Middle Eastern company is held to a different standard than a Great British company. I am trying to conduct foreign policy now by saying to the people of the world, `We'll treat you fairly.'

Interesting information on why Dubai is doing this:

The real reason Dubai Ports World is undergoing the transaction is because of an Islamic finance vehicle called the sukuk. The sukuk is essentially a commerical paper type of Islamic financle vehicle--it is essentially a "fake" bond to work around the Muslim prohibition on interest. If the Dubai Ports World sukuk goes through, it becomes the largest publicly traded sukuk in the world. As a result, Dubai instantly becomes the place to go for Islamic finance in the world--and folks specializing in Islamic finance stand to make a great deal of money.

More information on the Singapore company bidding against Dubai for the ports. Note that Dubai Ports World is a state-owned corporation.

Dubai Ports World (DPW), owned by the emirate's government, fired the first shot when it made a bid of US$5.91 billion in November 2005. However, Singapore’s PSA has hit back, approaching P&O with a conditional counter offer of US$6.21 billion. A formal offer could be submitted within the next few days. PSA’s conditions were that it be allowed to complete satisfactory due diligence, that its board give final approval, that P&O’s directors withdraw their recommendation of the DPW offer, and that P&O’s pension trustees approve the offer. PSA has operations in 11 countries and is the world’s second-largest ports group. By contrast, DPW was formed as recently as September with the amalgamation of the Dubai Ports Authority and DPI Terminals. However, if DPW were to acquire P&O — currently the world’s fourth-largest ports group — the industry landscape would shift dramatically. Not only would DPW immediately become the second-largest player in the marketplace, it would also have secured key ports in India and Australia — markets in which fast traffic growth is anticipated...

Interesting on how they got the money to bid:

In order to help fund the massive bid, Dubai Ports, Customs & Free Zone Corporation (PCFC) have launched the world’s largest sukuk, or Sharia-compliant bond. What was intended as a US $2.8 billion issue has instead rocketed to US $3.5 billion, after an overwhelming response from investors. Lead-managed by Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) and Barclays Capital, the distinctive sukuk is also the first convertible instrument in the Islamic finance market.
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So let me get this straight...

An English company that controlled the ports was bought out by an Arab owned company and everyone is freaking out?

Is the Arab company run by extremists? I work at a port and I don't see what the big deal is?

Are some of you seriously saying that we shouldn't do this deal because an Arab owns the company?

Isn't that bit racist? Has this country become so scared of its own shadow that people are actually discussing not doing this deal because a certain race will be in control?

As I said before...I work at a port and the security measures are pretty tight. I'm pretty sure Americans will still be the ones in charge of security and such...so...I don't get why this is turning into such a big deal?

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Of course you know that it's not port SECURITY.

But dont let facts get in the way of good vitriolic temper tantrum.

Amazing the length some will go to defend this man. It reminds me of the argument that guns don't kill people, the bullets do.

Sure, planting thousands of 'well screened' arab workers on our ports isn't a concern. It definetely doesn't make the ports any less secure or easier to infiltrate or even more difficult for the 'security' already.

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Sure, planting thousands of 'well screened' arab workers on our ports isn't a concern. It definetely doesn't make the ports any less secure or easier to infiltrate or even more difficult for the 'security' already.

Who said the plan was to put Arab workers in our ports? No one knows how this will be implemented... who is familiar with ports?

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Sure, planting thousands of 'well screened' arab workers on our ports isn't a concern. It definetely doesn't make the ports any less secure or easier to infiltrate or even more difficult for the 'security' already.

Ah, bigotry got to love it.

Oh and not all of us are Bush defenders, some of us even support impeachment.

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Whatever, I don't think Bush has done that terrible of a Job but this is insanity. They blocked China buying IBM but its bigotry if you block a port being bought but a terrorist supporting organization.

Ya'll need to put down the rock.

Honestly, this isn't going to go through. Bush is just trying to save face for his saudi buds by threatening with his veto.

As for the PC people that cry racism. You guys are a bunch of saps playing into the hands of fundamentalists.

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