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The Reason We Get No Respect......


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I have noticed that our team cannot beat any average to above average teams convincingly. Our one win that was by more than 7 was against the bumb 49ers. Every other win we have barely pulled off.

The Bears were nearing the redzone to take the lead in the 4th Qtr but Holdman tipped the pass for an INT. We squeeze out a victory.

We all know how we snuck out of Dallas with a W.

The Seahawks had a chance to win at the end but barely missed a FG. We again squeeze out a victory.

The Eagles were like inside the 10 before we got an INT. Yet again, this team barely wins the game.

When I really think about what this team has done this season I am not impressed. We have all of the talent and potential in the world but I still don't see a winning attitude. We still play to "be in the game" come 4th qtr and not to punish any inferior teams. There is no killer instinct on this team. We either play from behind or we get a lead and sit on it. When you play around with teams and leave the game open till the final drives of the 4th qtr like we've done, eventually those inferior teams will get a lucky bounce or call(like last week) and defeat us.

I do not want to be up by 1 point in the 4th qtr, with 2 minutes remaining, and our defense is trying to stop Collins, Moss, and Porter or Brees, Tomlinson, and Gates. We need to defeat these teams by 10 or more points to prove we are legit.

If anyone wonders why the media is always flip flopping on and off our bandwagon it is because we have not proven we are superior too ANY team this year except the 49ers. We could honestly be 1-8 off 4 plays total. For one game we need to defeat a quality opponent by double digits. The Raiders should be that opponent.

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Youth is a beautiful thing. I'll help you gather your thoughts since I'm the expert, lol. Four plays could have us at 7-1 as well. You can't look at it that way. This team is the epitome of "heart" (winning attitude). If you play sports, which you allude to in your signature, then you understand that. Your comments don't reflect that though. This team has been in it to win it every game but NY. That’s pretty impressive. Sometimes that’s the way the ball bounces, especially in football. Stay positive young brotha'. I've been playing or following football for 15 years and this team is 2 players away from "GREATNESS." It may not happen this year, but this team, if it's core guys stay in D.C., will be a playoff contender for many years to come. You heard it hear first. I'll make sure to give the Raiders and Chargers hell at the games to give us a better chance. Keep the faith and remember a win is a win.


The Know It All :notworthy

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First of all you're right. But with exception.

There is a lot of parity in the NFL right now so its tough to beat other teams by 3 touchdowns and dominate them. They would have to quite bad honestly.

2nd of all, Joe Gibbs "system" is not going to allow for much of that. He runs the football for 7 minutes and if the other team scores ont their possession, then the Redskins want to run it again. THAT TAKES UP A LOT OF TIME.

3rd and most important, the Redskins are not that talented. Count the all pro players on their defense. none. Count the Redskins QB's who are going to the pro bowl. none. Count the Redskins offensive linemen going to the pro bowl. None.

This team is very light on Hawaii bound players. Typically , the teams that DOMINATE, send mucho players to the pro bowl both offense and defense players.

I think your dream of dominating other teams will only come when the Redskins trade, free agent, or draft players who can make the pro bowl....about 5 or 6 more of them.

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I am not asking for a 21 point victory. I'm asking for ONE victory where noone could doubt we are the better team. A 10 point victory would be nice. Right now, what the Skins are doing is playing down to there opponents or up in some cases. That is the only anwer because all of the teams we played this year were'nt on the same level but somehow we always play them close to the end. A solid team can blow out bumbs like the 49ers and defeat average teams like the Raiders by 10 or more.

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We don't need Pro-bowlers, we don't need blowouts, we just need W's anyway we can get 'em. Yeah it is annoying the way the mediots write us off every week, but when the playoffs come I don't give a damn what John Madden, Merril Hodge or anyone else has to say. I care about what are players do.

I don't remember who said this but it is in a frequent poster's signiture...

"Why are the Patriots praised for winning games in the last drive and the Redskins criticized for it." or something like that.

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It's as simple as this, we've only beat 1 team soundly (on the scoreboard) and that was the 49er's, every other game was close. Add to that the bad beat in NY and you're just not going to get a lot of respect. Personally, I don't really care, I just want to see the Skins win. Why people seem to get always worked up about what someone else thinks all the time is pretty amusing honestly.

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What are you stupid? You are not a SKINS Fan, get out of here. We will take it anyway we can get it.

:doh: No, I am actually pretty smart. Why does my I.Q. have anything to do with this. And how does me wanting us to win by double digits make me not a fan. THAT sounds kinda stupid to me. :doh:

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It is not really the bad press we get that bothers me. I don't watch ESPN anymore anyway(didn't pay cable bill). The fact of the matter is, when we allow every game to be close you get games like Tampa and Denver and Kansas City. Not that we could have blown them all out but you see my point. You allow a team to stick around they will eventually take advantage. I know we all say that we'll take the W however we can get it but the way we're playing now those W's can turn into L's very easily. If we have a couple more losses like Tampa you will get my point.

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It is not really the bad press we get that bothers me. I don't watch ESPN anymore anyway(didn't pay cable bill). The fact of the matter is, when we allow every game to be close you get games like Tampa and Denver and Kansas City. Not that we could have blown them all out but you see my point. You allow a team to stick around they will eventually take advantage. I know we all say that we'll take the W however we can get it but the way we're playing now those W's can turn into L's very easily. If we have a couple more losses like Tampa you will get my point.


Your signature.

Too much going on.

Turn it down a notch.


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Well Tampa, Denver and KC all allowed US to hang around too didn't they? The Skins got off to a dismal start Sunday and got behind, in more than just the score. A lot of other teams in the league might have folded up and mailed it in at that point. The Buc's D was really teeing off and coming after MB, and do a pretty good job of it yet the team held in there and battled back, not played but actually battled. They came from behind and hung 35 pts on the #1 D and Portis ran like a madman. Where in all of this did we do so poorly, where were we so mediocre as to inspire your post? I know it's difficult to have people tell you that you're too young to uinderstand things, that's not always the case but here it may be. Stay tuned, watch some more football and watch it closer, you may come to recognize just how much better the Skins have gotten and see the signs of incipient greatness. Trust me, we're all anxious for some big morale lifting blowouts, but JG is steadily working on more important things right now, like team spirit and heart, coordination and timing, those other things will come.

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The last time I looked a one point victory counts the same as a 40 point victory in the win-loss column. I would take 16 one point wins. This team has 5 wins despite being at the bottom of the turnover ratio. That says something right there. This is a very good football team that just hasen't gotten many breaks to go their way. God knows the officiating has been terrible. A couple of calls here and there and we could very well be 7-2.

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me thinks you are putting the cart before the horse.we (the skins) are learning how to fight the whole game and win.we do in fact lack some talent, especially on the d side of the ball. yet with what they have they are taking every team except 2 so far to the wall for the victory or lose. the fact is our margin for error is still very small so it doesn't atke much to put us in trouble and yet this team contiues to fight back. compared to last we are light years better, no , we are not were we want to be but are most definetly on the way. stay tuned and enjoy the ride. p.s don't be too concerned about the pundits and the media they are unfaithful wenches who prostitute themselves to the latest winner.

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Oh hogwash youngster :laugh: seriously though remember the Baltimore Ravens during their superbowl run they didn't exactly blow teams out and they made it to the superbowl they won a lot of games by 3-7 points. Look aat the world champs New England Patriots they do not dominate. In today's game you are not going to dominate plain and simple. As for luck all teams are lucky think not? It helps to be lucky you make some strong points however though it just not going to happen man, just be happy the team is winning a win is a win . As powerful as the Colts are they have had some dominating wins but they are not blowing people out week after week. You have to remember even if a team isn't doing good they still have good athletes on their side as well that's going to give it their all.

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Here is the real thing dude, we are comming off a series of seasons where we have not been able to stay in all the games to the end, and usually wound up on the losing end of things... The process isn't a quick transition, we are going from a crappy team from a couple years ago, to a team last year that was better than its record showed, to a team that is really learning how to win, to a team that in the next year or 2 will be what you are looking for.

Being only 17 I can tell that you haven't been able to watch the transitions like that for very long, but everywhere you look, when you see a new coach come in somewhere it hardly ever, if ever, turns around immediatly, part of the reason is personel. Gibbs doesn't have all the personel that he needs to win like that. We lost some very talented players last year, both because of money. The salary cap is restrictive, and we are also suffering from some injuries.

Basicly ppl don't want to insult you but when you come in here talking like you have watched the team for 30 years and are some kind of football Genius saying things that are blatently obvious, ppl are gonna react.

I feel sorry for kids like you who never got to live through any of the glory years of Gibbs first tenure with the team.

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Although our reputation with the media means nothing to me, I am worried about turnovers and knowledgable enough about football to know that we need some quality defensive line personnel and a reasonably fast, reasonably big wideout to eliminate these "cliffhanger" games you describe. Next draft, including some trades and some acquisitions in free agency may get us what we need to be the complete team we all want to be.

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I am not asking for a 21 point victory. I'm asking for ONE victory where noone could doubt we are the better team. A 10 point victory would be nice. Right now, what the Skins are doing is playing down to there opponents or up in some cases. That is the only anwer because all of the teams we played this year were'nt on the same level but somehow we always play them close to the end. A solid team can blow out bumbs like the 49ers and defeat average teams like the Raiders by 10 or more.

The reason we haven't won more games and won them in a more convincing fashion is our turnover ratio. Like Chris Cooley alluded to in the TB postgame. The difference in the first and second halves had nothing to do with adjustments and everything to do with turnovers. It's just that simple.

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