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Impeach The Traitor!!!!

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Thanks cuz every Arab and Muslim in this country has blown **** up

My God, some of these arguments from so called liberals shows incredible intolerance

I think the arguments so far (on the most part) go something like this...Bush=Traitor, Arabs=Evil, Muslims=Untrustworthy.

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It turns more people against the man, and the morons running the country, anything that hurts Bush in the polls is good for the country in the long term.

Amen brother. It's amazing how many people are adamant about supporting the Bush administration when they've ****ed up this country beyond belief.

Even Republicans in Congress are getting sick of the administration's **** and are speaking out against it....but that could have something to do with wanting to be seperated from Bush's blunders before the Presidential Election in 2008.

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Someone with a brain give me in brief:

What the background is:

Who currently controls the ports

Who currently controls the ports that ship to these ports

Who is buying whom?? who...

Who is in charge of the ports security

What the UAE will be hiring/in charge of.

THEN after learning something other than:

(Those dirty A-RABS, will Own the port).

Post your thoughts.

i know its silly, but give it a try...

UAE firm a player in industry increasingly run by foreigners

By William M. Welch, USA TODAY

The United Arab Emirates firm that has a deal to operate terminals at six U.S. port cities is a major player in an industry increasingly controlled by foreign companies.

Dubai Ports World is owned by the tiny nation on the Persian Gulf and is headed by a sultan educated in the United States.

It operates terminals in the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Germany, Romania, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, India, China, Malaysia, South Korea and Australia, according to its website.

Its purchase of London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. is what has Congress urging an investigation.

P&O, as it is known in the shipping world, is a British company that operates terminals in New York, Newark, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Miami and New Orleans. Dubai Ports World's purchase of P&O would give it a significant presence in the U.S. maritime trade market.

The Dubai company would not control all the shipments through those ports but would operate terminals at each location — up to 30% of the terminals at any one port, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

Security for U.S. ports rests with law enforcement agencies and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, through the Coast Guard, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and others. The Dubai Ports World terminals would have to comply with all security measures imposed on U.S. ports.

SO if it already operates ports in:

the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Germany, Romania, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, India, China, Malaysia, South Korea and Australia, according to its website.

Common sense would tell you we should be examining the INCOMING shipments FROM there.. As they would have been the places to import a nuke or some such other device. IF we've been receiving packages from there for xyz number of years then you would think a trust has been established between the two countries that should be rewarded.

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Why am I the only one not worried about this? First have we had any threats from the UAE? Second when did the Coast Guard relenquish control of the security of these ports? Third do you think that they are going to import the populous of their country to work the docks, or are the same guys from Brooklyn going to work the docks in NYC? Fourth is this really about oil, when the UAE controls so little of the worlds oil?

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Why am I the only one not worried about this? First have we had any threats from the UAE? Second when did the Coast Guard relenquish control of the security of these ports? Third do you think that they are going to import the populous of their country to work the docks, or are the same guys from Brooklyn going to work the docks in NYC? Fourth is this really about oil, when the UAE controls so little of the worlds oil?

You're not. There are plenty of us who can see through the spin.

A few points to those up in arms about this.

Michael Savage agrees with you. If that's not enough to make you realize how wrong you are......

Also, how loud would the left be screaming if Haliburton got into this business and got the contract?

Finally, why are the same people who fought like hell over fingerprinting and background checks for airport screeners, now supporting the profiling of an entire race?

Would this be an issue if a Dutch company was taking over?

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I think many of you are missing the comedy. Any story that puts Frist, Laura Ingraham, Hillary and Maureen Dowd against Bush and Carter is going to produce an interesting show!

So if you can, unplug your emotions and just enjoy the ride on this one.

:pint: :munchout:

gchwood, you're not the only one not worried.

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