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The Reason We Get No Respect......


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The last time I looked a one point victory counts the same as a 40 point victory in the win-loss column. I would take 16 one point wins. This team has 5 wins despite being at the bottom of the turnover ratio. That says something right there. This is a very good football team that just hasen't gotten many breaks to go their way. God knows the officiating has been terrible. A couple of calls here and there and we could very well be 7-2.

A bounce here, a bounce there, and (I know you know this) we're 2-7. This is NFL football. "Any given Sunday," "Anything can happen," "A game of inches" ... etc. etc. That's what makes it exciting, and nerve-racking as hell. So the breaks go your way sometimes, and sometimes they don't, but this team knows how to fight their tails off, and for that, I'm proud of them no matter what their record is after week 17.

As long as they get their **** together and win these next four games and put themselves in position to take the division.


:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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I don't think it's written anywhere that you're supposed to "dominate" teams that are at your level or slightly above...

We are one of two teams that have beaten Seattle. We were in control the entire game and let the best offense in the league rally...I'm OK with that.

We played relatively even with Dallas in Dallas all game (I'll grant you that the way we won was quite fortunate, but that doesn't mean we were horrible).

On the road we were unforced turnovers away from beating KC and Denver.

So, I'm not so sure why it'd be "held against" the Redskins that they haven't blown out good teams.

I consider Philly and TB pretty average (not at the level of the 4 teams above that I listed) and we outplayed Philly pretty much all game (minus one slip-up in the secondary). As for TB, we didn't play great, but we still held a lead in a hostile environment in the closing minutes.

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Last year we lost 7 games by 7 points or less. If we can turn some of those losses into wins, even by 1 point then we have improved. Winning the close games can make a season. As stated before, if we have a better turnover margin we would have a couple more wins under our belt.... you should be happy some stability and are improving.

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Hey, IrepDC, I'm with you all the way. To me, your post is spot on. I'm sick of keeping games close til the end. It's stupid because of many reasons:

(a) a questionable call (or calls) from the referees could easily turn the game - this involves terrible spots on running plays, holding penalties, etc.

(B) a turnover at the end of the game while trying to run out the clock could easily turn the game (Rock Cartwright against Kansas City, anyone?)

© simply trying to run out the clock and pin the opposing team against bad field position will NOT work with Derrick Frost punting

We need to simply go for the jugular in every game. I remember the 1991 season quite well, and I hope that Gibbs starts thinking back to those days and revising his playcalling. And I'm not buying this "Jack Burns calls the plays" stuff. Gibbs is calling those plays, largely with input from Bill Musgrave, who I wish had more input, honestly, in making the calls if Gibbs is going to be this conservative.

With Moss and Taylor "the phantom" Jacobs at wideout, we should be going downfield OFTEN, and not running that da&$ wide receiver screen or hitch, or whatever, 300 times a game. Take it deep, mix in some Cooley underneath, some passes to Portis and Betts. I'm definitely not saying abandon the run (I love Portis and Betts, and teams just can't seem to stop them), but we've got to air it out more often.

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You have to consider the very tough schedule the Redskins have had this year. No football team is going to blow out the caliber of teams we've played. Do you think we would have more blowouts and would be 5-4 if we had the Colts' schedule? Do you think the Colts would be 9-0 if they had our schedule?

A very tough schedule, a lopsided turnover differential, and a multitude of bad calls from the referees...and we are 5-4.

I think the Redskins should be commended!

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I am not asking for a 21 point victory. I'm asking for ONE victory where noone could doubt we are the better team. A 10 point victory would be nice. Right now, what the Skins are doing is playing down to there opponents or up in some cases. That is the only anwer because all of the teams we played this year were'nt on the same level but somehow we always play them close to the end. A solid team can blow out bumbs like the 49ers and defeat average teams like the Raiders by 10 or more.

i haven't read all of the posts, so sorry if this was said, but can anyone PLEASE acknowledge that the 49ers beat the Bucs the week before our game?

this either means two things - the bucs are bad and we lost to them, therefore we are bad OR the 49ers can pull it together for a win and people can't overestimate them or expect to blow them out all the time.

this "any given sunday" stuff is tried but VERY true. while it's fair enough to look at teams like the 49ers, cardinals, etc. as Ws, it is unfair to expect that we have to crush or dominate them.

people who were around here for Gibbs first tenure witnessed a LOT of these close call games where the Skins just ate up the clock and punted if they couldn't get anywhere (in the 4th). a lot of times it'd be by 3, or 7 points, that we would win in our playoff and superbowl years.

the superbowl patriots were known, for the last three years, as a close game team. rarely do even they (and especially not this season) crush a team underfoot.

gibbs style football, in situations where you are ahead by 7 in the fourth quarter with 3 minutes left, is RUN THE FOOTBALL. nothing is sure fire - hell, portis could feasibly get the ball knocked out and the other team returns it for a TD, but it's a hell of a lot less likely than what happened to Donovan on monday night.

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The reason we haven't won more games and won them in a more convincing fashion is our turnover ratio. Like Chris Cooley alluded to in the TB postgame. The difference in the first and second halves had nothing to do with adjustments and everything to do with turnovers. It's just that simple.

Bingo! We got a winner! Turnovers, turnovers, turnovers...we can't stress it enough. Most have not gone our way. When they did, we beat the division champs. It is the reason so many games have been close. Why do you think Gibbs has the guys sleeping with footballs and taking them to the supermarket and stuff?

Hail Skins!

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i haven't read all of the posts, so sorry if this was said, but can anyone PLEASE acknowledge that the 49ers beat the Bucs the week before our game?

this either means two things - the bucs are bad and we lost to them, therefore we are bad OR the 49ers can pull it together for a win and people can't overestimate them or expect to blow them out all the time.

this "any given sunday" stuff is tried but VERY true. while it's fair enough to look at teams like the 49ers, cardinals, etc. as Ws, it is unfair to expect that we have to crush or dominate them.

people who were around here for Gibbs first tenure witnessed a LOT of these close call games where the Skins just ate up the clock and punted if they couldn't get anywhere (in the 4th). a lot of times it'd be by 3, or 7 points, that we would win in our playoff and superbowl years.

the superbowl patriots were known, for the last three years, as a close game team. rarely do even they (and especially not this season) crush a team underfoot.

gibbs style football, in situations where you are ahead by 7 in the fourth quarter with 3 minutes left, is RUN THE FOOTBALL. nothing is sure fire - hell, portis could feasibly get the ball knocked out and the other team returns it for a TD, but it's a hell of a lot less likely than what happened to Donovan on monday night.

You nailed it long time follower this is Gibbs football you're not going to get a lot of blowouts he wins games 3-7 points uses the clock they have always played close to the vest.

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What are you stupid? You are not a SKINS Fan, get out of here. We will take it anyway we can get it.

Way to add quality to the discussion, foolio.

To the original post: We need better OL & DL play. If we could get pressure without blitzing, we would be the top defense in the league. Offensively we are inconsistant running the ball and we are letting too much pressure get to Brunell.

I think we are getting all that we can out of both lines. They aren't getting beaten by scheme, we just don't have the horsepower to do what we need to do. I still can't figure out how this is happening with our OL, though.

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First of all, at risk of sounding like a crybaby, the Redskins have had penalty calls which in short order cause them to fail at converting to a first down. Whether the penalties were deserving or not, this is the kind of challenges Coach Gibbs is trying very hard to avoid.

Turnovers is the other concern which we have yet to show we can dictate that part of the game.

Gibbs management is just this way: close wins. Gibbs wants the game to go down to the last moment where hopefully we have possession of the ball or our defense is in postion to prevent an opponents desperate charge up the field. The defense as you well know is the strength of this team. This management form seems logical to me.

Makes for an exciting game don't you think? Hail Redskins!

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well. dallas has barely won all their games, many of them extremely close comebacks they maybe should have lost, but they still get a hell of a lot more respect than the skins. i dont want respect. i wanna be the underdog and prove every1 wrong in the end. this team has the ability to make some doubtful commentators look VERY stupid

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Well our offense looked pretty good to me last week.

With victory on the line, we couldn't pick up a clock-killing 1st down on 3rd and 3 to SEAL THE DEAL.

We didn't deserve to win that game. Say what you will about the defense and the early turnovers.

With the game on the line, we couldn't pick up 3 yards.

We moved the ball up and down the field all day long but when it absolutely would have given us the W, we couldn't get 3 yards.

If we don't start finishing off opponents then we won't get into the playoffs.

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You have to consider the very tough schedule the Redskins have had this year. No football team is going to blow out the caliber of teams we've played. Do you think we would have more blowouts and would be 5-4 if we had the Colts' schedule? Do you think the Colts would be 9-0 if they had our schedule?

A very tough schedule, a lopsided turnover differential, and a multitude of bad calls from the referees...and we are 5-4.

I think the Redskins should be commended!

He's right. You say we get no respect because of how close our games have been. Do you realize that 7 or Dallas' games have come down to the last play of the game? Do you also realize that a team like the Falcons that gets a lot of respect, has beaten ZERO teams with a winning record?

You have to keep those things in mind.

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First of all you're right. But with exception.

There is a lot of parity in the NFL right now so its tough to beat other teams by 3 touchdowns and dominate them. They would have to quite bad honestly.

2nd of all, Joe Gibbs "system" is not going to allow for much of that. He runs the football for 7 minutes and if the other team scores ont their possession, then the Redskins want to run it again. THAT TAKES UP A LOT OF TIME.

3rd and most important, the Redskins are not that talented. Count the all pro players on their defense. none. Count the Redskins QB's who are going to the pro bowl. none. Count the Redskins offensive linemen going to the pro bowl. None.

This team is very light on Hawaii bound players. Typically , the teams that DOMINATE, send mucho players to the pro bowl both offense and defense players.

I think your dream of dominating other teams will only come when the Redskins trade, free agent, or draft players who can make the pro bowl....about 5 or 6 more of them.

Hold on - before the Patriots starting winning Super Bowls, there weren't a lot of marquee players on their team that went to the ProBowl consistently. And if there is one franchise I want to be like, it's the Patriots - hard working, team-first guys, the same types of guys Gibbs seems to be recruiting here in D.C. We won't need 5-6 more ProBowl type players - we need more players who won't make mistakes, who are reliable, who hustle, and who put the team first.

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First of all, I don't care about how Dallas has won their games. Or how you claim the Patriot dynasty won their games. We are not the Patriots or the Cowboys.

Secondly, I never said I want us to blow out every opponent or any opponent. I said we need to put teams out when we have the chance. I can understand playing down the wire with a good team but when a team isn't as good as us and we've had an opportunity to go fo the kill we've been sitting on the lead. The successful teams don't sit on leads. Everyone knows that if you let a team stick around they will eventually steal the game.

Since we want to compare ourselvelves to other teams ask the Eagles about sitting on leads. The same way they lost to Dallas is how we lose or almost lose. We get up. We get very conservative. If we drive down field we settle for field goals. It annoys me when I see it.

It also annoys me when our fans talk about us like we are still an average team. I have seen average and this team is not average. It seems like you guys get satisfied too easily. GREAT TEAMS NEVER GET SATISFIED! Never. If you win by 1 you aren't satisfied and if you win by 20 you are'nt satisfied. It sounds crazy but it is true. You never saw Bill Billichek(sp) smile in New England until they won the super bowl. It is because they expected to win. We want to get to that point where we expect to defeat good teams and we do it. We still have a bit of loser in our system in DC. This team is not losers. I see enogh talent for greatness. This team has potential to be great NOW so why not be.

I also noticed you all say no team turns it around in a year. How about Tampa when Gruden came. Or Pittsburgh when Big Ben came. Or Carolina when John Fox came. It doesn't always have to take 5 years to build a winner, if we have the talent now, which we do, we can turn it around now. In todays league you don't have 4 or 5 years to build a team anyway because by the 2nd year your losing key players.......Pierce.......Smoot.

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You are exactly correct. This team could very well be 7-2. Other than the Giants game which we never showed up for and with a few plays going our way we are 7-2. I understand it could also go the other way, but I also agree that a win is a win. With our lack of a pass rush and an ailing secondary we have a long way to go. I still have not gotten over our poor performance against a young QB last week. The Buc's game was a very important one and we blew it. I more than anyone hope that I am wrong, but I think we are still a year away from something great. Hopefully Coach Gibbs can keep this core of players together and fill our D line needs next year and we can turn this thing around. "GO SKINS"


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I have noticed that our team cannot beat any average to above average teams convincingly. Our one win that was by more than 7 was against the bumb 49ers. Every other win we have barely pulled off.

The Bears were nearing the redzone to take the lead in the 4th Qtr but Holdman tipped the pass for an INT. We squeeze out a victory.

We all know how we snuck out of Dallas with a W.

The Seahawks had a chance to win at the end but barely missed a FG. We again squeeze out a victory.

The Eagles were like inside the 10 before we got an INT. Yet again, this team barely wins the game.

When I really think about what this team has done this season I am not impressed. We have all of the talent and potential in the world but I still don't see a winning attitude. We still play to "be in the game" come 4th qtr and not to punish any inferior teams. There is no killer instinct on this team. We either play from behind or we get a lead and sit on it. When you play around with teams and leave the game open till the final drives of the 4th qtr like we've done, eventually those inferior teams will get a lucky bounce or call(like last week) and defeat us.

I do not want to be up by 1 point in the 4th qtr, with 2 minutes remaining, and our defense is trying to stop Collins, Moss, and Porter or Brees, Tomlinson, and Gates. We need to defeat these teams by 10 or more points to prove we are legit.

If anyone wonders why the media is always flip flopping on and off our bandwagon it is because we have not proven we are superior too ANY team this year except the 49ers. We could honestly be 1-8 off 4 plays total. For one game we need to defeat a quality opponent by double digits. The Raiders should be that opponent.

Now do people understand what I meant? We did the same thing today. We were up 13-3 and got satisfied. Instead of trying to pound the Radiers into the dirt we got conservative. That whole "I'll take a 1 point win" needs to stop because it is far too dangerous to play like that. It's one thin if we play our hardest and the game happens to be close, it's another thing if we're playing an inferior squad, get a lead, and sit on it(sound familiar?). I still think we have a great team but we still seem to HOLD BACK once we get the lead. Screw being classy Joe, our offense has shown they can light up the scoreboard(against a #1 defense mind you) so TRY to light up the scoreboard every game. Stop expecting our defense to protect the lead because, well, we all know by now that they can't.

I notice that some people on this site still blow off any off my posts because of my age but if you notice SOME of the stuff I say is actually true.

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